368 research outputs found

    Permanent magnets including undulators and wigglers

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    After a few historic remarks on magnetic materials we introduce the basic definitions related to permanent magnets. The magnetic properties of the most common materials are reviewed and the production processes are described. Measurement techniques for the characterization of macroscopic and microscopic properties of permanent magnets are presented. Field simulation techniques for permanent magnet devices are discussed. Today, permanent magnets are used in many fields. This article concentrates on the applications of permanent magnets in accelerators starting from dipoles and quadrupoles on to wigglers and undulators.Comment: 45 pages, presented at the CERN Accelerator School CAS 2009: Specialised Course on Magnets, Bruges, 16-25 June 200

    Problems faced by Independent Financial Advisers in the further enhancement of the market for Ethical Investments

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    Ethical investment is a small but growing market, particularly for retail Ethical Investment products. Within this sector of the UK financial market, Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) hold a key position placed as they are between consumers and suppliers, and have the potential to expand the market for Ethical Investment. It is suspected that several problems inside the market for Ethical Investment and the UK financial service sector are hindering the IFAs to do so. Hence, the purpose of this study was to discover the difficulties of Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) to develop further growth of the Ethical Investment market in the UK. The specific concern was to look at the challenges, but also the opportunities Ethical Investments have to offer for IFAs. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with ten experienced professional IFAs, with an average of 15 years each of advising on Ethical Investments. All the IFAs were based within UK advisory companies, representing a cross-section of sizes between 2 to 8000 people. The participants were each interviewed by telephone with a semi-structured questionnaire. The results revealed several problems IFAs face in their work, whereby the lack of demand from clients for Ethical Investments products is considered to be the biggest impediment to growth in the sector. Additional problems include a lack of transparency about what lies behind products, a limited choice of funds, and a lack of collaboration amongst partners in the investment chain. The provision of adequate training in Ethical Investments is considered as crucial to encouraging interest and development of this area amongst IFAs. A number of actions were suggested which could be undertaken by the actors inside the financial market to eliminate some of the barriers to Ethical Investment. These include the offer of a wider range of funds, a better service including information flow and communication from fund and service providers, and more marketing and promotion for Ethical Funds to raise awareness. Perhaps the most significant suggestion to help raise demand was to provide every customer with the option of investing in Ethical Investments, rather than only those who ask for it

    Multimodale Bereichsanfragen im Kontext von Routenplanern

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    Um eine Route zu planen, müssen Start, Ziel und eventuelle Zwischenpunkte bekannt sein. Sind deren Koordinaten nicht bekannt, jedoch andere Informationen, so könnten die Routenpunkte mit Hilfe dieser Informationen gefunden werden. OpenStreetMap bietet hierfür eine interessante Datenbasis, da Geo-Objekte oftmals nicht nur durch Text sondern auch durch strukturierte Informationen beschrieben werden. Ein Supermarkt besitzt dabei neben den Koordinaten noch den Namen, den Typ des Supermarktes sowie eventuell Öffnungszeiten, Internetadressen und mehr. Diese Informationen sollen in dieser Arbeit durch eine Suchmaschinen-ähnliche Texteingabe zugänglich gemacht werden. Die Suche nach textuellen Informationen soll hierbei unter anderem eine Suche nach Teilzeichenketten ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse der Suche können durch einfache Mengenoperationen miteinander in Verbindung gebracht werden, sodass eine einfache relationale Abfragesprache entsteht. Hauptanwendungsgebiet soll hierbei die Suche auf mobilen Geräten sein. Zu Vergleichszwecken wurde auch ein Programm zur Suche auf einem normalen Desktoprechner entwickelt

    Propagation of Coherent Light Pulses with PHASE

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    The current status of the software package PHASE for the propagation of coherent light pulses along a synchrotron radiation beamline is presented. PHASE is based on an asymptotic expansion of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral stationary phase approximation which is usually truncated at the 2nd order. The limits of this approximation as well as possible extensions to higher orders are discussed. The accuracy is benchmarked against a direct integration of the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral. Long range slope errors of optical elements can be included by means of 8th order polynomials in the optical element coordinates w and l. Only recently, a method for the description of short range slope errors has been implemented. The accuracy of this method is evaluated and examples for realistic slope errors are given. PHASE can be run either from a built in graphical user interface or from any script language. The latter method provides substantial flexibility. Optical elements including apertures can be combined. Complete wave packages can be propagated, as well. Fourier propagators are included in the package, thus, the user may choose between a variety of propagators. Several means to speed up the computation time were tested among them are the parallelization in a multi core environment and the parallelization on a cluste

    Novel Magnet Production Technique Used for an Elliptically Polarizing Undulator

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    A common problem for elliptically polarizing undulators EPUs is that the magnetic forces give a mechanical deflection in the magnet holder construction when changing the undulator phase. Gluing horizontally and vertically magnetized blocks together can increase the mechanical stability of the magnet holders. The gluing process of pairs of magnetized magnet blocks is time consuming, expensive and difficult to carry out with high positional precision. A novel magnet production technique has been developed where un magnetized pairs of blocks are glued together before magnetization. The large number of parts, the time for assembly, and the cost of the EPU can be reduced with the novel magnet production technique. The novel magnet production method has been used for a 2.6 m long EPU of APPLE II type, which has been built in house at the MAX IV Laboratory. The frame for the EPU is made of cast iron in order to get a small mechanical deformation when changing phase in the inclined mode. The paper includes detailed descriptions of the novel magnet production technique, including measurements of the magnetization, and the new EP

    Investments that make a difference- understanding impediments to growth in the Ethical Investment market

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    Ethical investment is a small but growing market, particularly for retail Ethical Investment products. Within this sector of the UK financial market, Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) hold a key position placed as they are between consumers and suppliers, and have the potential to expand the market for Ethical Investment. It is suspected that several problems inside the market for Ethical Investment and the UK financial service sector are hindering the IFAs to do so. Hence, the purpose of this study was to discover the difficulties of Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) to develop further growth of the Ethical Investment market in the UK. The specific concern was to look at the challenges, but also the opportunities Ethical Investments have to offer for IFAs. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with ten experienced professional IFAs, with an average of 15 years each of advising on Ethical Investments. All the IFAs were based within UK advisory companies, representing a cross-section of sizes between 2 to 8000 people. The participants were each interviewed by telephone with a semi-structured questionnaire. The results revealed several problems IFAs face in their work, whereby the lack of demand from clients for Ethical Investments products is considered to be the biggest impediment to growth in the sector. Additional problems include a lack of transparency about what lies behind products, a limited choice of funds, and a lack of collaboration amongst partners in the investment chain. The provision of adequate training in Ethical Investments is considered as crucial to encouraging interest and development of this area amongst IFAs. A number of actions were suggested which could be undertaken by the actors inside the financial market to eliminate some of the barriers to Ethical Investment. These include the offer of a wider range of funds, a better service including information flow and communication from fund and service providers, and more marketing and promotion for Ethical Funds to raise awareness. Perhaps the most significant suggestion to help raise demand was to provide every customer with the option of investing in Ethical Investments, rather than only those who ask for it

    Development of Advanced Magnet Structures for Cryogenic In Vacuum Permanent Magnet Undulators

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    Short period undulators and in particular in vacuum cryogenic permanent magnet undulators are the upcoming technique for FEL radiators, because they permit a significant reduction of linac and undulator length. For achieving high photon energies with low electron energies short period lengths, e.g. below lOmm permanent magnet structures are superior, due to their high surface current density of 16 kA cm as compared to electromagnetic or even superconducting devices. The geom.etrical to1erances scale with the period length. This requires new fabrication techniques and structure designs, particularly for sub cm period lengths. Salutions for these demands will be presented and results from a first prototype using various new technologies such as compound poles will be discussed and compared with common approache

    Die Krise der Hierarchie im Wandel der Kooperationsformen

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    Entwicklung des Einsatzes antimikrobiell wirksamer

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    6 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Müller-Bahrdt, Dagmar Entwicklung des Einsatzes antimikrobiell wirksamer Tierarzneimittel in Fütterungsarzneimitteln in Sachsen-Anhalt in den Quartalen 03/2000, 01/2001, 03/ 2001 und 01/2002 und einer ausgewählten Großtierpraxis im 1. Quartal 2002 Institut für Pharmakologie, Pharmazie und Toxikologie der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig 105 Seiten, 69 Literaturstellen, 9 Abbildungen, 64 Tabellen, 1 Anhang Der Einsatz antimikrobiell wirksamer Substanzen ist in der Veterinärmedizin ebenso notwendig wie problematisch. Einerseits sind sie ein wichtiges Instrument zur Gesunderhaltung und Therapie der Tierbestände, andererseits bergen sie die Gefahr, bakterielle Resistenzen auszulösen. Die von BTK/Argevet erarbeiteten \u84Antibiotika-Leitlinien\u93 stellen ein wichtiges Instrument zur Minimierung des Antibiotikaeinsatzes dar. Um ihre Akzeptanz und Effizienz zu prüfen, genügt nicht nur ein Resistenzmonitoring, sondern es ist auch die Erfassung des Antibiotikaverbrauchs bei den einzelnen landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierbeständen erforderlich. Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit war es, einen Einblick in das Verordnungsverhalten der Tierärzte Sachsen-Anhalts zu gewinnen, indem flächendeckend für dieses Bundesland der Einsatz von Fütterungsarzneimitteln als eine wichtige Facette der Arzneimittelverabreichung an eine große Anzahl landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere in vergleichbaren Zeiträumen analysiert wurde. Weiterhin sollte überprüft werden, ob aus den praxisüblichen und gesetzlich vorgegebenen Aufzeichnungen in einer tierärztlichen Hausapotheke das Verordnungsverhalten hinsichtlich der Antibiotika über den Einsatz in Fütterungsarzneimitteln hinaus auch für Fertigarzneimittel im notwendigen Umfang für ein Verbrauchsmonitoring erfasst werden kann. Dazu wurden die zentralisiert erfassten Durchschriften der Formblätter nach Anlage 1 TÄHAV für vier Quartale (01/2001 und 2002 \u96 03/2000 und 2001) über die Verordnung von Fütterungsarzneimitteln gesammelt und ausgewertet. Ferner wurde eine ausgewählte Großtierpraxis aus Niedersachsen mit hauptsächlichem Nutztieranteil im Verlauf des ersten Quartals 2002 mit Hilfe der Formulare der Anlagen 1 und 2 der TÄHAV auf ihren gesamten Antibiotikaverbrauch hin (sowohl Fütterungsarzneimittel als auch Fertigarzneimittel) untersucht. Es wurden 1181 Herstellungsaufträge bzw. Verschreibungen von Fütterungsarzneimitteln im Untersuchungszeitraum in Sachsen-Anhalt ermittelt. In der überwiegenden Mehrheit wurden Herstellungsaufträge (98%) erteilt. Sowohl die Anzahl der Verordnungen als auch die Menge der verbrauchten antibiotikahaltigen Arzneimittelvormischungen war über den gesamten Erhebungszeitraum mit monotoner Regression um 28,8% bzw. 44,5% rückläufig. Die Fütterungsarzneimittel wurden zum großen Teil bei Schweinen (95%) zu Therapiezwecken eingesetzt, wobei es sich meist um Jungtiere (89%) handelte. Hauptsächlich wurden unabhängig von der Jahreszeit Erkrankungen des Respirations- und Magen-Darmtraktes therapiert. Den größten Anteil an den Verordnungen hatten in allen untersuchten Quartalen Arzneimittelvormischungen, die Tetracycline beinhalteten. Entscheidend für den Rückgang der verordneten Antibiotikamenge war jedoch, dass der Einsatz von Chlortetracyclin im Untersuchungszeitraum sehr stark um fast 95% sank. Weder durch einen vermehrten Einsatz von Tetracyclin, noch von Tilmicosin oder anderen Antibiotika wurde der Rückgang des Chlortetracyclineinsatzes kompensiert. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass sich im Verordnungsverhalten der Tierärzte Sachsen-Anhalts im Untersuchungszeitraum ein deutlicher Wandel des Verordnungsverhaltens im Sinne der \u84Antibiotika-Leitlinien\u93 abzeichnete. Hierbei waren vielfältige Bemühungen erkennbar, mit den zur Verfügung stehenden antimikrobiell wirksamen Substanzen verantwortungsvoll umzugehen. Für eine weitere Verbesserung ist es allerdings erforderlich, zukünftig Diagnosen detaillierter zu stellen. Die in der ausgewählten Tierarztpraxis erhobenen Daten zeigen einen sorgfältigeren Umgang mit Antibiotika und belegen, dass mit der nach § 6,7 und 13 TÄHAV vorgeschriebenen Dokumentation eine Erhebung des gesamten Antibiotikaverbrauchs inklusive der Fertigarzneimittel tierartbezogen möglich ist. Allerdings kann anhand des AUA die Dosierungsgenauigkeit bei Fertigarzneimitteln nicht überprüft werden. Zur Auswahl des optimalen Antibiotikums in der therapeutisch wirksamen Dosierung wäre es wünschenswert, wenn eine einheitliche und vollständige Arzneimittelliste verfügbar wäre und alle Arzneimittelvormischungen eindeutige Bezeichnungen hätten, die jede Verwechslung bezüglich der in ihnen enthaltenen Wirkstoffkonzentrationen ausschließen. Kombinationspräparate sollten darauf geprüft werden, ob sie die Anforderungen, die an ein modernes veterinärmedizinisches Therapeutikum gestellt werden, erfüllen. In Deutschland kann zur Erfassung des Antibiotikaverbrauchs bei Nutztieren auf die vorhandenen Dokumentationen (AUA und Kopie der Fütterungsarzneimittelverordnung) zurückgegriffen werden, um tierartspezifisch den Einsatz und das Verordnungsverhalten zu ermitteln und mit bestehenden Resistenzmustern zu vergleichen. Ein hierfür zu schaffendes Monitoring erfordert neben der Erfassung der Warenströme von Antibiotika-Fertigarzneimitteln nach § 47 Abs. 1c AMG auch die zentralisierte Sammlung der Verschreibungen von Fütterungsarzneimitteln. Ferner ist ein repräsentatives Monitoringsystem der verordneten Antibiotika als Fertigarzneimittel in den Tierarztpraxen zu installieren. Dabei wäre es sinnvoll, sich auf bestehende Erfahrungen anderer europäischer Länder zu stützen.7 SUMMARY Müller-Bahrdt, Dagmar Development of administration of antibiotics in feeding stuffs in Sachsen Anhalt in the quarters 03/2000, 01/2001, 03/2001 and 01/2002 and in one selected veterinary practice in the first quarter of 2002 Institute of Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Toxicology University of Leipzig, Germany 105 pages, 69 references, 9 figures, 64 tables, 1 appendix The administration of antibiotics in veterinary medicine is necessary but ambignous. On the one hand it is an important tool for prevention and therapy of bacterial diseases of animal herds but on the other hand a risk exists to select bacterial resistance. The guidelines for prudent use of antibiotics published by BTK/Argevet are an important instrument to minimize the use of antibiotics. To check the acceptance and effciency of these guidelines it is not sufficient of only montoring of bacterial resistance, but also it is necessary to record consumption of antibiotics in individual farm animal populations. Aim of this study was to gain insight into prescriptions by veterinarians of Sachsen Anhalt. For this purpose the use of medicated feeding stuff as an important facet of medication to a large number of farm animals was analysed in a comparable time frame. Furthermore the records usually issued by veterinarians according to the legal regulations of veterinary dispensaries were checked for their validity to collect data for an appropriate montoring of antibiotic consumption. Therefore all centrally assembled copies of forms according to annex 1 TÄHAV for production of medicated feedingstuff were collected and evaluated for four quarters (01/2001 and 2002 - 03/2000 and 2001). Additionally in one selected veterinary practice located in Lower Saxonia with a mainly share of food producing animals the prescription of antibiotics was evaluated during the course of the first quarter 2002 using forms of annexes 1 and 2 of TÄHAV. This investigation included total consumption of antibiotics (as well as medicated feeding stuff and finished drugs.) 1181 production-orders and prescriptions of medicated feeding stuff were evaluated in the investigated time frame in Sachsen Anhalt. In the vast majorities (98%) production-orders were given. It could be demonstrated that the number of prescriptions as well as the quantity of consumed premix-drugs containing antibiotics continuously declined with monotone regression throughout the whole investigation period by 28,8% and 44,5%, respectively. Medicated feeding stuffs were used largely to the purpose of therapy in pigs (95%). Most of there pigs were young animals (89%). Independently from season mainly respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases were treated. Main share of prescriptions of all investigated quarters were premix-drugs containing tetracyclines. The reduction of the quantity of antibiotics prescribed was primarily caused by a strong decline of the use of chlorotetracycline by 95% throughout the investigated time frame. Neither increased consumption of other tetracyclines nor of tilmicosin sufficiently compensated for the reduction of chlorotetracycline. It was demonstrated that prescriptions of antibiotics by veterinarians of Sachsen Anhalt during the investigated time frame improved towards more prudent use as outlined in the antibiotic guidelines. In the future, however, more specific microbiological diagnosis is deemed necessary to optimise prescriptions. The data assembled in the selected veterinary practice indicate a more prudent use of antibiotics and prove the suitability of the documentation according to articles 6, 7 and 13 TÄHAV to monitoring the whole consumption of antibiotics including finished drugs in relation to the various animal species. However, the record of finished drugs (annex 2 of TÄHAV) does not permit to check the correctness of dosages used. For the future it is recommended to establish a complete list of veterinary drugs containing. Furthermore premix-drugs should be labeled with unequivocal trade names in order to veterinary avoid confusion of used concentration of active ingredients and thus to help the veterinarians to choose the best drug at the right dosage. Combination drugs should be tested to be compliant with requirements of modern veterinarian pharmacotherapy. In Germany, the assessment of consumption of antibiotics in farm animals can be based on the legally available documentation (according to the forms for prescription of finished drugs and medicated feeding stuff in TÄHAV) for species-specific evaluation of the antibiotic use and of the attitude of veterinarians to prescribe antibiotics as compared to the prevailing bacterial resistance patterns. For establishment of a monitoring system of antibiotic use not only the distrubtion of drugs to veterinarians should be recorded according the article 47 (1c) of drug law but also a centralized collection of copies of prescription orders for medicated feeding stuffs and a representative monitoring system for finished antibiotic drugs prescribed by veterinarians need to be implemented. It is necessary to establish a central drug classification for all member states in the EU. It seems to be useful to establish a system to monitor the application of antibiotics in animal farms for Germany to recognise trends of prescriptions and resistances. Expieriences other countries will be helpful to establish such a system. The system should be developed multidisciplinary in cooperation between pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies, veterinarians and farmers

    Hall Probe Bench for Cryogenic In Vacuum Undulator

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    The Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin HZB builds a 2m long in vacuum Hall probe measuring bench for the characterization of several in vacuum cryogenic undulators currently under development. Aceurate local magnetic measurements need a positioning control of about 5 Jlll. Fabrication tolerances and potentially strong temperature gradients require an active correction of the Hall probe movement along a straight line. The HZBbench employs a system of Iaser interferometers and positionsensitive detectors, which are used in a feed back loop for the Hall probe position and orientatio