213 research outputs found

    Simple data analysis for biologists

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    This document provides a simple introduction to research methods and analysis tools for biologists or environmental scientists, with particular emphasis on fish biology in devleoping countries

    Dynamique spatio-temporelle des peuplements de poissons estuariens en Guinée : relations avec le milieu abiotique

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    Cette étude porte sur le peuplement de poissons de l'estuaire du fleuve Fatala situé en zone de mangrove sur une cÎte à forte pluviométrie (3500 mm d'eau/an) et à marnage important. L'échantillonnage, basé sur deux engins principaux (senne tournante coulissante et filets maillants), a permis de décrire la composition du peuplement, de mettre en évidence la variation de sa structure spatiale au cours d'un cycle annuel et de coupler la dynamique spatio-temporelle de ce peuplement à celle des principaux paramÚtres abiotiques du milieu. A cet effet plusieurs méthodes récentes d'analyses multivariées sont utilisées : Statis, AFC de Foucart, ACPvi. La répartition des principales écophases et les régimes alimentaires des espÚces dominantes en Fatala sont analysés afin de préciser les stratégies développées au sein du peuplement. Le compartiment ichtyoplanctonique est également évoqué. (D'aprÚs résumé d'auteur

    The Great Migration and Educational Opportunity

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    This paper studies the impact of the First Great Migration on children. We use the complete-count 1940 Census to estimate selection-corrected place effects on education for children of Black migrants. On average, Black children gained 0.8 years of schooling (12 percent) by moving from the South to the North. Many counties that had the strongest positive impacts on children during the 1940s offer relatively poor opportunities for Black youth today. Opportunities for Black children were greater in places with more schooling investment, stronger labor market opportunities for Black adults, more social capital, and less crime

    Reintroducing ecological complexity into highly managed catchments

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    Fish and Fisheries in the Sesan River Basin

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    Baseline survey.The present component of the project focussing on i) the Sesan Basin and ii) fisheries will: ‐ establish a fisheries baseline for the Sesan catchment, focussing on fish biodiversity, fish production, fisheries zoning, resource use and the fisheries sector; ‐ Identify ecological flows suitable for fish in the Sesan catchment (how much flow should be left for downstream fish production); ‐ contribute to the identification of a set of ecological sustainability principles which will guide multiple uses of water resources and riverine systems; ‐ assess the impacts of dam development on the fisheries sector (how much capture fish will be lost due to dam construction, how this loss can be mitigated, and how much fish can be produced from reservoirs)

    Managing for high reliability: The relationship of collective mindfulness and managerial communication with social-exchange perceptions, performance, and creativity

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    The modern world of work presents managers with a business environment marked by increasingly high levels of ambiguity. Succeeding within the face of such ambiguity requires a high degree of effective sensemaking and creativity within teams. High-reliability theory and related frameworks suggest a number of ways in which managers can successfully manage the unexpected, but these propositions have focused primarily on safety outcomes, have not considered the important role of managers as actors in this process, and have yet to be incorporated into the mainstream leadership literature despite their applicability. Addressing that void, this study proposes and finds preliminary evidence for a multilevel theoretical model integrating high-reliability theory and the leadership literature to examine relationships of team collective mindfulness and team manager openness with employee creativity among a sample of 100 employees nested within 20 teams. As such, these findings suggest distinct ways in which the tenets of high-reliability theory may apply in generalized management situations, while extending the theory to involve non-safety-related outcomes such as creativity. Practical implications of this study include the identification of communication styles that managers may use to encourage creative performance
