8 research outputs found

    Star formation quenching in simulated group and cluster galaxies: When, how, and why?

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    Star formation is observed to be suppressed in group and cluster galaxies compared to the field. To gain insight into the quenching process, we have analysed ~2000 galaxies formed in the GIMIC suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. The time of quenching varies from ~2 Gyr before accretion (first crossing of r200,c) to >4 Gyr after, depending on satellite and host mass. Once begun, quenching is rapid (>~ 500 Myr) in low-mass galaxies (M* < 10^10 M_Sun), but significantly more protracted for more massive satellites. The simulations predict a substantial role of outflows driven by ram pressure -- but not tidal forces -- in removing the star-forming interstellar matter (ISM) from satellite galaxies, especially dwarfs (M* ~ 10^9 M_Sun) where they account for nearly two thirds of ISM loss in both groups and clusters. Immediately before quenching is complete, this fraction rises to ~80% even for Milky Way analogues (M* ~ 10^10.5 M_Sun) in groups (M_host ~ 10^13.5 M_Sun). We show that (i) ISM stripping was significantly more effective at early times than at z = 0; (ii) approximately half the gas is stripped from `galactic fountains' and half directly from the star forming disk; (iii) galaxies undergoing stripping experience ram pressure up to ~100 times the average at a given group/cluster-centric radius, because they are preferentially located in overdense ICM regions. Remarkably, stripping causes at most half the loss of the extended gas haloes surrounding our simulated satellites. These results contrast sharply with the current picture of strangulation -- removal of the ISM through star formation after stripping of the hot halo -- being the dominant mechanism quenching group and cluster satellites

    The environmental dependence of H I in galaxies in the EAGLE simulations

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    We use the EAGLE suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to study how the HI content of present-day galaxies depends on their environment. We show that EAGLE reproduces observed HI mass–environment trends very well, while semi-analytic models typically overpredict the average HI masses in dense environments. The environmental processes act primarily as an on/off switch for the HI content of satellites withM∗ > 109M_. At a fixedM∗, the fraction of HI-depleted satellites increase with increasing host halo mass M200 in response to stronger environmental effects, while at a fixedM200 it decreases with increasing satelliteM∗ as the gas is confined by deeper gravitational potentials. HI-depleted satellites reside mostly, but not exclusively, within the virial radius r200 of their host halo. We investigate the origin of these trends by focusing on three environmental mechanisms: ram pressure stripping by the intragroup medium, tidal stripping by the host halo and satellite–satellite encounters. By tracking back in time the evolution of the HI-depleted satellites, we find that the most common cause of HI removal is satellite encounters. The time-scale for HI removal is typically less than 0.5 Gyr. Tidal stripping occurs in haloes of M200 < 1014M_ within 0.5 × r200, while the other processes act also in more massive haloes, generally within r200. Conversely, we find that ram pressure stripping is the most common mechanism that disturbs the HI morphology of galaxies at redshift z = 0. This implies that HI removal due to satellite–satellite interactions occurs on shorter time-scales than the other processes

    Molecular hydrogen abundances of galaxies in the EAGLE simulations

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    We investigate the abundance of galactic molecular hydrogen (H2_2) in the "Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments" (EAGLE) cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. We assign H2_2 masses to gas particles in the simulations in post-processing using two different prescriptions that depend on the local dust-to-gas ratio and the interstellar radiation field. Both result in H2_2 galaxy mass functions that agree well with observations in the local and high-redshift Universe. The simulations reproduce the observed scaling relations between the mass of H2_2 and the stellar mass, star formation rate and stellar surface density. Towards high edshifts, galaxies in the simulations display larger H2_2 mass fractions, and correspondingly lower H2_2 depletion timescales, also in good agreement with observations. The comoving mass density of H2_2 in units of the critical density, ΩH2\Omega_{\rm H_2}, peaks at z1.21.5z\approx 1.2-1.5, later than the predicted peak of the cosmic star formation rate activity, at z2z\approx 2. This difference stems from the decrease in gas metallicity and increase in interstellar radiation field with redshift, both of which hamper H2_2 formation. We find that the cosmic H2_2 budget is dominated by galaxies with MH2>109MM_{\rm H_2}>10^9\,\rm M_{\odot}, star formation rates >10Myr1>10\,\rm M_{\odot}\,\rm yr^{-1} and stellar masses Mstellar>1010MM_{\rm stellar}>10^{10}\,\rm M_{\odot}, which are readily observable in the optical and near-IR. The match between the H2_2 properties of galaxies that emerge in the simulations and observations is remarkable, particularly since H2_2 observations were not used to adjust parameters in EAGLE

    GOGREEN: a critical assessment of environmental trends in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations at z ~ 1

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    Recent observations have shown that the environmental quenching of galaxies at z ∼ 1 is qualitatively different to that in the local Universe. However, the physical origin of these differences has not yet been elucidated. In addition, while low-redshift comparisons between observed environmental trends and the predictions of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations are now routine, there have been relatively few comparisons at higher redshifts to date. Here we confront three state-of-the-art suites of simulations (BAHAMAS+MACSIS, EAGLE+Hydrangea, IllustrisTNG) with state-of-the-art observations of the field and cluster environments from the COSMOS/UltraVISTA and GOGREEN surveys, respectively, at z ∼ 1 to assess the realism of the simulations and gain insight into the evolution of environmental quenching. We show that while the simulations generally reproduce the stellar content and the stellar mass functions of quiescent and star-forming galaxies in the field, all the simulations struggle to capture the observed quenching of satellites in the cluster environment, in that they are overly efficient at quenching low-mass satellites. Furthermore, two of the suites do not sufficiently quench the highest mass galaxies in clusters, perhaps a result of insufficient feedback from AGN. The origin of the discrepancy at low stellar masses (⁠M∗≲1010 M⊙), which is present in all the simulations in spite of large differences in resolution, feedback implementations, and hydrodynamical solvers, is unclear. The next generation of simulations, which will push to significantly higher resolution and also include explicit modelling of the cold interstellar medium, may help us to shed light on the low-mass tension

    The centrosome cycle: Centriole biogenesis, duplication and inherent asymmetries

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    Centrosomes are microtubule-organizing centres of animal cells. They influence the morphology of the microtubule cytoskeleton, function as the base for the primary cilium and serve as a nexus for important signalling pathways. At the core of a typical centrosome are two cylindrical microtubule-based structures termed centrioles, which recruit a matrix of associated pericentriolar material. Cells begin the cell cycle with exactly one centrosome, and the duplication of centrioles is constrained such that it occurs only once per cell cycle and at a specific site in the cell. As a result of this duplication mechanism, the two centrioles differ in age and maturity, and thus have different functions; for example, the older of the two centrioles can initiate the formation of a ciliary axoneme. We discuss spatial aspects of the centrosome duplication cycle, the mechanism of centriole assembly and the possible consequences of the inherent asymmetry of centrioles and centrosomes

    Centrosomes and cancer: revisiting a long-standing relationship

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