30 research outputs found

    Aflatoxin Problems in Poultry Feed and Its Raw Materials in Indonesia

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    Contamination of aflatoxins in animal feeds is one of a major problem in the development of poultry industry in Indonesia. Aflatoxins may lead to losses in animal productivity, aflatoxicosis and residue in animal products. A series of investigation on aflatoxin contamination in animal feed in poultry had been carried out at Research Institute for Veterinary Science (Balitvet) between 1984 to 1995. It showed that more than 80 % of commercial chicken feeds were contaminated by aflatoxin B1 (AFBI) within a wide range of concentration. Besides AFB1, other aflatoxins such as AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2 were also found. The level of AFB1 more than 200 ppb was found in 13.5 % out of 193 feed samples, whilst 23.3 % and 63.2 % of samples showed concentration 100-200 ppb and 400 ppb respectively. It had approved from the investigation that corn was the most frequent foodstuff contaminated by aflatoxins compared to other animal foodstuff. Most of corn used for chicken feeds appeared to be the major source of aflatoxin contamination, where it could be indicated visually in bad or good kernel appearance. The levels of AFB1 contamination seemed to be higher in the wet season (39.5 ppb) than in the dry season (19.5 ppb) as well as at the lower altitude (39.8 ppb) was higher than at the higher altitude (24.13 ppb). Based on this view, further studies are required to control of the aflatoxins problems in poultry feed in Indonesia.Key words: aflatoxins, animal feeds, poultr

    Anticipating the Emerging of Some Strategical Infectious Animal Diseases in Indonesia Related to The Effect of Global Warming and Climate Change

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    The effect of global warming and climate change is changing the season, included flooding in one area and very dry in other area, changing the temperature and humidity. These changes will trigger changing of the life of biological agent (virus, bacteria, parasites and so on), variety of animal species, variety of vectors as reservoir host of animal with the role of transmitting the disease to other animal species, This condition will trigger the new animal disease (emerging disease) or old disease will be re-emerged (re-emerging diseases). This paper will discuss the effect of global warming and climate change on animal diseases in Indonesia such as Bluetongue (BT), Nipah, Japanese encephalitis (JE), West Nile (WN), and Rift Valley fever (RVF). The climate changes such as increasing the earth temperature and rainfall will cause extremely increase of vector population for BT, JE, WN and RVF. In addition, animal transportation and bird migration from one country to others or region will cause changing of ecological system and will open the chance to distribute the diseases. Hence, anticipation on those disease outbreaks should be taken by conducting the surveilance and early detection to those diseases. The possibility of entering Nipah disease in Indonesia should be anticipated because the avaibility of Nipah virus and the reservoir host (Pteropus spp) and also pigs as amplifier host in the surrounding area. Other diseases such as, leptospirosis, anthrax and avian influenza (H5N1) are also have a wider potential to distributing the disease related to the climate change in Indonesia. Key words: Global warming, climate change, zoonotic diseas

    Pengaruh Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kemampuan Administrasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) (Studi pada Pelaksanaan DIKLATPIM III bagi Pejabat Eselon III di Lingkungan Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara)

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    Untuk dapat membentuk sosok PNS seperti tersebut di atas, perlu Pelatihan (Diktat) yang mengarah kepada upaya peningkatkan, sikap dan semangat pengabdian yang berorientasi pada kepentingan masyarakat, bangsa, negara, dan tanah air; kompetensi teknis, manajerial, dan atau kepemimpinannya dan efisiensi, efektifitas, dan kualitas pelaksanaan tugas yang dilakukan dengan semangat kerjasama dan tanggung jawab sesuai dengan lingkungan kerja organisasinya. Dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 101 Tahun 2000 tentang Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Jabatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil, antara lain ditetapkan jenis-jenis Diklat PNS. Salah satu jenis Diklat diperlukan dalam pembentukan kompetensi PNS untuk jabatan struktural eselon III adalah Diklatpim Tingkat Ill. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Tingkat III mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan kemampuan administrasi Pejabat Eselon III di lingkungan Pemerintah Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Pengambilan sampel melalui teknik acak stratifikasi secara proporsional (proportionate stratified random sampling), sebanyak 82 orang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi dan korelasi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Tingkat III meliputi: isi materi pelajaran, kualifikasi tenaga pengajar, ketepatan teknik dan metode pengajaran, fasilitas diklat dan kualifikasi peserta secaa bersama-sama memberikan kontribusi sebesar 69,2 persen terahadap peningkatan kemampuan administrasi para pejabat eselon III di lingkungan Pemerintah Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Faktor-Faktor lain di luar variabel Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Tingkat Ill yang tidak diukur dan tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi sebesar 30,8 persen terhadap peningkatan kemampuan administrasi. Faktor luar yang ikut menentukan tersebut antara lain faktor usia atau umur, tingkat pendidikan, masa kerja atau pengalaman kerja, minat, situasi kerja termasuk di dalamnya kerjasama atau hubungan antara bawahan dengan atasan, kondisi dan situasi kerja, sikap orang terhadap pekerjaan, pangkat/jabatan, kualitas pengawasan dan lain-lain

    Zoonotic Diseases Associated with Encephalitis

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    Outbreak of encephalitis, which killed more than 80 people in Malaysia, invited public attention throughout the world, especially  stakeholders  in  animal husbandry  and  veterinary  practices.  The  disease  was initially  diagnosed as Japanese-B- encephalitis (JE) which was transmitted to human from infected pigs. Recently, the causal agent of the outbreak has been identified as morbilivirus which was called Hendra-like Virus or Nipah Virus. Indonesia as neighboring country to Malaysia needs to take anticipation to prevent the occurrence of similar outbreak. For anticipation, it is required to understand all diseases, which cause encephalitis, especially the zoonotic diseases. From many infectious diseases of animal, only 17 diseases which are able to cause encephalitis, 9 of them are zoonotic diseases: Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE), Western equine encephalomyelitis   (WEE),   Venezuelan   equine   encephalomyelitis   (VEE),   Japanese-B-encephalitis   (JE),   Murray   valley encephalitis (MVE), Louping-ill, Rabies and Equine morbilivirus (EMV) and Nipah Virus. The viral agents and the mode of transmission to human are discussed in this publication. All those encephalitic zoonoses, except Rabies and JE, are exotic to Indonesia. So it is required to keep the free status of Indonesia to those diseases by strict quarantine measures. All imported animals to Indonesia should be confirmed free from those diseases based on the laboratory examination.   Key words: Encephalitis, zoonosis, nipah viru

    Studies on the susceptibility of ostriches (Struthio camelus) to the Indonesian velogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus

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    Susceptibility of ostriches (Struthio camelus) to the Indonesian velogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was evaluated by artificial infection . Twelve - 5 to 6 week old ostriches were divided into 3 groups each containing 4 birds . The first group was inoculated through respiratory system by dropping directly the virus solution into the nostrils, while the second group was inoculated through digestive system by dropping directly the virus solution into the oesophagus, with the dose of infection 106ELDSo (50%-embryo lethal dose) per bird . Meanwhile, the third group was treated as uninfected control . All infected birds developed antibody responses, but only two inoculated birds from the first group and two inoculated birds from the second group developed clinical signs of Newcastle disease (ND), with no specific pathological alterations . Infected birds, either sicks or healthy, excreted the challenge viruses through the respiratory system and still be detected up to the end of this experiment, ie . 15 days post-inoculation . The challenge viruses can be re-isolated from the brain, trachea, lungs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, small intestine, cecal-tonsil, and proventriculus of the infected birds . This study concludes that: (1) the ostriches are susceptible to the infection of the Indonesian velogenic strain ofNDV; (2) all infected birds developed immune responses, but only half of them develops el jtigi aj i disease ; (3) the infected birds excreted the challenge viruses for a considerable long time which may play role as the Mginiseti.ce ofinfectron the other healthy ostriches ; and (4) the challenge viruses can be re-isolated from various organs of the birds . .   Keywords : Newcastle disease vir4, 9strich, immune response, artificial infectio

    Pathological and biochemical changes in intoxication of mindi (Melia azedarach) leaf

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate pathological and biochemical changes in intoxication of mindi leaf (Melia azedarach) on skeletal muscle and myocardial tissues . Fifty two male Wistar rats weighing 140 g to 240 g were intoxicated in 20%; 25% and 40% diet of mindi leaf ad libitwn for 25 days . Clinical signs did not appear the intoxication of mindi leaf. Specific pathological changes were not found macroscopically except cachexia and paleness . Skeletal muscle lesions on the other hand, were consistently noted microscopically . There were degeneration, necrosis and fragmentation of muscle fibres ; enlargement of nuclei ; fibrosis; oedema and hyalination . The hyalination was prominent and appeared to be more. progressive two weeks after dosing . Following the skeletal muscle lesions, myocardial showed degeneration, necrosis and fragmentation of fibres ; enlargement of nuclei and hypercellularity . Regeneration of skeletal muscle developed on day-5 after the substitution of mindi diet by normal diet indicated by disappearing of hyalin tissues . But, myocardial appeared to be regenerated two days after the substitution of diet . Enzymatic activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALAI) and aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) were not affected. Both enzymes in treated animals were lower than the control . The substitution of diet showed an increased of enzymatic activities during the first two weeks of feeding then reduced at the subsequent weeks . However, these enzymes increased on day-3 after substitution and appeared to maximum followed by a reduction of enzymatic activities in week-4 . On the other hand, creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) was affected in which higher level was noted in treated groups than control . Substitution of diet has led to the reduction of cpc level on day-2 and appeared to reach the same level as in control group on day-21 . The control group was not affected either clinically, pathologically or biochemically . It remained normal throughout the experimental period


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    Penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2012 sekitar 235 juta orang dan diperkirakan akan menjadi 273 juta orang pada tahun 2025. Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk akan diikuti oleh meningkatnya kebutuhan pangan, termasuk pangan hewani. Sementara itu, luas lahan/daratan sebagai basis untuk memproduksi pangan tidak bertambah, bahkan cenderung berkurang karena konversi, abrasi, dan terendam akibat meningkatnya permukaan air laut sebagai dampak dari  pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim, serta kualitas sumber daya alam yang makin menurun. Konsumsi protein hewani penduduk Indonesia  sangat rendah (sekitar 6 g/kapita/hari) dan diperkirakan akan meningkat tajam apabila pendapatan penduduk terus meningkat, yang diprediksi  mencapai US$13.000 pada tahun 2025 sesuai target MP3EI 2025. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, Pemerintah perlu menyiapkan strategi  pembangunan peternakan jangka menengah dan panjang secara berkelanjutan dengan memanfaatkan ketersediaan sumber daya lokal. Dalam hal ini, selain mengeksplorasi sumber daya genetik ternak yang efisien dalam penggunaan pakan, juga harus dapat memanfaatkan bahan pakan berupa produk samping tanaman maupun industri pertanian yang tidak bersaing dengan bahan pangan. Kebijakan ini harus didukungdengan inovasi teknologi yang telah dihasilkan maupun yang perlu dikembangkan. Peningkatan produktivitas dan produksi ternak secara berkelanjutan dengan pola seperti ini dapat menghemat sumber daya alam sekaligus menekan emisi gas rumah kaca dalam rangka  mewujudkan konsep green economy

    Mycotoxin Contamination in the Food Chain

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    Mycotoxins contamination in animal feed is harmful to livestock and leads to residues, such as aflatoxin and its metabolites (aflatoxin M1, aflatoxicol, aflatoxin Q1 and aflatoxin P1) which are deposited in meat, milk, and eggs. The existence of mycotoxins has been widespread; and mycotoxin is the most important contaminant in the food chain because it has implications for human health. Mold growth and mycotoxin production mainly depend on the weather, such as warm temperatures (28-31°C) and high humidity (60-90%). Some types of mold can produce more than one type of mycotoxin and some mycotoxins can be produced by more than one species of fungi. Mycotoxins, especially aflatoxin, fumonisin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, deoxynivalenol, and T2 toxin present in feed and feedstuffs that have to be controlled. Mycotoxins are not only harmful to the health of consumers, but will also reduce the quality of the product that is contaminated, and cause economic losses. The risk of mycotoxin contamination in animal feed could be reduced by inhibiting the mould growth and toxin production, through crop rotation, using proper fungicides, and applying regulation of mycotoxins maximum limit in feed and food in order to prevent any danger to public health

    The Development of Japanese Encephalitis in Indonesia

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    Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a zoonotic viral disease which causes encephalitis in children (5-9 years old) . The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. The presence of JE virus, vector and reservoir host in Indonesia, will increase the concern of the possibility of JE outbreak in Indonesia. JE infection in human was reported by clinical and serological findings. Recently, JE case in Bali was declared as hyperendemic (usually sporadic) . In animals, JE infection has been confirmed by serology and viral isolation, while JE vector had been found in different species of mosquitoes by successful viral isolation from those mosquitoes. The prevention and control of JE are conducted by socialization about JE to the society, by cutting the JE transmission cycle (virus, vector and host), including pig farm relocation . The development of regional laboratories (facilities and human resources) to diagnose JE and the establishment BSL of 3 laboratory in the central laboratory institute to isolate the JE virus and to conduct further JE research on the role of animal in transmitting JE to human, must be conducted . Key words : Japanese encephalitis, epidemiology, diagnose, animals, huma