14 research outputs found


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    The government policy to stay at home and the application of virtual communication to some activities are new lifestyle changes that are becoming a trend in preventing the spread of this virus. as a result, a lifestyle that lacks activity cannot be avoided. In this case, maintaining body immunity by doing physical activity and maintaining nutritional intake is very important. The purpose of writing this article is that it can be used as a reference and source of health studies, especially during a pandemic. And most importantly, it can educate the public about the importance of health during the covid-19 pandemic. The method used is to examine several national and international literature sources. During the pandemic, the immune system is definitely demanded to stay awake, so that the virus that enters the body will be easy to defeat. Increased immunity can be obtained easily, simply by doing physical exercise regularly and regularly and fulfilling nutritional intake in the body. Although there is no definite theory that can explain it, many studies have proven that physical exercise and maintaining intake has the potential to increase the body's immunity to fight viral infections, especiallycCovid-1


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    Abstrak VO2 Max adalah volume oksigen maksimal yang di dapat oleh tubuh pada saat pengeluaran tenaga maksimal dalam latihan Heart rate adalah suatu gelombang yang akan dipompakan keluar jantung. Daya tahan dan denyut nadi seorang wasit sangat dibutuhkan pada saat di dalam lapangan, karena sangat mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri pada saat memimpin pertandingan. Salah satu komponen kondisi fisik yang menjadi tolok ukur kondisi fisik seorang wasit bola tangan adalah tingkat volume oksigen (O2) dan denyut nadi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan VO2 Max dan heart rate wasit bola tangan provinsi Jawa Timur. Sampel: Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang wasit yang ada di Jawa Timur sebanyak 15 orang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif, sedangkan proses pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan test MFT (Multistage Fitness Test). Hasil: Berdasarkan dari penelitian persentase dari 15 wasit dapat mengetahui nilai rata-rata VO2 Max wasit bola tangan yaitu 42,6 ml/kg/menit. Dari sebanyak 9 orang (60%) dengan kategori cukup baik, 2 orang (13%) dengan kategori baik, 4 orang (27%) dengan kategori buruk. Kemudian dari denyut nadi mengetahui nilai rata-rata 86,5 bpm, Dari sebanyak 10 orang (67%) dengan kategori buruk dan 5 orang (33%) dengan kategori dibawah rata-rata. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai VO2 Max memiliki kategori cukup baik, sedangkan nilai heart rate memiliki kategori buruk. Jadi dari nilai VO2 Max dan heart rate wasit bola tangan provinsi Jawa Timur masih memiliki daya tahan dan denyut nadi yang sangat kurang. Kata kunci: Wasit Bola Tangan, VO2 Max, Denyut Nadi Abstract VO2 Max is the maximum oxygen volume gained by the body at the time of maximum energy expenditure in training. Heart rate is a wave that will be pumped out of the heart. Endurance and pulse of a referee is needed when on the field, because it greatly influences confidence when leading a match. One component of the physical condition that measures the physical condition of the handball referee is the level of oxygen volume (O2) and pulse rate. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of VO2 Max capability and heart rate of the hand referee in East Java province. Sample: The subjects in this study were 15 referees in East Java. This research method uses quantitative descriptive methods, while the data collection process is carried out by performing the MFT test (Multistage Fitness Test). Results: Based on the study, the percentage 15 is the average value of the VO2 Max handball referee which is 42.6 ml / kg / minute. Out of 9 people (60%) in the good enough category, 2 people (13%) in the good category, 4 people (27%) in the bad category. Then from the pulse rate an average of 86.5 bpm, from as many as 10 people (67%) with a bad category and 5 people (33%) with a category below the average. The conclusion from the results of this study can be concluded that the value of VO2 Max has a fairly good category, while the value of the heart rate has a bad category. So from the value of VO2 Max and heart rate is East Java province handball still has very little endurance and pulse. Keywords: Referee Handball, VO2 Max, Heart Rat

    Tingkat Pemahaman Penanganan Cedera Oleh Pelatih Pada Sekolah Sepakbola (SSB) Se-kabupaten Nganjuk

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    Olahraga termasuk dalam aktivitas fisik yang tidak bisa lepas dari kehidupan masyarakat. Olahraga yang kurang tepat dilakukan dapat menyebabkan cedera pada tubuh. Dalam cabang olahraga sering terjadinya cedera olahraga, beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah faktor luar seperti fasilitas olahraga dan faktor penyebab dari dalam adalah cara latihan yang kurang tepat. Cabang olahraga sepakbola sangatlah sering terjadi cedera olahraga karena merupakan permainan body Contac. Cedera olahraga pada atlet bisa saja menurunkan performa pada atlet jika tidak ditangani dengan tepat, bahkan dapat menurunkan prestasi sebuah tim atau klub. Sebuah klub tingkat kabupaten jarang sekali dijumpai seorang terapis olahraga, oleh karena itu pelatih yang terjun untuk memastikan kondisi atletnya tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman penanganan cedera oleh pelatih pada sekolah sepakbola (SSB) Se-Kabupaten Nganjuk. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survei. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik berupa angket yang menggunakan tes soal multiple choice. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada pelatih sekolah sepakbola (SSB) Se-Kabupaten Nganjuk secara acak. Sampel yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data ini berjumlah 15 pelatih. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data berupa deskriptif persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui hasil tingkat pemahaman penanganan cedera oleh pelatih pada sekolah sepakbola (SSB) Se-Kabupaten Nganjuk memperoleh kategori Rendah sebesar 20% (3 pelatih), kategori sedang sebesar 80% (12 pelatih), kategori tinggi 0% (0 pelatih). Maka tingkat pemahaman penanganan cedera oleh pelatih pada sekolah sepakbola (SSB) Se-Kabupaten Nganjuk termasuk dalam kategori sedang karena mendapatkan hasil tertinggi 80% (12 pelatih) dengan kategori sedang. Adanya beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi yaitu faktor latar belakang pendidikan, minat belajar, umur, dan pekerjaan


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    Abstract Sports injuries are injuries that occur during sports. It can result from accidents, practicing poor exercise techniques, inadequate equipment, and overuse of parts of the body. Muaythai is a martial arts sport with a high risk of injury because the game's techniques is to fight with opponents in one ring. This study aims to determine the level of understanding of Muaythai athletes at the Surabaya Knockout club regarding the factors that cause injuries and the types of injuries that often occur in Muaythai sports. The research in this article is a quantitative descriptive study. The population in this study were adult athletes in the Muaythai sport at the Surabaya Knockout club. In this study, the total sample/census was 17 adult Muaythai athletes at the Surabaya Knockout club. The data collection technique used in this study is a questionnaire (questionnaire) distributed via Google Forms. The results of this study indicate that the average score on the injury-causing factor is 30.8 which the score is in a good category and the athlete's level of understanding of the types of injuries obtained an average score of 43.8 which the score is also included. in the excellent category. It can be concluded that the level of understanding of Muaythai athletes at the Surabaya Knockout club regarding injury factors and types of sports injuries is in a good category. Keywords: injury factor, type of injury, muaytha


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    Abstrak Permainan bolavoli merupakan cabang olahraga yang sudah memasyarakat, perkembangan kedudukan bolavoli ini sangat pesat hal ini terlihat dari semakin banyaknya jumlah kejuaraan dari tingkat daerah sampai tingkat internasional. Olahraga bolavoli mempunyai peranan penting dalam kehidupan modern ini karena olahraga ini bukan hanya olahraga rekreasi melainkan sudah merupakan olahraga prestasi sehingga banyak orang yang berminat untuk mengikuti olahraga ini. Bolavoli merupakan salah satu permainan bola besar yang mempunyai teknik dasar seperti passing, service, smash dan block. Bolavoli juga membutuhkan kondisi fisik, teknik, taktik dan mental dalam penerapannya. Salah satu teknik yang menunjang yaitu smash. Tetapi banyak atlet yang belum menguasai teknik smash dengan baik, dimana saat melakukan smash belum menghasilkan lompatan yang maksimal dan belum bisa terarah ke lapangan lawan dengan sangat cepat. Kekuatan otot lengan dan daya ledak otot tungkai merupakan komponen kondisi fisik yang dibutuhkan dalam penguasaan teknik smash bolavoli. Adapun tes yang digunakan untuk mengukur kekuatan otot lengan maupun daya ledak otot tungkai. Untuk tes kekuatan otot lengan menggunakan tes push-up, untuk tes daya ledak otot tungkai menggunakan tes vertical jump. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan daya ledak otot tungkai dengan akurasi smash dan kekuatan otot lengan terhadap akurasi smash. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Literature Review. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekuatan otot lengan dan daya ledak otot tungkai merupakan komponen kondisi fisik yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan smash. Penguasaan teknik dasar yang baik juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan atlet dalam melakukan smash bolavoli. Kata Kunci : Bolavoli, Daya ledak otot tungkai, Kekuatan otot lengan, Akurasi smash. Abstract The game of volleyball is a sport that has become popular in the community, the position of the development of volleyball is very rapid, this can be seen from the increasing number of championships from regional to internasional levels. Volleyball has an important roel in modern life because this sport is not only a recretional sport but is an achievement sport so that many people are interested in participating in this sport. Volleyball is a great ball game that has basic techniques such as passing, service, smash and block. Volleyball also requires physical, technical, tactical and mental conditions in its application. One of the supporting techniques is the smash. But many athletes have not mastered the smash technique well, where when they do the smash they have not produced a maximum jump and cannot be directed to the opponent’s fields very quickly. Arm muscle strength and leg muscle explosive power are components of the physical conditions required to master the volleyball smash technique. The test is used to measure the strenght of the arm muscles and the explosive power of the leg muscles. To test the strength of the arm muscles using the push-up test, to test the explosive power of the leg muscles using the vertical jump test. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the explosive power of the leg muscles with the accuracy of the smash and the strength of the arm muscles on the accuracy of the smash. The method used in this research is Literature Review. The results showed that the strength of the arm muscles and the explosive power of the leg muscles were components of the physical condition that greatly influenced the accuracy of the smash. Good mastery of basic techniques can also improve athletes’ ability to do volleyball smashes. Keywords: volleyball, leg muscle explosive power, arm muscle strength, smash accuracy

    Hubungan pengetahuan Anemia dan Pola Makan Mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan UNESA Angkatan 2020 Terhadap Kejadian Anemia

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    Nutritional problems that occur since adolescence will have the opportunity to cause anemia which affects cognitive development, productivity, performance, competitiveness and quality when studying and exercising. So in an effort to overcome this problem, the researches tried to find out how the conditional of anemia knowledge and the influence on the eating behaviorof the 2020 State University of Surabaya State University’s class of Sport Science Study Program Students.The methods used in this research methods and inferensial statistical data analysis. The population in this study is the 2020 class of Sport Science Students who are still studying in the Sport Science Study Program. The technique used for this study usessimple random sampling, so that the sample used is random without regard to the existing strata. From this study, there were 62,5% of respondents with knowledge of anemia in the good category, 29,2% in the fairly good category, and 83,3% of respondents have a eating behavior in the good category. Resulting in a correlation value, with an r value of 0.1434. It can be concluded that the knowledge of anemia owned by respondents is directly proportional to the eating behavior they have


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    Background: Football has a variety of techniques which are the main keys in the game, there are various techniques consisting of passing, controlling, shooting, and dribbling. Dribbling is a technique that aims to train the flow of the game where agility and speed are the main keys to getting through moving directions quickly and effectively. Objective: Based on this background, the aim is to determine the magnitude of the effect of ball feeling training and ladder drill training on dribbling agility. Method: In accordance with the core of the problem, this literature review is arranged through searches and searches of published journals using the appropriate variable keyword. Discussion:  Most of the result shown in the literature state that the agility factor can affect the ability to dribble. Conclusion: Shows that there is a significant effect that occurs between ball feeling training and ladder drill training on the agility of the player on the ability to dribble. Keywords: Ball Feeling Training, Ladder Drill Training, Agility, Dribbl


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    AbstractThe physical condition of athletes UKM handball daughter at the State University of Surabaya in every match susceptible to fatigue. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical condition UKM handball Women Athletes at the State University of Surabaya.The targets of this research is 14 female UKM handball athletes at the State University of Surabaya. Research conducted at the International Futsal GOR Surabaya State University. The research instrument used in this study is the Test Run 30M to measure speed, test Sit and Reach to measure flexibility, Illinois Agility Run Test to measure agility, Test Push-Up for measuring the strength of the arm muscles, tests Medicine Ball to measure the explosive power of the arm muscles and Multistage Fitnes Test to measure cardiac and respiratory endurance.The results of the series of tests showed that the average Tests Run 30M for 5:40 seconds into the category of being, on average Tests Sit and Reach of 37.96 cm fall into either category, the average Illinois Agility Test Run of 19.66 seconds in the medium category, average Test Push-Up of 34.43 times in the category of less, on average Test Medicine Ball of 3.62 m / s in the category of medium and average of 32.76 Multistage Fitnes Test O2 / kg / min in the category less.The conclusion from this study that the level of physical condition of athletes handball Women at the State University of Surabaya in the category of being with a percentage of 50% of the overall results of the physical condition of athletes UKM handball components daughter at the State University of Surabaya.Keywords : Physical Condition, handbal


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    ABSTRAK Proses menua merupakan sepanjang hidup yang tidak bisa dihindari, tidak hanya dimulai dari suatu waktu tertentu melainkan dimulai sejak permulaan kehidupan. Bertambahnya usia maka kerja sendi pun akan bertambah, terutama pada sendi-sendi seperti sendi lutut. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan ausnya tulang rawan bergeser, yang pada akhirya akan menimbulkan nyeri sendi pada lutut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam tera terhadap nyeri sendi lutut di posyandu lansia usia 60-69 tahun Kakak Tua Kelurahan Tandes Surabaya. Metode penelitian menggunakan one group pre-test and post-test design. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan Skala WOMAC. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah lansia di posyandu Kakak Tua RW 08 Kelurahan Tandes Surabaya dan memenuhi kriteria yang digunakan penelitian sebanyak 26 lansia perempuan yang mengalami nyeri sendi lutut. Program latihan pemberian perlakuan senam tera selama 6 minggu dengan 18 kali pertemuan, 1 minggu 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perhitungan uji “t” p = 0,00 < 0,05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa senam tera dapat memberikan pengaruh pada nyeri sendi lutut. Kata kunci: senam tera, nyeri sendi lutut, lansia, Skala WOMAC. ABSTRACT The aging process is a lifetime that cannot be avoided, not only starting from a certain time but starting from the beginning of life. Increasing age, the joints work will increase, especially in joints such as the knee joint. This can cause wear of the cartilage to shift, which in turn will cause joint pain in the knee. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of tera gymnastics on knee joint pain in the elderly posyandu aged 60-69 years Old Brother Tandes Surabaya. The research method uses one group pre-test and post-test design. Retrieving data using the WOMAC Scale. The sample in this study was elderly in the Posyandu of the Old Brother RW 08 of the Tandes Village in Surabaya and fulfilled the criteria used in the study of 26 elderly women who had knee joint pain. The training program provides treatment for tera gymnastics for 6 weeks with 18 meetings, 1 week 3 times. The results showed that the calculation of the test "t" p = 0.00 <0.05. It can be concluded that tera gymnastics can have an influence on knee joint pain. Keywords : tera gymnastic, knee joint pain, elderly, WOMAC scale


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    Aktivitas eksentrik berupa lari downhill dapat meningkatkan produksi ROS. Produksi ROS memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kerusakan otot. Kerusakan otot ditandai dengan peningkatan MDA dan sTnI. Peningkatan ROS dapat ditanggulangi dengan pemberian antioksidan berupa perasan jeruk manis Pacitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian perasan jeruk manis Pacitan terhadap MDA dan absorban sTnI serum setelah aktivitas eksentrik. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah true eksperimental laboratory dengan rancangan posttest only control group design. Sampel menggunakan tikus putih (Rattus novergicus) wistar, usia 8-10 minggu,berat badan 100-150 gram, jantan. Jumlah total 12 hewan coba, dibagi dalam kelompok kontrol (K0) dan kelompok perlakuan (K1) masing-masing 6 tikus putih. K0 dan K1 diberikan aktivitas eksentrik berupa lari downhill sudut -150 kecepatan 31cm/detik selama 16 menit. Setelah lari downhill, K0 diberikan aquadest dan K1 diberikan perasan jeruk sebanyak 7 ml per sonde. Setelah 4 jam (K0 dan K1) diambil sampel darah sebanyak 3 cc untuk pemeriksaan MDA dengan uji TBA dan sTnI dengan ELISA. Data diuji menggunakan uji t bebas menggunakan SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata MDA (nmol/ml) K0=0.968 ± 0,59; K1=1,847 ± 0,65 dan uji t bebas MDA p=0,035 yang berarti MDA kelompok kontrol lebih rendah dari kelompok perlakuan walaupun berbeda bermakna. Sedangkan rerata absorban sTnI (450 nm) K0=0,089 ± 0,02; K1=0,076 ± 0,02 dan uji t bebas sTnI p=0,271 yang berarti absorban sTnI kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah dari kelompok kontrol walaupun tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna. Dengan demikian perasan jeruk manis Pacitan tidak dapat untuk menurunkan MDA dan absorban sTnI setelah aktivitas eksenstri