17 research outputs found


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    Scurvy is a nutritional disorder which can develop after prolonged (>1-3 months) severe vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is a cofactor in several enzyme reactions involved in collagen synthesis. The defect in collagen causes blood vessel fragility, poor wound healing, mucocutaneous bleedings, hair abnormalities, bone pains, and joint contractures due to perios-teal and intraarticular bleeding (1,2). Risk factors for scurvy development are undernutrition, low socio-economic status, older age, male sex, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, and severe psychiatric illnesses (1-3). The required daily intake for vitamin C is ~60 mg, and this amount of vitamin C can be found in only one medium-sized orange. For this reason, the disease is rarely encountered in developed countries and is often underrecognized by healthcare personnel. Here-in, we present an illustrative case of scurvy in order to raise the awareness of this disorder


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    Scurvy is a nutritional disorder which can develop after prolonged (>1-3 months) severe vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is a cofactor in several enzyme reactions involved in collagen synthesis. The defect in collagen causes blood vessel fragility, poor wound healing, mucocutaneous bleedings, hair abnormalities, bone pains, and joint contractures due to perios-teal and intraarticular bleeding (1,2). Risk factors for scurvy development are undernutrition, low socio-economic status, older age, male sex, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, and severe psychiatric illnesses (1-3). The required daily intake for vitamin C is ~60 mg, and this amount of vitamin C can be found in only one medium-sized orange. For this reason, the disease is rarely encountered in developed countries and is often underrecognized by healthcare personnel. Here-in, we present an illustrative case of scurvy in order to raise the awareness of this disorder


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    Managing the right level of inventory is critical in order to achieve the targeted level of customer service, but it also carries significant cost in supply chain. In majority of cases companies define safety stock on the most downstream level, i.e. the finished product level, using different analytical methods. Safety stock on upstream level, however, usually covers only those problems which companies face on that particular level (uncertainty of delivery, issues in production, etc.). This paper looks into optimizing safety stock in a pharmaceutical supply considering the three stages inventory system. The problem is defined as a single criterion mixed integer programming problem. The objective is to minimize the inventory cost while the service level is predetermined. In order to coordinate inventories at all echelons, the variable representing the so-called service time is introduced. Because of the problem dimensions, metaheuristics based on genetic algorithm and simulated annealing are constructed and compared, using real data from a Croatian pharmaceutical company. The computational results are presented evidencing improvements in minimizing inventory costs


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    Managing the right level of inventory is critical in order to achieve the targeted level of customer service, but it also carries significant cost in supply chain. In majority of cases companies define safety stock on the most downstream level, i.e. the finished product level, using different analytical methods. Safety stock on upstream level, however, usually covers only those problems which companies face on that particular level (uncertainty of delivery, issues in production, etc.). This paper looks into optimizing safety stock in a pharmaceutical supply considering the three stages inventory system. The problem is defined as a single criterion mixed integer programming problem. The objective is to minimize the inventory cost while the service level is predetermined. In order to coordinate inventories at all echelons, the variable representing the so-called service time is introduced. Because of the problem dimensions, metaheuristics based on genetic algorithm and simulated annealing are constructed and compared, using real data from a Croatian pharmaceutical company. The computational results are presented evidencing improvements in minimizing inventory costs


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    Malnutrition causes substantial morbidity in maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients. The Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) has emerged as a simple and an easily obtainable tool to comprehensively assess nutrition as it consists of serum albumin levels, absolute lymphocyte counts, and total cholesterol levels. The CONUT has been shown to predict overall survival (OS) in peritoneal dialysis patients. This study investigated whether CONUT might also predict OS in maintenance HD patients. Clinical and laboratory data were retrospectively collected. Survival time was calculated from the fi rst HD until death or last follow-up; survival analyses were performed using the methods of Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis. Eighty-nine patients were included; mean age was 65.76 years (Ā±14), 35 (39.3%) were female, and the mean CONUT was 3. Higher CONUT score correlated with lower low-density liproprotein, higher serum creatinine, higher serum C-reactive protein and higher neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, as well as with a higher incidence of nephrotic proteinuria (p<0.050 for all analyses). Univariately, patients with higher CONUT (ā‰„5) had an inferior OS (median 54 vs. 112 months, HR 2.27; p=0.013). In the Cox regression analysis, higher CONUT remained independently associated with inferior OS (HR 9.50; p=0.002) when adjusted to age, sex, diabetes mellitus and nephrotic proteinuria. Therefore, the CONUT score might identify HD patients at an increased risk of death; however, future studies are needed to elucidate whether CONUT score might be able to guide nutritional support in HD patients.Pothranjenost uzrokuje značajan pobol i smrtnost bolesnika na hemodijalizi (HD). Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) je jednostavan nutritivni zbroj koji cjelovito procjenjuje uhranjenost, a sastoji se od serumske koncentracije albumina, apsolutnog broja limfocita i koncentracije serumskog kolesterola. Ova unicentrična retrospektivna studija analizirala je prediktivnu sposobnost zbroja CONUT da procijeni preživljenje bolesnika na HD. Ukupno preživljenje mjereno je kao vrijeme od prve HD do smrti ili posljednjeg pregleda bolesnika, a krivulje preživljenja uspoređene su Kaplan-Meirovom metodom, dok je Coxova regresijska metoda primijenjena u multivarijatnim analizama. Uključeno je 89 bolesnika, od toga 35 (39,3 %) žena; srednja dob bila je 65,76 godina (Ā±14). Srednji zbroj CONUT bio je 3. ViÅ”i zbroj CONUT korelirao je s nižim koncentracijama serumskog lipoproteina niske gustoće, viÅ”im serumskim kreatininom, viÅ”im serumskim C-reaktivnim proteinom i viÅ”im omjerom neutrofi la/limfocita, kao i s većom učestaloŔću nefrotske proteinurije (p<0,050 za sve analize). U univarijatnoj analizi je viÅ”i zbroj CONUT (ā‰„5) bio povezan s loÅ”ijim preživljenjem (medijan 54 prema 112 mjeseci, HR 2,27; p=0,013). U multivarijatnoj Coxovoj regresijskoj analizi je viÅ”i CONUT ostao nezavisno povezan s loÅ”ijim preživljenjem (HR 9,50; p=0,002) kada je bio ispravljen za dob, spol, Å”ećernu bolest i nefrotsku proteinuriju. Zaključno, zbroj CONUT može identifi cirati bolesnike na HD s poviÅ”enim rizikom od smrti. Potrebne su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se analizirala sposobnost zbroja CONUT da usmjeri nutritivnu potporu u bolesnika na HD

    Vrijednosti hematoloŔkih pokazatelja u pasa liječenih supkonjunktivalnom primjenom staničnog alografta.

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    The cornea, as a source for obtaining stem cells, is a good medium for their use in veterinary ophthalmology. In this research, we used dogs which had been diagnosed with extensive, chronic thinning of the central cornea (vertex corneae) generated due to complicated mechanical damage to the corneae pannosa. The goal of this study was to test whether subconjuctival application of limbal stem cells allografts had any influence on haematology parameters in peripheral blood. The animals were divided into three experimental groups regardless of breed, sex and age, and each group comprised 7 dogs. Group A consisted of clinically healthy dogs (control), in group B there were dogs who had had injuries treated by a conventional ophthalmological approach in veterinary medicine, and group C in which corneal injuries were treated using subconjuctival cell allografts. Blood samples were taken four times during the experiment from all animals for haematological analysis. Transplantation of limbal stem cell allografts did not affect the physiological haematology parameters.Rožnica, kao izvor matičnih stanica, dobar je medij za njihovu uporabu u veterinarskoj oftalmologiji. U ovom istraživanju koristili smo pse kojima su dijagnosticirana opsežna, kronična stanjivanja srediÅ”njeg dijela rožnice, posljedica mehaničkih oÅ”tećenja, dodatno komplicirana upalnim procesima. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj supkonjunktivalne primjene limbalnog staničnog alografta na hematoloÅ”ke pokazatelje u perifernoj krvi pacijenata. Životinje su bile podijeljene u tri pokusne skupine, bez obzira na pasminu, spol i dob. U svakoj skupini bilo je sedam pasa. U skupini A bili su klinički zdravi psi (kontrolna skupina), u skupini B bili su psi kojima su ozljede obrađene konvencionalnim oftalmoloÅ”kim pristupom, a psima u skupini C oÅ”tećenja rožnice bila su liječena supkonjunktivalnom primjenom staničnog alografta. Četiri puta tijekom istraživanja svim su životinjama uzeti uzorci periferne venske krvi za hematoloÅ”ke pretrage. Supkonjunktivalna primjena staničnog alografta nije utjecala na promjenu vrijednosti hematoloÅ”kih pokazatelja u obrađivanih pasa

    Vrijednosti hematoloŔkih pokazatelja u pasa liječenih supkonjunktivalnom primjenom staničnog alografta.

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    The cornea, as a source for obtaining stem cells, is a good medium for their use in veterinary ophthalmology. In this research, we used dogs which had been diagnosed with extensive, chronic thinning of the central cornea (vertex corneae) generated due to complicated mechanical damage to the corneae pannosa. The goal of this study was to test whether subconjuctival application of limbal stem cells allografts had any influence on haematology parameters in peripheral blood. The animals were divided into three experimental groups regardless of breed, sex and age, and each group comprised 7 dogs. Group A consisted of clinically healthy dogs (control), in group B there were dogs who had had injuries treated by a conventional ophthalmological approach in veterinary medicine, and group C in which corneal injuries were treated using subconjuctival cell allografts. Blood samples were taken four times during the experiment from all animals for haematological analysis. Transplantation of limbal stem cell allografts did not affect the physiological haematology parameters.Rožnica, kao izvor matičnih stanica, dobar je medij za njihovu uporabu u veterinarskoj oftalmologiji. U ovom istraživanju koristili smo pse kojima su dijagnosticirana opsežna, kronična stanjivanja srediÅ”njeg dijela rožnice, posljedica mehaničkih oÅ”tećenja, dodatno komplicirana upalnim procesima. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj supkonjunktivalne primjene limbalnog staničnog alografta na hematoloÅ”ke pokazatelje u perifernoj krvi pacijenata. Životinje su bile podijeljene u tri pokusne skupine, bez obzira na pasminu, spol i dob. U svakoj skupini bilo je sedam pasa. U skupini A bili su klinički zdravi psi (kontrolna skupina), u skupini B bili su psi kojima su ozljede obrađene konvencionalnim oftalmoloÅ”kim pristupom, a psima u skupini C oÅ”tećenja rožnice bila su liječena supkonjunktivalnom primjenom staničnog alografta. Četiri puta tijekom istraživanja svim su životinjama uzeti uzorci periferne venske krvi za hematoloÅ”ke pretrage. Supkonjunktivalna primjena staničnog alografta nije utjecala na promjenu vrijednosti hematoloÅ”kih pokazatelja u obrađivanih pasa

    BraŔno - Kruh '15

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    Proceedings contains 28 original research articles presented at 8th International Congress Flour ā€“ Bread ā€™15 and 10th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists BraÅ”no ā€“ Kruh ā€™1


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    Scurvy is a nutritional disorder which can develop after prolonged (>1-3 months) severe vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is a cofactor in several enzyme reactions involved in collagen synthesis. The defect in collagen causes blood vessel fragility, poor wound healing, mucocutaneous bleedings, hair abnormalities, bone pains, and joint contractures due to perios-teal and intraarticular bleeding (1,2). Risk factors for scurvy development are undernutrition, low socio-economic status, older age, male sex, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, and severe psychiatric illnesses (1-3). The required daily intake for vitamin C is ~60 mg, and this amount of vitamin C can be found in only one medium-sized orange. For this reason, the disease is rarely encountered in developed countries and is often underrecognized by healthcare personnel. Here-in, we present an illustrative case of scurvy in order to raise the awareness of this disorder


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    Scurvy is a nutritional disorder which can develop after prolonged (>1-3 months) severe vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is a cofactor in several enzyme reactions involved in collagen synthesis. The defect in collagen causes blood vessel fragility, poor wound healing, mucocutaneous bleedings, hair abnormalities, bone pains, and joint contractures due to perios-teal and intraarticular bleeding (1,2). Risk factors for scurvy development are undernutrition, low socio-economic status, older age, male sex, alcoholism, tobacco smoking, and severe psychiatric illnesses (1-3). The required daily intake for vitamin C is ~60 mg, and this amount of vitamin C can be found in only one medium-sized orange. For this reason, the disease is rarely encountered in developed countries and is often underrecognized by healthcare personnel. Here-in, we present an illustrative case of scurvy in order to raise the awareness of this disorder