23,984 research outputs found

    A time-domain fourth-order-convergent numerical algorithm to integrate black hole perturbations in the extreme-mass-ratio limit

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    We obtain a fourth order accurate numerical algorithm to integrate the Zerilli and Regge-Wheeler wave equations, describing perturbations of nonrotating black holes, with source terms due to an orbiting particle. Those source terms contain the Dirac's delta and its first derivative. We also re-derive the source of the Zerilli and Regge-Wheeler equations for more convenient definitions of the waveforms, that allow direct metric reconstruction (in the Regge-Wheeler gauge).Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Gravitational waves from black hole collisions via an eclectic approach

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    We present the first results in a new program intended to make the best use of all available technologies to provide an effective understanding of waves from inspiralling black hole binaries in time for imminent observations. In particular, we address the problem of combining the close-limit approximation describing ringing black holes and full numerical relativity, required for essentially nonlinear interactions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using general methods for a model problem, the head-on collision of black holes. Our method allows a more direct physical understanding of these collisions indicating clearly when non-linear methods are important. The success of this method supports our expectation that this unified approach will be able to provide astrophysically relevant results for black hole binaries in time to assist gravitational wave observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, Revte

    Four-nucleon scattering: Ab initio calculations in momentum space

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    The four-body equations of Alt, Grassberger and Sandhas are solved for \nH scattering at energies below three-body breakup threshold using various realistic interactions including one derived from chiral perturbation theory. After partial wave decomposition the equations are three-variable integral equations that are solved numerically without any approximations beyond the usual discretization of continuum variables on a finite momentum mesh. Large number of two-, three- and four-nucleon partial waves are considered until the convergence of the observables is obtained. The total \nH cross section data in the resonance region is not described by the calculations which confirms previous findings by other groups. Nevertheless the numbers we get are slightly higher and closer to the data than previously found and depend on the choice of the two-nucleon potential. Correlations between the AyA_y deficiency in \nd elastic scattering and the total \nH cross section are studied.Comment: Corrected Eq. (10

    Accurate black hole evolutions by fourth-order numerical relativity

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    We present techniques for successfully performing numerical relativity simulations of binary black holes with fourth-order accuracy. Our simulations are based on a new coding framework which currently supports higher order finite differencing for the BSSN formulation of Einstein's equations, but which is designed to be readily applicable to a broad class of formulations. We apply our techniques to a standard set of numerical relativity test problems, demonstrating the fourth-order accuracy of the solutions. Finally we apply our approach to binary black hole head-on collisions, calculating the waveforms of gravitational radiation generated and demonstrating significant improvements in waveform accuracy over second-order methods with typically achievable numerical resolution.Comment: 17 pages, 25 figure

    Placing regenerators in optical networks to satisfy multiple sets of requests.

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    The placement of regenerators in optical networks has become an active area of research during the last years. Given a set of lightpaths in a network G and a positive integer d, regenerators must be placed in such a way that in any lightpath there are no more than d hops without meeting a regenerator. While most of the research has focused on heuristics and simulations, the first theoretical study of the problem has been recently provided in [10], where the considered cost function is the number of locations in the network hosting regenerators. Nevertheless, in many situations a more accurate estimation of the real cost of the network is given by the total number of regenerators placed at the nodes, and this is the cost function we consider. Furthermore, in our model we assume that we are given a finite set of p possible traffic patterns (each given by a set of lightpaths), and our objective is to place the minimum number of regenerators at the nodes so that each of the traffic patterns is satisfied. While this problem can be easily solved when d = 1 or p = 1, we prove that for any fixed d,p ≥ 2 it does not admit a PTASUnknown control sequence '\textsc', even if G has maximum degree at most 3 and the lightpaths have length O(d)(d). We complement this hardness result with a constant-factor approximation algorithm with ratio ln (d ·p). We then study the case where G is a path, proving that the problem is NP-hard for any d,p ≥ 2, even if there are two edges of the path such that any lightpath uses at least one of them. Interestingly, we show that the problem is polynomial-time solvable in paths when all the lightpaths share the first edge of the path, as well as when the number of lightpaths sharing an edge is bounded. Finally, we generalize our model in two natural directions, which allows us to capture the model of [10] as a particular case, and we settle some questions that were left open in [10]

    Seeking for toroidal event horizons from initially stationary BH configurations

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    We construct and evolve non-rotating vacuum initial data with a ring singularity, based on a simple extension of the standard Brill-Lindquist multiple black-hole initial data, and search for event horizons with spatial slices that are toroidal when the ring radius is sufficiently large. While evolutions of the ring singularity are not numerically feasible for large radii, we find some evidence, based on configurations of multiple BHs arranged in a ring, that this configuration leads to singular limit where the horizon width has zero size, possibly indicating the presence of a naked singularity, when the radius of the ring is sufficiently large. This is in agreement with previous studies that have found that there is no apparent horizon surrounding the ring singularity when the ring's radius is larger than about twice its mass.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    Modeling Gravitational Recoil Using Numerical Relativity

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    We review the developments in modeling gravitational recoil from merging black-hole binaries and introduce a new set of 20 simulations to test our previously proposed empirical formula for the recoil. The configurations are chosen to represent generic binaries with unequal masses and precessing spins. Results of these simulations indicate that the recoil formula is accurate to within a few km/s in the similar mass-ratio regime for the out-of-plane recoil.Comment: corrections to text, 11 pages, 1 figur

    Making use of geometrical invariants in black hole collisions

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    We consider curvature invariants in the context of black hole collision simulations. In particular, we propose a simple and elegant combination of the Weyl invariants I and J, the {\sl speciality index} S{\cal S}. In the context of black hole perturbations S\cal S provides a measure of the size of the distortions from an ideal Kerr black hole spacetime. Explicit calculations in well-known examples of axisymmetric black hole collisions demonstrate that this quantity may serve as a useful tool for predicting in which cases perturbative dynamics provide an accurate estimate of the radiation waveform and energy. This makes S{\cal S} particularly suited to studying the transition from nonlinear to linear dynamics and for invariant interpretation of numerical results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, Revte