45 research outputs found

    Orphans and other vulnerable children : what role for social protection ?

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    Recent estimates have provided unprecedented numbers of orphans, and vulnerable children, either brought about because of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, or carriers themselves of HIV infections, a relentless growth which has precipitated a multifaceted care burden, that will too, grow for the next twenty years. This report records the proceedings of the Conference"Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children", which sought to promote awareness of the extent of this crisis, and, to probe the role of social protection in implementing a balanced response. The social protection framework for working with orphans, and vulnerable children shaped the conference agenda. Provision of appropriate risk management instruments is crucial for lasting poverty reduction, while programs to reduce the vulnerability of orphans, and other children, should play an integral role in any national development strategy, in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Building community capacity will constitute the centerpiece of any feasible response. Within a realistic framework, programs must spread, and scale up, to address the vast, and growing need.Street Children,Youth and Governance,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Children and Youth,Primary Education

    Relevance or Excellence? Setting Research Priorities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Settings

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    Background: Humanitarian crises are associated with an increase in mental disorders and psychological distress. Despite the emerging consensus on intervention strategies in humanitarian settings, the field of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in humanitarian settings lacks a consensus-based research agenda. Methods: From August 2009 to February 2010, we contacted policymakers, academic researchers, and humanitarian aid workers, and conducted nine semistructured focus group discussions with 114 participants in three locations (Peru, Uganda, and Nepal), in both the capitals and remote humanitarian settings. Local stakeholders representing a range of academic expertise (psychiatry, psychology, social work, child protection, and medical anthropology) and organizations (governments, universities, nongovernmental organizations, and UN agencies) were asked to identify priority questions for MHPSS research in humanitarian settings, and to discuss factors that hamper and facilitate research. Results: Thematic analyses of transcripts show that participants broadly agreed on prioritized research themes in the following order: (1) the prevalence and burden of mental health and psychosocial difficulties in humanitarian settings, (2) how MHPSS implementation can be improved, (3) evaluation of specific MHPSS interventions, (4) the determinants of mental health and psychological distress, and (5) improved research methods and processes. Rather than differences in research themes across countries, what emerged was a disconnect between different groups of stakeholders regarding research processes: the perceived lack of translation of research findings into actual policy and programs; misunderstanding of research methods by aid workers; different appreciation of the time needed to conduct research; and disputed universality of research constructs. Conclusions: To advance a collaborative research agenda, actors in this field need to bridge the perceived disconnect between the goals of “relevance” and “excellence.” Research needs to be more sensitive to questions and concerns arising from humanitarian interventions, and practitioners need to take research findings into account in designing interventions. (Harv Rev Psychiatry 2012;20:25–36.

    National plans and awareness campaigns as priorities for achieving global brain health

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    Neurological conditions are the leading cause of death and disability combined. This public health crisis has become a global priority with the introduction of WHO's Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders 2022–2031 (IGAP). 18 months after this plan was adopted, global neurology stakeholders, including representatives of the OneNeurology Partnership (a consortium uniting global neurology organisations), take stock and advocate for urgent acceleration of IGAP implementation. Drawing on lessons from relevant global health contexts, this Health Policy identifies two priority IGAP targets to expedite national delivery of the entire 10-year plan: namely, to update national policies and plans, and to create awareness campaigns and advocacy programmes for neurological conditions and brain health. To ensure rapid attainment of the identified priority targets, six strategic drivers are proposed: universal community awareness, integrated neurology approaches, intersectoral governance, regionally coordinated IGAP domestication, lived experience-informed policy making, and neurological mainstreaming (advocating to embed brain health into broader policy agendas). Contextualised with globally emerging IGAP-directed efforts and key considerations for intersectoral policy design, this novel framework provides actionable recommendations for policy makers and IGAP implementation partners. Timely, synergistic pursuit of the six drivers might aid WHO member states in cultivating public awareness and policy structures required for successful intersectoral roll-out of IGAP by 2031, paving the way towards brain health for all.</p

    National plans and awareness campaigns as priorities for achieving global brain health

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    Neurological conditions are the leading cause of death and disability combined. This public health crisis has become a global priority with the introduction of WHO's Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders 2022–2031 (IGAP). 18 months after this plan was adopted, global neurology stakeholders, including representatives of the OneNeurology Partnership (a consortium uniting global neurology organisations), take stock and advocate for urgent acceleration of IGAP implementation. Drawing on lessons from relevant global health contexts, this Health Policy identifies two priority IGAP targets to expedite national delivery of the entire 10-year plan: namely, to update national policies and plans, and to create awareness campaigns and advocacy programmes for neurological conditions and brain health. To ensure rapid attainment of the identified priority targets, six strategic drivers are proposed: universal community awareness, integrated neurology approaches, intersectoral governance, regionally coordinated IGAP domestication, lived experience-informed policy making, and neurological mainstreaming (advocating to embed brain health into broader policy agendas). Contextualised with globally emerging IGAP-directed efforts and key considerations for intersectoral policy design, this novel framework provides actionable recommendations for policy makers and IGAP implementation partners. Timely, synergistic pursuit of the six drivers might aid WHO member states in cultivating public awareness and policy structures required for successful intersectoral roll-out of IGAP by 2031, paving the way towards brain health for all.</p

    Integration of perinatal mental health care into district health services in Uganda:Why is it not happening? The Four Domain Integrated Health (4DIH) explanatory framework

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    The Sustainable Development Goals recognise mental health and well-being as a target area, however, mobilizing funding and prioritisation of the same remains a challenge. Perinatal mental health care has the potential for incorporation and integration across the overall maternal health agenda, and can be especially relevant for low- and middle-income countries in their overall health systems strengthening strategies. This study aimed at qualitatively situating the extent to which integration of perinatal mental health care into maternal health care was considered desirable, possible and opportune within the existing policy and service-delivery environment in Uganda. A total of 81 in-depth interviews and nine focus group discussions (N = 64) were conducted with a variety of national, district, health system and community-level stakeholders. Data were analysed thematically using theory- and data-driven codebooks in NVivo 11. Analysis of the desirability, possibility and opportunity for integrating perinatal mental health care within the Ugandan district health system, highlights that concerned stakeholders perceive this as a worthwhile endeavour that would benefit the communities as well as the health system as a whole. Based on these current realities and ideal scenarios, a tentative explanatory framework that brings together various perspectives – that is, the perceived nature of the health problem, local and national health system issues, alternative systems of care and support, and international global perspectives – was constructed. The framework needs further validation but already hints at the need for global, national and local forces to concurrently rally behind the inclusion and integration of perinatal mental health care, especially at the primary care level in low- and middle-income contexts. If the global health community is poised to achieve high quality, women-centered care and people-centered health systems across the lifespan, then the sustainable integration of mental health care into general health care, is a commitment that can no longer be delayed

    Social Capital and Mental Health

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