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    The aim of this prospective study was to investigate the arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis, which is considered the gold standard, and complete blood count (CBC) as a complementary test in neonatal calves with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) due to aspiration pneumonia. Ten healthy and 20 calves with ARDS due to aspiration of milk/colostrum were enrolled in the study. Clinical examinations were performed at admission. ABG analyses were performed to determine the presence of ARDS and investigate the extent of lung ventilation/damage. CBC analysis was performed from venous blood samples. Heart and respiratory rates and body temperature values were higher in diseased calves than healthy ones (p < 0.000). Arterial pH, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) and saturation of oxygen in arterial blood (SaO2) were lower (p < 0.001) in the diseased calves, while partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2) and lactate levels were higher (p < 0.000) than those in healthy ones. Also, leukocyte (WBC), lymphocyte, monocyte, granulocyte, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) levels were higher in the diseased calves than the healthy calves (p < 0.032). As a result of the correlation analysis, the only correlation was determined to be between PaO2 and WBC, which was moderately negative. As a result, it was observed that leukocytosis developing in respiratory diseases that cause severe inflammatory processes such as aspiration pneumonia was negatively correlated with PaO2 and could potentially exacerbate hypoxia, and ABG evaluation with CBC could provide useful clinical data in calves with ARDS due to aspiration pneumonia

    Evaluation of cardiac troponine i, d-dimer and nt-probip levels wıth echocardiographic examinations in different stages of canine visceral leishmaniasis

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    Araştırmanın hayvan materyalini 28’ i visceral leishmaniasis’li (VL), 7’ si sağlıklı olmak üzere beş gruba ayrılan toplam 35 köpek oluşturdu. VL ön tanısı, hastalıkla uyumlu klinik bulgulardan bir ya da birkaçını gösteren köpeklerin hızlı ELİSA prensibiyle çalışan test kitleri ve İmmun floresan antikor testi (İFAT) ile konuldu. VL tanısı konulan köpekler serolojik, klinik bulgular ile hematolojik ve biyokimyasal bulgular temelinde Leishvet Grubu tarafından bildirilen şekilde evrelendirilerek 4 farklı gruba (n=7) ayrıldı. Bu bağlamda araştırma grupları; 1. grup: evre I (hafif şiddetli olgular), 2. grup: evre II (orta şiddetli olgular), 3. grup: evre III (şiddetli olgular), 4. grup: evre IV (çok şiddetli olgular) ve 5. grup: sağlıklı kontrol şeklinde oluşturuldu. Evrelerine göre gruplandırılan VL’li ve sağlıklı köpeklerin 2 boyutlu M ve B mode ekokardiyografik incelemeleri gerçekleştirildi. Alınan kan örneklerinde evrelemeye ve kardiyak hasara ilişkin hematolojik ve biyokimyasal parametreler, idrar örneklerinde protein/kreatinin oranları (İPK) ölçüldü. Elde edilen verilerin karşılaştırması ve korelasyonlarının belirlenmesinde geçerli istatistiksel yöntemler kullanıldı. Klinik bulgular değerlendirildiğinde farklı gruplarda değişen sayıda olguda yüksek vücut sıcaklığı, lenfodenopati, kilo kaybı, onikogripozis, hipotrikozis, perioküler alopesi, deri lezyonları ve/veya epistaksis gözlemlendi. Çalışmanın V. grubundaki olgularda Leishmaniasise karşı ait üretilen herhangi bir Ig G antikor titresine rastlanılmamıştır. I. gruptaki olguların İFAT değerleri 1/64 iken, II. ve III. gruptaki olguların İFAT değerleri 1/128-1/512 arasında değişim göstermekteydi. IV. gruptaki olguların İFAT değerleri 1/1024 ile 1/16000 arasında titrasyon basamaklarına sahipti. Ortalama (± standart sapma) lökosit (WBC) değerleri açısından kontrol grubu (V.) ile diğer gruplar arasında (P=0.049), ortalama (± standart sapma) eritrosit (RBC) değerleri açısından evre III ve evre IV ile diğer gruplar arasında (P=0.001) belirgin farklar mevcuttu. Ortalama (± standart sapma) hemoghlobin (HGB) değerleri açısından evre I ile evre III ve evre IV arasında (P=0.008), ortalama (± standart sapma) hematokit (HCT) değerleri açısından evre I ile diğer evrelerdeki gruplar arasında (P=0.001); ortalama (± standart sapma) Ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonu (MCHC) değerleri açısından evre I ile evre III ve IV arasında (P=0.046) belirgin farklar mevcuttu. Serum kreatinin düzeylerinde ortalama (± standart sapma) serum biyokimyasal değerleri açısından evre IV ile evre I, II ve grup V arasında (P=0.008), serum total protein düzeylerinde, evre IV ile evre I, III ve grup V arasında (P=0.002), serum albümin düzeylerinde, evre IV ile evre I ve II arasında belirgin farklılıklar (P=0.004) belirlendi. Leishmaniasis ile enfekte (I.-IV.) grupların ve kontrol grubunun (V.) ekokardiyografi (EKO) muayenesinde LA/Ao (ortalama ± standart sapma) değerleri açısından evre IV ile diğer gruplar arasında belirgin (P=0.003) fark mevcuttu. İncelenen diğer parametrelerde [fraksiyonel kısalma (FS), ejeksiyon fraksiyonu (EF), sol ventriküler iç çap sistol (LVIDs) ve sol ventriküler iç çap diastol (LVIDd)] bireysel manada istatistiksel olmayan farklılıklar mevcut olsa da, genel değerlendirmede gruplar arası farklılık saptanamadı. Kardiyopulmoner belirteçler ele alındığında ortalama (± standart sapma) değerleri açısından cTnI düzeylerinde V. grup ile evre IV arasında ve evre I ile evre IV arasında (P=0.018), D-dimer düzeylerinde V. grup ile evre II, III ve IV arasında (P<0.01) ve N-terminal pro-beyin natriüretik peptid (NT-proBNP) düzeylerinde V. grup ile evre III ve IV arasında ve evre I ile evre III ve IV arasında belirgin farklılıklar (P<0.01) belirlendi. Kontrol grubu sağlıklı olguların tamamında idrarda kreatitinin proteine oranı (İPK) değerlerinin üst referans aralık olan 0,1’in altında olduğu saptanmıştır. İPK değerlerinin çalışmanın I. grubundaki olgularda <0,1-0,3, II. grubunda 0,5-1, III. grupta 2-3, IV. grubunda 5-10 arasında değişim göstermekte olduğu saptandı. Sonuç olarak Leishvet Çalışma Grubunun serolojik (İFAT titreleri ile hızlı ELİSA testleri), klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları [özellikle total protein (TP), albümin (ALB) ve İPK) değerlendirildiğinde 4 farklı grupta (evre I-IV) yer alan olgularımızda ekokardiyografik [sol atriyal genişleme LVIDs’de artma/azalma, LVIDd’de artma/azalma, FS’de ve EF’de azalma (sistolik disfonksiyon)] ile D-dimer, NT-proBNP ve kardiyak troponin I (cTnI) seviyesindeki artışların CVL’li köpeklerde dikkate alınması gerektiği söylenebilinir. VL’li köpeklerde intravital diyagnoza katkı sağlayan kardiyak değişikliklerin üzerinde önemle durulması ve gerekli ilave sağaltım protokollerinin uygulanması fayda sağlayabilir.A total of 35 dogs, comprising 28 with VL and 7 healthy were enrolled. Diagnosis of VL was established through dogs presenting one or some of the clinical signs in association with the disease condition, subjected to rapid ELİSA based test kits and immune fluorescence antibody test. Dogs diagnosed with VL, based on serological, clinical, hematological and biochemical findings, were classified into 4 different groups (n=7), as reported by Leishvet Group. Aforementioned research groups were as follows; 1. group: stage I (mild disease), 2. group: stage II (moderate disease), 3. group: stage III (severe disease), 4. group: stage IV (very severe disease) and 5. group: healthy controls. Dogs classified according to stages and to those of healthy ones were analyzed through electrocardiography at resting with 1 mV/cm amplitude and 50 mm/sn velocity, via 12 lead computerized electrocardiography as measured by records withdrawed digitally, echocardiographically by 2D M and B mode measurements. Withdrawed blood samples were analyzed according to stages and cardiac injury related hematological and biochemical parameters, and urine samples through protein/creatinine levels. Appropriate statistical analysis were used for matching evaluated data and correlation. Clinical findings were evaluated, were presented as elevated body temperature, lymphadenopathy, weight loss, onichogriphosis, hypotrichosis periocular alopecia, skin lesions and/or epistaxis with varying number of cases in different groups. There were no Ig G antibodies against Leishmaniasis in group V. In I. group IFAT values were deemed 1/64, whereas IFAT values were varying between 1/128-1/512. In group IV IFAT titers deemed 1/1024 ile 1/16000. Regarding mean (± standard deviation) WBC values among healthy control group (V.) and other groups (P=0.049), mean (± standard deviation) in terms of RBC vlaues significant difference (P=0.001) was found among stage III-stage IV and other groups. There were statistically significant differences for mean (± standart deviation) HGB values between stage I and stage III-stage IV ( =0.008), mean (± standard deviation) HCT values between stage I and other groups (P=0.001); mean (± standard deviation) MCHC values between stage I and stage II- stage IV (P=0.046). Significant differences were identified between stage I with stage IV and stage II with V. group at serum creatinine levels (P=0.008), stage I with stage IV and stage III with V. group at serum total protein levels (P=0.002), stage I with stage IV and stage IV with stage II at serum albümine levels (P=0.004) in terms of mean (± standard deviation). Regarding ECO examination of infected groups of dogs with leishmaniasis (I.-IV) mean (± standard deviation) LA/Ao value presented significant difference (P=0.003) among stage IV and other groups. Although there were insignificant individual differences regarding other parameters (FS, EF, LVIDs and LVIDd), overall evaluation did not present differences among groups. Significant differences were identified between stage I with stage IV and V. group with stage IV at serum cTnI levels (P=0.018), V. group with stage II, III and stage IV at serum D-dimer levels (P=0.005), V. group with stage III, IV and stage I with stage III, IV at serum NT-proBNP levels (P=0.000) when cardiopulmonary markers are considered in terms of mean (± standard deviation). In the control group, all the healthy subjects, UPC values were found to be below 0.1, the upper reference range. UPC values were varying between <0,1-0,3 in stage I, 0,5-1 in stage II, 2-3, in stage III, 5-10 in stage IV and <0,1 in healthy controls, respectively. In conclusion it may be suggested that establishing Leishvet Working Group serological (IFAT titers within ELISA tests), clinical and laboratory (especially TP, ALB and UPC) results, to those of dogs classified into 4 different groups (stage I to IV), echocardiographic [left atrial dilation, decrased/increased LVIDs, decrased/increased LVIDd, shortened FS and EF (systolic dysfunction)] along with CTnI, D-dimer and NT-proBNP elevations must be taken into account. Cardiac alterations supporting intravital diagnosis must be overemphasized and application of necessary additional treatment protocoles might be of beneficial

    Evaluation of acute phase response in cattle with naturally infected bovine ephemeral fever virus

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    Bovine ephemeral fever is an arthropod-borne viral disease that primarily affects cattle and causes economic losses mainly due to the sudden decrease in milk yield. We aimed to reveal the biochemical reflection of the acute phase response by detecting the changes in serum acute phase proteins in cattle naturally infected with the bovine ephemeral fever virus. The material of this study consisted of 21 Simmental dairy cows (4–6 years old) naturally infected with bovine ephemeral fever virus (infected group) and 10 clinically and serologically healthy Simmental dairy cows (control group). The prevalence of the disease in suspected cattle was 52 per 100. It was determined that in infected cows levels of serum haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (P ˂ 0.001), and ceruloplasmin increased significantly (P ˂ 0.05), whereas levels of albumin decreased significantly (P ˂ 0.05). It is thought that the acute phase proteins variation pattern for bovine ephemeral fever would be beneficial both in better understanding the pathogenesis of the disease and in determining the diagnosis and prognosis correctly

    Prevalence and molecular characterization of Giardia duodenalis in dogs in Aydin, Turkey

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and molecular characterization of Giardia duodenalis among dogs in Aydin, Turkey. A total of 473 faecal samples from dogs were collected. The overall prevalence of G. duodenalis was 18.8%. Higher infection rates were observed in dogs younger than threemonths old, from shelters, and with diarrhoea. Faecal samples of 89 dogs, diagnosed Giardia-positive by microscopy, were found positive by nested PCR. The -giardin nested PCR assay revealed assemblage B in all samples (100%), whereas 38 of the samples were mixed with assemblage A (42%). Sequence analysis of isolates indicated sub-genotypes A3 and B4 which have been previously detected in human isolates from Turkey. The results of the present study indicated the relatively high prevalence of giardiasis and the presence of the zoonotic sub-genotypes suggesting the important role of dogs as potential reservoirs of human infections.Adnan Menderes UniversityAdnan Menderes University [VTF-13009]This work was supported by Adnan Menderes University Research Projects Funding Unit [grant number VTF-13009]

    The efficacy of chloroquine treatment of Giardia duodenalis infection in calves

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of chloroquine treatment on cyst excretion in calves naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis. The calves were randomly assigned into two groups based on placebo (group I, n=7 untreated control calves) or treatment (group II, n=7 calves treated orally with 2.5 mg/kg chloroquine twice daily for five consecutive days). The G. duodenalis isolates were identified by molecular characterization with beta-giardin nested PCR and gene sequence analysis as assemblage A3. Cyst excretion was determined on days 0, 3, 7 and 10, before and after treatment. Geometric means of the number of excreted cysts did not change significantly in the control group during the trial. The reduction in cyst excretion after chloroquine treatment was 99% on day 3 and 100% on days 7 and 10. Chloroquine treatment is most probatly practically applicable, relatively inexpensive and highly effective against giardiosis in calves

    Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Giardia duodenalis in Calves in Turkey

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    Background: Giardia duodenalis (G. duodenalis) is an ubiquitous, flagellated intestinal protozoan with major public health significance worldwide. Limited data are available on the epidemiology of G. duodenalis in dairy cattle from Turkey. Determining the zoonotic potential of the Giardia infection requires molecular characterization. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and to molecularly characterize G. duodenalis in calves less than three months of age in Aydin, Aegean region of Turkey. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted on different dairy farms in the south-western part of the Turkey, Aegean Region, Aydin. A total of 198 Holstein Friesian calves less than three months of age, of both sexes were enrolled into the study. Faecal samples from each calf were collected manually from the rectum using a disposable latex glove. The consistency of collected samples was recorded as diarrhoeic or non-diarrhoeic. Diagnosis of G. duodenalis infection was made microscopically by detection of cysts in the faecal samples. One hundred and sixteen (58.5%) of the 198 faecal samples were diarrheic. Giardia cysts were found in 27 (23.28%) of the diarrheic samples and in 8 (9.76%) of non-diarrheic samples (P < 0.05). The overall prevalence of giardiosis in calves was determined as 17.67%. The prevalence of Giardia genotypes was identified by DNA sequence analysis of the beta-giardin gene for every PCR positive sample. The beta-giardin nested PCR assay was revealed assemblage A and sub-genotype A3 was detected in all of 35 samples (100%). Discussion: The highest prevalence of Giardia infection in calves is reported at the age between 1 and 6 months, and the prevalence shows decreased rate from the age of 6 months. The present study was conducted in Aydin, a province of south-western Turkey in the Aegean Region, and the overall prevalence from a total of 198 dairy calves was 17.67%. The prevalence rate in calves with diarrhoea was higher and reached up to 23.28%, whereas it was 9.76% in non-diarrhoeic calves. A prevalence study with molecular characterization of G. duodenalis isolates in cattle has not yet been reported from Turkey. Molecular studies have shown that mostly assemblage E predominates in cattle, but recent studies denoted that assemblage A is increasingly being detected and might be more widespread than expected before. In the present study, Giardia positive samples identified with a beta-giardin nested PCR assay. The sub-genotype A3 was identified in all samples. The same sub-genotype was identified in human and dog samples from different countries. Furthermore, sub-genotype A3 was found in humans and dogs from Turkey. In this context, results of the present study suggested an important role of calves as potential reservoirs of human infections in Turkey. In conclusion, epidemiological data revealed that G. duodenalis infection is frequent in calves with diarrhoea in Aydin, Turkey. The presence of the potentially zoonotic sub-genotype A3 and high prevalence of Giardia infection in diarrheic calves indicated the importance of treatment and necessary preventative measures. Further studies in human and animal populations living in this region are warranted regarding the zoonotic epidemiology of Giardia duodenalis