21 research outputs found

    Between the family ties and a vassal’s obligations : Aymon of Dordogne in the two versions of "Renaut de Montauban" : chanson de geste and its prose sdaptation

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    This article attempts to answer the questions concerning ways of resolving conflicts between two types of obligations: those owed to one’s family and those resulting from feudal relations. An analysis of literary portrayals such a conflict of obligation and its solutions is carried out here on the basis of the heroic epic (chanson de geste) Renaut de Montauban, with Aymon, the father of rebellious brothers opposing Charles the Great as a protagonist who has to make a choice between his loyalty to the monarch and taking the side of his own children. The article compared two versions of the story: the one from the 13th-century manuscript Douce 121 and its 15th-century prose adaptation, included in the manuscript Sloane 960. The two versions are juxtaposed in order to find out if Aymon’s attitude to his obligations is depicted differently depending on the time of creating the text. First, an analysis is presented of the oath (forjurement) made by Aymon before the monarch, in which he accepts the obligation not to help his children, and to fight against them. Then, on the basis of selected fragments of both versions, the protagonist’s understanding of material support and the duty to fight against his own children is discussed. The comparative analyses of the two versions indicate that much as Aymon does not exclude the possibility of offering material support to his sons, e.g. by supplying them with food or money, he never considers the possibility of providing a military support. On the contrary, he is actively engaged in a fight against them, which may be a consequence of the oath. According to the law, breaking the oath by offering military support was penalized by death, whereas material support could result in a less grievous punishment. It is also demonstrated that the duties with respect to one’s family are treated much more seriously in the later version of the epic, with a clear suggestion that they should outweigh the obligations to the feudal lord

    The ways of describing already known reality in "The description of the world" by Marco Polo

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    La peur d’être puni comme motivation des actions des protagonistes des chansons de geste du cycle des barons révoltés

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    The article shows, how the fear of punishment influences the activities of protagonists of four French medieval epic poems (chansons de geste): Renaut de Montauban, Girart de Roussillon, Raoul de Crambrai and Chevalerie Ogier. Firstly, the basic notions, such as fear, anxiety and punishment are defined. Then, the presentation of penalties following infringement of divine law follows. Also, the public law penalties such as confiscation of fief or disgraceful penalties for knighthood such as hanging, or mutilation are shown. Secondly, the article proves that the perspective of punishment often appears in the analysed epic poems. The protagonists are frequently reminded of the perspective of penalty by external factors, usually by remonstrating vassals. The reference of penalty usually causes no protagonists’ fear, despite expectations. Thus, the rebellious vassals consider the perspective of being punished by their activities.Dans cet article, nous présentons comment la peur d’être puni influence le comportement des protagonistes de quatre chansons de geste du cycle des barons révoltés : Renaut de Montauban, Girart de Roussillon, Raoul de Crambrai et la Chevalerie Ogier. Dans la première partie de cet article, nous définissons les notions de peur, angoisse et peine. Ensuite, sont présentées les peines qui peuvent être infligées pour la violation de l’ordre divin et les sanctions terrestres que les protagonistes des textes analysés peuvent encourir. Ce sont principalement la commise de fief et les peines de mutilation, très infamantes pour les représentants de l’état chevaleresque. Notre article montre que la perspective d’être puni apparaît assez souvent dans les oeuvres analysées. Cette perspective est souvent rappelée aux protagonistes en forme des avertissements de leurs vassaux qui rappellent l’existence d’une sanction. Ces avertissements, même s’ils visent à susciter la crainte, n’ont pas d’influence sur les protagonistes. C’est principalement le résultat du fait que les barons révoltés dès le début de leur révolte sont bien conscients des conséquences possibles de leurs actions

    Around the text in French studies

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    The seneshal in the revolted barons cycle

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    The presentation of the performance of power in some chansons de geste from the cycle of Doon de Mayence

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    Ce livre, s’inscrivant dans le courant des études de droit et littérature, essaie d’examiner d’une manière complexe la problématique de l’exercice du pouvoir dans six chansons de geste appartenant au cycle des barons révoltés : Renaut de Montauban, la Chevalerie d’Ogier de Danemarche, Raoul de Cambrai, Doon de Mayence, Girart de Roussillon et Gormont et Isembart. Ces textes littéraires sont analysés dans un contexte plus large et juxtaposés avec les témoignages des pratiques juridiques provenant du Moyen Âge pour analyser comment le monde littéraire reflète la réalité juridique. La problématique de la représentation littéraire des sources du pouvoir, leurs limites et des problèmes rencontrés par ceux qui exerçaient le pouvoir constituerait un intérêt certain aussi bien pour les passionnés de littérature que pour ceux qui veulent étudier la façon de percevoir la réalité juridique à travers les auteurs d’autrefois

    The limits of seigneurial power in ''Renaut de Montauban''

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