23 research outputs found

    May Artificial Intelligence Be a Co-Author on an Academic Paper?

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    Dear Colleagues, Recently, for an article submitted to the European Journal of Therapeutics, it was reported that the paper may have been written with artificial intelligence support at a rate of more than 50% in the preliminary examination made with Turnitin. However, the authors did not mention this in the article’s material method or explanations section. Fortunately, the article’s out-of-date content and fundamental errors in its methodology allowed us no difficulty making the desk rejection decision. On the other hand, similar situations that we may encounter later caused us to discuss how we would decide when the artificial intelligence support of the articles was written. The general opinion that we have adopted and currently available in the literature is that if artificial intelligence is used while writing an article, how artificial intelligence is used in the methodology should be written in detail. Moreover, we encountered a much more exciting situation during our evaluation. In a few academic studies, we have seen that artificial intelligence is added as a co-author. On July 06, 2023, in the Web of Science, using the advanced search, we found four articles with the author name ChatGPT [1]. We have determined that ChatGPT is the author in one of these articles [2] and the Group Author in three [3-5]. Lee [6] stated that although artificial intelligence tools are much more advanced than search engines, they cannot be an author regarding research ethics because they cannot take responsibility for what they write. Similarly, Goto and Katanoda [7] stated that it is the author’s responsibility to confirm that the texts written by ChatGPT are correct. However, Pourhoseingholi et al. [8] reported that keeping up with technology is inevitable. Additionally, they said that“this action will be more fruitful and practical in extended dimensions when international institutes like ICMJE or COPE come up with the appropriate adjustments and establish robust criteria to scheme the AI authorship”. Most probably, the use of artificial intelligence applications in scientific articles and whether it can be a co-author in these papers will be discussed soon. We encourage interested authors to submit their ideas to our journal as a letter to the editor. Yours sincerely

    The First Impact Factor of the European Journal of Therapeutics

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    Dear Colleagues, The statement made by Journal Citation Reports on 26 July 2022, it was reported that some important updates in the journal metrics will be published in 2023 [1]. The most striking of these changes was that the journal impact factor would now be calculated, including journals from the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). On 28 June 2023, the current metrics of the journals indexed in the Web of Science were shared by the Journal Citation Reports for 2022 [2]. As it is known, the European Journal of Therapeutics is indexed in the ESCI and is included in the Category of Medicine, General & Internal. Therefore, the impact factor was calculated for the European Journal of Therapeutics for the first time. According to the report recently announced by Journal Citation Reports, the impact factor of the European Journal of Therapeutics for 2022 is 0.3 (Fig. 1) [3]. In addition, the European Journal of Therapeutics ranks ninetieth among one hundred fifty-seven (90/157) in the Category of Medicine, General & Internal, and ESCI-indexed journals [4]. Although the first impact factor declared for the European Journal of Therapeutics is 0.3 is not a bad value, it is an inevitable reality that it should be better. On the other hand, in previous editorials [5, 6], it was reported that the articles accepted in the European Journal of Therapeutics were now published as Accepted / Early Views Articles quickly [6]. In addition, it was stated that the editorial team was enriched with many internationally important academicians in their fields [5]. Moreover, there will be various revisions and improvements planned to be made to the journal's publication policy in the near future. We think these improvements may play an essential role in increasing the impact factor of the European Journal of Therapeutics in the long term. Yours sincerel

    Editorial: From the Incoming Editors of the European Journal of Therapeutics (Eur J Ther)

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    Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to share the new issue (June 2023, volume 29, Issue 2) of the European Journal of Therapeutics (Eur J Ther). Furthermore, we are honored to be appointed as the New Editor-in-Chief and New Deputies Editor-in-Chief of Eur J Ther, the international publication of the Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine published since 1990. First, we would like to thank the previous Editor-in-Chief, Prof. M. Murat Sucu, and his team for their hard work during their tenure. They significantly increased its contribution to the field and international reputation by further developing the journal. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to all the editors, authors, referees, and technical team who have contributed to the journal since 1990, when our journal first started being published. Unfortunately, due to the change of publishing house, there were some technical problems and interruptions on the web page of Eur J Ther in the first few months of 2023. So, we regret to inform you that there are delays in the evaluation stages of some manuscripts sent to the journal. However, we would like to let you know that from now on, your valuable works submitted to Eur J Ther will be evaluated as quickly as possible. In addition, we would like to announce that all articles accepted for publication in our journal, which is considered an essential innovation, will be published on the web page of our journal as Early View / Accepted Articles in a short time. This innovation will expedite the citation process for your publications. As the New Editor-in-Chief and New Deputies Editor-in-Chief, we aim to increase the quality and visibility of Eur J Ther and to improve its indexes. We want to remind you that the journal’s target audience is researchers, physicians, and health professionals interested in or working in all medical and dental disciplines. Therefore, we request you submit your valuable research to Eur J Ther to contribute to the development and content of the journal. Sincerely yours

    Welcome to the December 2023 Issue (Vol:29, No:4) and Current News of the European Journal of Therapeutics

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    Dear Colleagues, In this editorial, we would like to share with you important developments in the European Journal of Therapeutics (Eur J Ther). First of all, as the editorial team, we would like you to know that we hold frequent meetings to benefit our esteemed colleagues and continue to work with great devotion in line with our goal of taking the journal further. We have previously shared with you that we have applied to many indexes. It is with great pleasure that we would like to inform you that in the last few months, more of our index applications have been approved. Index Copernicus, as a result of this application, the ICV 2022 value of our journal was determined to be 100 (approved 2023-10-31) [1] BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) (approved 2023-11-30) [2] Sherpa Romeo (approved 2023-09-27) [3] MIAR (approved 2023-10-16) [4] All indexes in our journal are currently included on the journal web page [5]. As the editorial team, we would like to inform you that we have determined a policy on this issue for our journal [6], taking into account the recommendations of important international ethics committees such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [7] and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) [8], which have recently become a trendy topic of discussion about AI chatbots and academic studies prepared with the support of such tools. As you know, when our journal was founded in 1990 [9], it was published in two yearly issues. It is an essential responsibility for us to carry our journal, which continued its publication life with three issues a year in 2009 [10] and four issues a year in 2014 [11]. With your valuable support, we would like to announce that we will increase our journal to 6 issues a year as of 2024 (February, April, June, August, October and December) with the rapidly growing progress of our journal. Unfortunately, we cannot share the names of the referees who made significant contributions to our journal in 2023 due to the changes in the article submission interface during the year and the inaccessibility of some data in the previous interface. However, we would like to emphasize again that we are grateful to all of them for their valuable contributions. Moreover, to expand our journal's referee list, we would like to remind you that competent academics who volunteer in this regard can fill out the “Become a Reviewer for the European Journal of Therapeutics” form [12]. Finally, we would like to point out that we have strengthened our editorial team with an academician competent in dentistry, Fatih Sari, DDS, PhD. Fatih Sari, DDS, PhD, is a new Editorial Board Member of the Eur J Ther. Dr. Sari is an Associate Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at the Gaziantep University Faculty of Dentistry. He is a Vice Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and Head of Clinical Departments. Dr. Sari is a prosthodontist and a member of the Turkish Dental Association. He has experience in implant-supported fixed prostheses, Cad/Cam applications and dental materials. We look forward to being able to offer you a large number of high-quality and valuable articles over the coming year. In addition, we would like to thank the readers, authors and reviewers of the Eur J Ther for their continuous support. Sincerely yours

    Primer Nokturnal enürezisli çocuklarda antidiüretik hormon, adrenomedullin ve total nitrit düzeyleri

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    TEZ3593Tez (Yandal Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2000.Kaynakça (s. 37-43) var.vi, 50 s. ; 30 cm.

    Davranış bozukluğu nedeniyle bir vakada 11. Kromozomun uzun kolunun kısmi delesyonu

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    Bu çalışmada davranış bozukluğu nedeniyle başvuran ve kromozom analizinde 11. kromozomun uzun kolunun 24. bölgesinde delesyon saptanan 10 yaşındaki bir -kız hasta sunuldu. Hastamızın bulguları literatürdeki 11. kromozom q2 delesyonu olan olgularla karşılaştırıldı.In this report we present a 10 year-old girl having behavioral disturbances and a deletion on the long arm of chromosome 11 involving the q24 region. We compare our patient manifestations to those associated with the distal Ilq2 deletion phenotype

    Malondialdehyde, nitric oxide and adrenomedullin levels in patients with primary dysmenorrhea

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to examine whether there was a relationship between primary dysmenorrhea and serum levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO) and adrenomedullin (AM) in young women

    The knowledge of doctors and nurses who are not working in clinics related with child health on breast feeding

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    yapıldı. Yöntem: Araştırma bir üniversite hastanesi ve devlet hastanesinde Nisan- Eylül 2006 tarihleri arasında yapılmış olup, örneklemini ise doğumhane, çocuk ve kadın-doğum servisleri dışında çalışan 200 hekim ve hemşire oluşturdu. Verilerin toplanmasında araştırmacıların geliştirdiği bilgi formu kullanıldı. Veriler SPSS for Windows 13.0 programında, Yüzdelik, Ki-kare, Fisher’s Exact, Kolmogorov-Simirnov Z testleri kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Araştırma bulgularında; araştırmaya katılanların %76’sının hemşire, %24’nün hekim olduğu ve %67,5’nin daha önce koruyucu sağlık hizmetlerinde çalışmadığı belirlendi. Araştırma sonucunda; araştırmaya katılanların yarısından daha azının öğrenim sonrası bebek ve çocuklarla ilgili kurs/sempozyum/seminerlere katıldığı belirlendi. Lisans ve lisansüstü eğitimi alan hemşirelerin ise lise ve ön lisans eğitimi alanlara göre; taurinin anne sütünde büyümeyi destekleyen önemli bir madde olduğuna daha fazla inandığı belirlendi. Anne sütünde; proteinlerin, yağların, laktozun ve kolesterolün miktarları konusunda, mama içeriğinden üstünlüğü ve ek gıdaya başlama zamanı hakkındaki bilgi düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında, meslekler arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlardan yola çıkarak; hekim ve hemşirelerin anne sütü ile ilgili kurs/sempozyum/seminerlere katılımı teşvik edilmesi ve Anne sütüyle ilgili değişen ve gelişen bilgilerden haberdar edilmesi, ayrıca hemşirelerin, teorik donanımlarını kolaylıkla ortaya koyabilecekleri uygulama alanlarının oluşturulması önerilebilir.Aim: Regardless of their department they work, all doctors and nurses were consulted for their experiences about every point on health due to being an health proffesional. Method: For this reason, this study is a descriptive study that aims to determine the knowledge of doctors and nurses who are not working in clinics related with child health on breast feeding. This study was performed in an university hospital and a national hospital between April 2006 and September 2006. The total of 200 samples were selected from doctors and nurses who were not study in delivery room, pediatric clinics or obstetric-gynecologist clinics. The datas were collected by a form that was developed by researchers. These datas were evaluated by percentage, chi-square, Fisher’s exact, Kolmogorov-Simirnov Z tests in SPSS for Windows 13.0. Results: In this study, it was determined that 76% of participants were nurse, 24% of participants were doctor and 67.5 % of participants hadn’t worked in a preventive (primary) health services. It was determined that less than half of participants had attended to course/seminar/symposiums after their education. Therefore, it was also determined that the nurses who were undergraduate or master students believed that taurin; is an importat molecule present in breast milk; supports the growth of babies more commonly than the nurses who were high school graduated. There was no difference between the professions in comparisions of levels of knowledge about the amounts of protein,lipid, lactose and cholesterol in breast milk, the superiority of breast milk over formula and time of beginning of additional nutrition. Conclusions: According to these findings, it can be suggested that doctors and nurses should be incited to participate in course/seminar/symposiums about breast feeding, they should be informed for new informations about breast feeding and it should be created practice areas where nurses can easily perform their theoretical knowledges