576 research outputs found

    High field magneto-transport in high mobility gated InSb/InAlSb quantum well heterostructures

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    We present high field magneto-transport data from a range of 30nm wide InSb/InAlSb quantum wells. The low temperature carrier mobility of the samples studied ranged from 18.4 to 39.5 m2V-1s-1 with carrier densities between 1.5x1015 and 3.28x1015 m-2. Room temperature mobilities are reported in excess of 6 m2V-1s-1. It is found that the Landau level broadening decreases with carrier density and beating patterns are observed in the magnetoresistance with non-zero node amplitudes in samples with the narrowest broadening despite the presence of a large g-factor. The beating is attributed to Rashba splitting phenomenon and Rashba coupling parameters are extracted from the difference in spin populations for a range of samples and gate biases. The influence of Landau level broadening and spin-dependent scattering rates on the observation of beating in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations is investigated by simulations of the magnetoconductance. Data with non-zero beat node amplitudes are accompanied by asymmetric peaks in the Fourier transform, which are successfully reproduced by introducing a spin-dependent broadening in the simulations. It is found that the low-energy (majority) spin up state suffers more scattering than the high-energy (minority) spin down state and that the absence of beating patterns in the majority of (lower density) samples can be attributed to the same effect when the magnitude of the level broadening is large

    Chiminey: Reliable Computing and Data Management Platform in the Cloud

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    The enabling of scientific experiments that are embarrassingly parallel, long running and data-intensive into a cloud-based execution environment is a desirable, though complex undertaking for many researchers. The management of such virtual environments is cumbersome and not necessarily within the core skill set for scientists and engineers. We present here Chiminey, a software platform that enables researchers to (i) run applications on both traditional high-performance computing and cloud-based computing infrastructures, (ii) handle failure during execution, (iii) curate and visualise execution outputs, (iv) share such data with collaborators or the public, and (v) search for publicly available data.Comment: Preprint, ICSE 201

    A Surface-Gated InSb Quantum Well Single Electron Transistor

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    Single electron charging effects in a surface-gated InSb/AlInSb QW structure are reported. This material, due to its large g-factor and light effective mass, offers considerable advantages over more commonly used materials, such as GaAs, for quantum information processing devices. However, differences in material and device technology result in significant processing challenges. Simple Coulomb blockade and quantised confinement models are considered to explain the observation of conductance oscillations in these structures. The charging energy is found to be comparable with the energy spectrum for single particle states

    JHK Observations of Faint Standard Stars in the Mauna Kea Near-Infrared Photometric System

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    JHK photometry in the Mauna Kea Observatory (MKO) near-IR system is presented for 115 stars. Of these, 79 are UKIRT standards and 42 are LCO standards. The average brightness is 11.5 mag, with a range of 10 to 15. The average number of nights each star was observed is 4, and the average of the internal error of the final results is 0.011 mag. These JHK data agree with those reported by other groups to 0.02 mag. The measurements are used to derive transformations between the MKO JHK photometric system and the UKIRT, LCO and 2MASS systems. The 2MASS-MKO data scatter by 0.05 mag for redder stars: 2MASS-J includes H2O features in dwarfs and MKO-K includes CO features in giants. Transformations derived for stars whose spectra contain only weak features cannot give accurate transformations for objects with strong absorption features within a filter bandpasses. We find evidence of systematic effects at the 0.02 mag level in the photometry of stars with J<11 and H,K<10.5. This is due to an underestimate of the linearity correction for stars observed with the shortest exposure times; very accurate photometry of stars approaching the saturation limits of infrared detectors which are operated in double-read mode is difficult to obtain. Four stars in the sample, GSPC S705-D, FS 116 (B216-b7), FS 144 (Ser-EC84) and FS 32 (Feige 108), may be variable. 84 stars in the sample have 11< J< 15 and 10.5<H,K<15, are not suspected to be variable, and have magnitudes with an estimated error <0.027 mag; 79 of these have an error of <0.020 mag. These represent the first published high-accuracy JHK stellar photometry in the MKO photometric system; we recommend these objects be employed as primary standards for that system [abridged].Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 5 Figure

    Band anticrossing in GaNxSb1–x

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    Fourier transform infrared absorption measurements are presented from the dilute nitride semiconductor GaNSb with nitrogen incorporations between 0.2% and 1.0%. The divergence of transitions from the valence band to E– and E+ can be seen with increasing nitrogen incorporation, consistent with theoretical predictions. The GaNSb band structure has been modeled using a five-band k·p Hamiltonian and a band anticrossing fitting has been obtained using a nitrogen level of 0.78 eV above the valence band maximum and a coupling parameter of 2.6 eV

    Nonlinear Effects in Pulse Propagation through Doppler-Broadened Closed-Loop Atomic Media

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    Nonlinear effects in pulse propagation through a medium consisting of four-level double-Λ\Lambda-type systems are studied theoretically. We apply three continous-wave driving fields and a pulsed probe field such that they form a closed interaction loop. Due to the closed loop and the finite frequency width of the probe pulses the multiphoton resonance condition cannot be fulfilled, such that a time-dependent analysis is required. By identifying the different underlying physical processes we determine the parts of the solution relevant to calculate the linear and nonlinear response of the system. We find that the system can exhibit a strong intensity dependent refractive index with small absorption over a range of several natural linewidths. For a realistic example we include Doppler and pressure broadening and calculate the nonlinear selfphase modulation in a gas cell with Sodium vapor and Argon buffer gas. We find that a selfphase modulation of π\pi is achieved after a propagation of few centimeters through the medium while the absorption in the corresponding spectral range is small.Comment: 4 figure

    [12CII] and [13CII] 158 mum emission from NGC 2024: Large column densities of ionized carbon

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    Context: We analyze the NGC 2024 HII region and molecular cloud interface using [12CII] and [13CII] observations. Aims: We attempt to gain insight into the physical structure of the interface layer between the molecular cloud and the HII region. Methods. Observations of [12CII] and [13CII] emission at 158 {\mu}m with high spatial and spectral resolution allow us to study the detailed structure of the ionization front and estimate the column densities and temperatures of the ionized carbon layer in the PDR. Results: The [12CII] emission closely follows the distribution of the 8 mum continuum. Across most of the source, the spectral lines have two velocity peaks similar to lines of rare CO isotopes. The [13CII] emission is detected near the edge-on ionization front. It has only a single velocity component, which implies that the [12CII] line shape is caused by self-absorption. An anomalous hyperfine line-intensity ratio observed in [13CII] cannot yet be explained. Conclusions: Our analysis of the two isotopes results in a total column density of N(H)~1.6\times10^23 cm^-2 in the gas emitting the [CII] line. A large fraction of this gas has to be at a temperature of several hundred K. The self-absorption is caused by a cooler (T<=100 K) foreground component containing a column density of N(H)~10^22 cm^-2

    Multiplicative random walk Metropolis-Hastings on the real line

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    In this article we propose multiplication based random walk Metropolis Hastings (MH) algorithm on the real line. We call it the random dive MH (RDMH) algorithm. This algorithm, even if simple to apply, was not studied earlier in Markov chain Monte Carlo literature. The associated kernel is shown to have standard properties like irreducibility, aperiodicity and Harris recurrence under some mild assumptions. These ensure basic convergence (ergodicity) of the kernel. Further the kernel is shown to be geometric ergodic for a large class of target densities on R\mathbb{R}. This class even contains realistic target densities for which random walk or Langevin MH are not geometrically ergodic. Three simulation studies are given to demonstrate the mixing property and superiority of RDMH to standard MH algorithms on real line. A share-price return data is also analyzed and the results are compared with those available in the literature

    Constituting monetary conservatives via the 'savings habit': New Labour and the British housing market bubble

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    The ongoing world credit crunch might well kill off the most recent bubble dynamics in the British housing market by driving prices systematically downwards from their 2007 peak. Nonetheless, the experience of that bubble still warrants analytical attention. The Labour Government might not have been responsible for consciously creating it, but it has certainly grasped the opportunities the bubble has provided in an attempt to enforce a process of agential change at the heart of the British economy. The key issue in this respect is the way in which the Government has challenged the legitimacy of passive welfare receipts in favour of establishing a welfare system based on incorporating the individual into an active asset-holding society. The housing market has taken on new political significance as a means for individuals first to acquire assets and then to accumulate wealth on the back of asset ownership. The ensuing integration of the housing market into an increasingly reconfigured welfare system has permeated into the politics of everyday life. It has been consistent with individuals remaking their political subjectivities in line with preferences for the type of conservative monetary policies that typically keep house price bubbles inflated

    Quantum phases of a qutrit

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    We consider various approaches to treat the phases of a qutrit. Although it is possible to represent qutrits in a convenient geometrical manner by resorting to a generalization of the Poincare sphere, we argue that the appropriate way of dealing with this problem is through phase operators associated with the algebra su(3). The rather unusual properties of these phases are caused by the small dimension of the system and are explored in detail. We also examine the positive operator-valued measures that can describe the qutrit phase properties.Comment: 6 page
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