26 research outputs found


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    Succession planning is a very popular topic in all types of organizations nowadays and it is essential to the future survival of public institutes in Malaysia. Succession planning in public Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Malaysia is a new issue and the institutions do not actively engage in it yet. Sometimes succession planning has taken place in the institutions, but it is rarely practiced. This paper will give more attention to the implementation of current best practices of succession planning in the public HLIs in Malaysia and will propose a conceptual succession planning model based on the systematic literature review. The appropriate research method for this study is qualitative approach. This study will experience applying systematic literature and preliminary in-depth interview technique

    School improvement: A case from Bangladesh

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    A reflective paper

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    After graduating from the AKU-IED in 1998, I worked as the head teacher of a secondary school and am now working as the Program Officer with a team of PDTs for various schools. In both the roles, I got enough opportunities to work for programme development, teacher education and school improvement. I got opportunities to work in the school as a part of the school staff and I also got a chance to work for the schools as a part of the resource team. Based on the reflection of these experiences, I have drawn some lessons for school-based teacher educators. The lessons describe what knowledge, skills and attitude facilitate teacher educators in the field. My reflective paper will briefly describe the nature of my work in the field and the 12 lessons learnt. Each lesson will have a description of its importance with anecdotes and examples from my own experiences. At the end, the paper will also describe some recommendation for Teacher Education Institutes, especially for the AKU-IED for designing teacher education programmes

    Revitalising organisations’ emergency succession planning in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak

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    The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the need for emergency succession planning during the current covid-19 pandemic. Today, organizations cannot ignore the fact that their employees are their most valuable capital. The pandemic has spread like wildfire with serious consequences on multiple sectors, with most experts postulating that the world is facing the worst recession ever experienced. This pandemic has seriously impacted all businesses, with some permanently shut down like food and beverage, hotels and airlines leaving millions of people jobless on temporary or permanent layoffs. Some, on the other hand, are benefiting from this grim situation such as healthcare products like mask and glove manufacturing, and remote-conferencing services such as Zoom. In this situation, organizations must focus on key changes that can sustain business continuity. This pandemic has forced all organizations to relook and revitalise their emergency succession plan. This study is a review paper which will highlight the difference between long-term and emergency succession planning, the major challenges faced by all organizations and, suggests best options for preparing emergency succession planning during the pandemic crises. This study applies to all sectors of business

    Use of Misoprostol for Induction of Labour

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    Background: To find out safety and efficacy of Misoprostol in induction of labour at term in women with live fetus through vaginal versus sublingual route Methods: In this cross sectional study, total of 200 pregnant women at term (37-42 week) with live fetus were selected randomly for induction of labour with tab misoprostol. These women were divided in two groups with 100 women in each group. Misoprostol was administered in a dose of 50 microgram (1/4th tab),in group I through vaginal route and in group II through sublingual route. Maximum of three doses were given in 24 hours and resumed on next day if there was no improvement. Results: Number of doses of misoprostol used for induction of labour was less than two in 68% cases in group I and 78% cases in group II, while more than two doses were used in 32%cases in vaginal group and 22% in sublingual group. Administration to induction interval was less than 12 hours in 60% cases in vaginal group and 80% cases in sublingual group. Total duration of labour was less than 8 hours, seen in more cases of sublingual group than vaginal group i.e56% versus 40%. Vaginal delivery was achieved in 60% cases in vaginal group and 70%cases in sublingual group with rate of caesarean section 40% versus 30% respectively. Regarding fetal outcome, fetal distress and meconium stained liquor was seen in 26% and 24% cases in vaginal and sublingual groups respectively, showing no significant difference between two groups. However neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) admissions were more in vaginal group than sublingual group i.e. 30% versus 20%.There were 100% live births in both groups with ENND (early neonatal death)02% in each group. Maternal out come was good in both groups. Uterine hyperstimulation was seen in 02%cases in each group while only two cases of fever were seen in sublingual group. There was no case of post partum haemorrhage (PPH) and no maternal death in both groups.. Conclusion: Misoprostol is effective for induction of labour at term with live fetus, more through sublingual than vaginal route. Its safety and efficacy can be further ensured by using lower dosage regimes.


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    Gilgit-Baltistan possesses a complex history of crustal evolution and rich diversity of geological environments, and is favorable for various types of mineralization and production of gemstone all over GB. Two batholiths; Kohistan Batholith and Karakorum Batholith which are hosting gemstones mineralization. This investigation reveals that thirty-two precious and semi-precious stones are mined, 95% of the total gemstones produced in Pakistan come from GB. These varieties of gemstones come from 2150 mines which are in working conditions scattered all over GB and number of miners involved is 25000. Miners face problems like lighting, ventilation and drilling. They lack the basic safety equipment like helmets, mining shoes, gloves, googles and masks. Due to the fumes of explosives, miners are suffering from different diseases like Silicosis. The main gemstone-producing areas are Hunza valley, Sumayar (Nager Valley), Shengus and Haramosh (District Gilgit), Bulachi and Mir Malik (District Astore), Istak Nalah and Shiger Valley. The common gemstones mined are ruby, pargasite, spinel, corundum, sapphire, calcite, aquamarine, tourmaline, beryl, quartz, topaz, albite, microcline, apatite, fluorite, emerald, marganite, diopside, tanzanite, axinite, felsite, kunzite, emerald and garnet

    Histological development of human foetal shoulder joint

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    Background: Shoulder joint is a multiaxial, diarthrodial joint of ball and socket variety. The various components of shoulder joint i.e. capsule, various ligaments, joint cavity and synovial tissue start developing in early embryonic and foetal life roughly in between 6th to 12th week of foetal development. The present study aims to analyze the sequences of development of various structures of shoulder joint in human embryo and compare the findings with other observers to gain some insight regarding its development and an attempt is made to correlate these observations clinically to analyze cause and management of recurrent shoulder dislocations. Methods: Shoulder joints of 32 foetuses collected from areas in and around Jammu were dissected properly and decalcified in Gooding and Stewart’s solution. Sections were cut after obtaining blocks by paraffin wax embedding method. Slides were stained using Haematoxylin and Eosin, Masson’s trichrome and orcein staining and important findings were documented.Results: The bony structures - head of humerus and glenoid fossa and joint cavity appear by 10 weeks which prolongs into bicipital sulcus by 12-1/2 weeks. Synovial tissue appears by 10 weeks and synovial villi appear by 14 weeks. Glenoid labrum, capsular ligament, coracohumeral ligament and superior glenohumeral ligament are seen by 10 weeks. Middle glenohumeral ligament is seen at 12-1/2 weeks while inferior glenohumeral ligament is seen at 14 weeks. Tendon of biceps is seen at 10 weeks. Conclusions: By 10 weeks of gestational age various structures of shoulder joint develop in situ, resembling in form and arrangement as those of adults. From these early stages, development proceeds rapidly to achieve adult characteristics. There are no intermediate stages in between where structures similar to those of lower forms i.e. syn/amphi artroses appear temporarily.

    Prevalence of dry eye among paramedical students of Teerthankar Mahaveer University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: The prevalence of dry eye is 32% in India which is higher than global prevalence. Dry eye is not a disease but a symptom complex occurring as a deficiency and abnormalities of the tear film. Dry eye infection (DED) is perhaps the most pervasive visual sickness on the planet. The point of our investigation was to acquire the pooled pervasiveness of DED in students and investigate its expected relates. Methods: It was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based qualitative and observational study was conducted among the students of the paramedical college of Teerthankar Mahaveer university. The pre-validated questionnaire was divided into three main sections involving the demographic data including the information about gender, age, students studying stream in the second section the questions about general health and question related to dryness in the eye. Results: Out of a total of 40 participants, 65% (26) were male and 35% (35) were female with the average age of the participants was 21.40 with the average age 21.40. During day how often feeling dryness for this we got the responses of 15% (06) for never, 82.50% (33) for some time and 2.50% (01). Further we have assessed the about dryness in their eyes by presenting the question During day how often feeling dryness for this we got the responses of 15% (06) for never, 82.50% (33) for some time and 2.50% (01). Concussions: The finding that dry eye symptoms are particularly common in young adults is concerning, and warrants further study.

    Procjena i vrednovanje PM2.5 u vanjskom okolišu u odnosu na njegove zdravstvene učinke u industrijskim područjima u kojima se koristi mineralni ugljen

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    Atmospheric PM2.5 pollution, has shown potential impact on the human health in general, thus it requires to look into the chemical characteristics of PM2.5 masses for designing effective policies to reduce health risks amongst public under exposure. The study carried out, here, has presented the ambient PM2.5 concentrations, concentrations of chemical components and associated health risks over rural and urban environments in the area of mineral based coal-fired industrial areas of central India for a period of one year (2015–16). Overall 260 PM2.5 samples, collected from rural, urban and industrial sites, were analyzed for various elements Al, As, Ca, Hg, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, K, Cd, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sb, Na, Mg, K, V and Zn, ions such as Na+, Mg2+, K+, Ca2+, F–, Cl–, NH4+, NO3–, SO42– and carbonaceous matter. The annual average PM2.5 mass concentrations were found to be ~2 to ~6 folds higher than the annual National Ambient Air Quality standard (40 µg m–3). Further this study also evaluates, carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks associated with ambient PM2.5 exposures (via ingestion, inhalation and dermal). The elemental species that have shown non-carcinogenic risks for both children and adults of all three sites are: Co, Mn, Ni (rural), As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, V (urban and industrial sites). Similarly, the excess carcinogenic risks, in total, from Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb was found to be higher than acceptable limits (10–6 to 10–4).Onečišćenje atmosfere lebdećim česticama (PM2.5) pokazalo je potencijalni utjecaj na zdravlje ljudi općenito. Stoga je potrebno sagledati kemijska svojstva čestica PM2.5 kako bi se postiglo učinkovito smanjenje zdravstvenih rizika izložene populacije. U ovome radu prikazuju se rezultati studije koncentracija PM2.5 i koncentracija kemijskih sastojaka u lebdećim česticama za jednogodišnje razdoblje (2015.–2016.) koji su povezani sa zdravstvenim rizicima u ruralnim i urbanim sredinama u industrijskim područjima u središnjoj Indiji u kojima se koristi mineralni ugljen kao pogonsko industrijsko gorivo. Ukupno je analizirano 260 uzoraka PM2.5 s ruralnih, urbanih i industrijskih lokacija za različite elemente: Al, As, Ca, Hg, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, K, Cd, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se , B, Na, Mg, K, V i Zn, ione poput Na+, Mg2+, K+, Ca2+, F–, Cl–, NH4+, NO3–, SO42– i spojeve ugljika. Utvrđeno je da su prosječne godišnje masene koncentracije PM2.5 od ~2 do ~6 puta više od dopuštenih godišnjih vrijednosti prema indijskom Nacionalnom standardu kvalitete zraka (40 µgm–3). Nadalje, ova studija također ocjenjuje kancerogene i nekancerogene rizike za zdravlje povezane s izloženošću česticama PM2.5 u okolišu (putem gutanja, udisanja i dodira s kožom). Elementi koji su pokazali nekancerogene rizike i za djecu i za odrasle na sve tri lokacije su: Co, Mn, Ni (ruralno područje), As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni i V (urbano i industrijsko područje). Slično, utvrđen je povećan kancerogeni rizik za Cd, Co, Cr, Ni i Pb, koji je veći od prihvatljivih granica (10–6 do 10–4)