15 research outputs found

    Промивка водосховищ на р. Рось як засіб поліпшення якості води

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    The hydrochemical characteristics of the Ros river and factors affecting them are given. The advisability of reservoir flushing is shown, which allows to improve water quality in the river at the time when it is the worst.Наведено відомості про гідрохімічні характеристики р. Рось та чинники, що на них впливають. Показано доцільність промивки водосховищ, яка дає змогу поліпшити якість води в річці у період, коли вона є найгіршою

    Airborne DNA reveals predictable spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi

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    Fungi are among the most diverse and ecologically important kingdoms in life. However, the distributional ranges of fungi remain largely unknown as do the ecological mechanisms that shape their distributions. To provide an integrated view of the spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi, we implemented a globally distributed standardized aerial sampling of fungal spores. The vast majority of operational taxonomic units were detected within only one climatic zone, and the spatiotemporal patterns of species richness and community composition were mostly explained by annual mean air temperature. Tropical regions hosted the highest fungal diversity except for lichenized, ericoid mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi, which reached their peak diversity in temperate regions. The sensitivity in climatic responses was associated with phylogenetic relatedness, suggesting that large-scale distributions of some fungal groups are partially constrained by their ancestral niche. There was a strong phylogenetic signal in seasonal sensitivity, suggesting that some groups of fungi have retained their ancestral trait of sporulating for only a short period. Overall, our results show that the hyperdiverse kingdom of fungi follows globally highly predictable spatial and temporal dynamics, with seasonality in both species richness and community composition increasing with latitude. Our study reports patterns resembling those described for other major groups of organisms, thus making a major contribution to the long-standing debate on whether organisms with a microbial lifestyle follow the global biodiversity paradigms known for macroorganisms

    The searching constructing on modern development of experimental facilities and analytical achievements is a conceptual triune model

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    Запропоновано концепцію сільськогосподарського машинобудування у вигляді моделі, що передбачає створення нової і якісної техніки на трьох етапах на сучасному рівні розвитку технічних засобів. Наведено структуру кожного етапу та основні напрями їх реалізації, розвинуто методику, що дозволяє проводити динамічне моделювання гідромеханічних систем навісних сільськогосподарських машин.Conception of constructing of mobile and stationary hardwares is offered after the algorithm of model which foresees creation of difficult technique on three stages. The base of theoretical and empiric researches is developed for the classes of с/г machines with the most expressed signs of generuting of three-component dynamic factors of their loadings

    Chemotaxis of leukocites by inflammation

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    Проведений огляд літератури по механізмах хемотаксису лейкоцитів при запалювальних процесах. Дана повна характеристика хемотаксичних речовин та цитокинів-хемокинів, які активують рух лейкоцитів та їх еміграцію в тканини. Показаний процес руху лейкоцита - локомоції, пов'язаний з функцією актин-міозинового комплексу та опосредований спеціальними білками.In the paper the literature review by mechanisms Chemotaxis of the leukocytes in inflammatory processes has been done. A description of Chemotaxis substances and cytokine-chemokin, activating motion of leukocytes and their emigration in tissues. The processes of leukocytes motion- locomotion are connected with function of actin-myosin complex and stipulated by special proteins has been represented

    General and Clinical Pathophysiology : Workbook for medical stydents and practitioners

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    This workbook presents review questions and answers, explanations with practice examination and key answers for medical students according to the program of the Ministry of Public Healthe of Ukraine.Ця робоча книга представляє питання та відповіді, пояснення з практикою та ключові відповіді для студентів-медиків за програмою Міністерства громадського здоров'я Україн

    Oxidized LDL: Diversity, Patterns of Recognition, and Pathophysiology

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    Oxidative modification of LDL is known to elicit an array of pro-atherogenic responses, but it is generally underappreciated that oxidized LDL (OxLDL) exists in multiple forms, characterized by different degrees of oxidation and different mixtures of bioactive components. The variable effects of OxLDL reported in the literature can be attributed in large part to the heterogeneous nature of the preparations employed. In this review, we first describe the various subclasses and molecular composition of OxLDL, including the variety of minimally modified LDL preparations. We then describe multiple receptors that recognize various species of OxLDL and discuss the mechanisms responsible for the recognition by specific receptors. Furthermore, we discuss the contentious issues such as the nature of OxLDL in vivo and the physiological oxidizing agents, whether oxidation of LDL is a prerequisite for atherogenesis, whether OxLDL is the major source of lipids in foam cells, whether in some cases it actually induces cholesterol depletion, and finally the Janus-like nature of OxLDL in having both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. Lastly, we extend our review to discuss the role of LDL oxidation in diseases other than atherosclerosis, including diabetes mellitus, and several autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, anti-phospholipid syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 13, 39–75