2,760 research outputs found

    Rewarding my Self. Self Esteem, Self Determination and Motivations

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    The paper presents a model where the self esteem and the self determination mechanisms are explicitly modelled in order to explain how they affect the intrinsic motivation and its impact on individual choices. The aim is to reconcile different explanations (and consequences) of the motivation crowding theory in a unique theoretical framework where the locus of control is introduced in a one period maximisation problem and the intrinsic motivation is assumed as an exogenous psychological attitude. The analysis is based on the different effect of the self esteem mechanism on intrinsic motivation input oriented or output oriented. Results show that crowding out of intrinsic motivation depends on the self determination sensitivity and the individual belief about one’s own self.intrinsic motivation; crowding out; self-esteem; self-determination.

    Why without pay? Intrinsic motivation in unpaid labour supply

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    Economic theory explains the supply of volunteering alternatively as an ordinary consumer good or an investment one. This paper provides a simultaneous approach considering both the objectives, by using the psychological distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, in order to reconcile conflicting results reported in the literature. According to the simultaneity approach, the paper develops a theoretical model of unpaid labour supply within an agent’s two-period utility maximization problem, taking into account the role of psychological motivation. The theoretical findings are tested with a sample selection model for Italy, by using 1997 Multipurpose Households Survey on everyday life issues of Istat. Robustness analysis and endogeneity test for intrinsic motivation are also performed. Empirical analysis rejects the hypothesis that only a consumption or investment motive could explain Italian volunteers’ behaviour, supporting the hypothesis that both motives interact in shaping regular unpaid labour supply, with a stronger impact of consumption motives. The relevant variables for frequently supplied unpaid labour are intrinsic motivation, age, household income, family responsibilities and activity sector.Intrinsic motivation, investment and consumption motives, volunteering.

    Why without Pay? The Intrinsic Motivation between Investment and Consumption in Unpaid Labour Supply

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    This paper provides a theoretical model and an empirical investigation on unpaid labour regularly supplied in non profit organisations. The contribution is threefold. First, intrinsic motivation in unpaid labour supply is considered, taking into account simultaneity between investment and consumption motives. Second, we study the impact of family care responsibilities on the determination of unpaid labour supply. Third, the specific activity a person is engaged in is shown to have a significant relevance. Empirical analysis, on data from Indagine Multiscopo sulle Famiglie, Aspetti della Vita Quotidiana, 1997, shows that frequently supplied unpaid labour depends on intrinsic motivation, income, age, family responsibilities and the specific task carried out in non profit organisations. The analytical framework suggests that these determinants support the hypothesis that both investment and consumption motives interact in shaping unpaid labour supply, with a stronger impact of consumption purposes.unpaid labour; non profit organisations;

    Social Preferences in Wage Bargaining: a Neocorporatist Approach

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    The starting point in this paper is based on the strand of the literature on corporatist systems stressing the role of co-operation and consensus in wage bargaining in order to reach better economic performances. In order to model a co-operative regime in the classical framework in which the monopoly union controls wages and the firm controls employment, we introduce social preferences with some degree of other-regarding concern(ORC) such that each agent's objective function is a linear combination of her own welfare and the other's. The results show that under specific conditions concerning the degree of ORC, one may obtain an employment level higher than in the selfish case and wage moderation.wage bargaining; corporatism; cooperation; social preferences

    La donna flessibile e il lavoro opportuno

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    L'utilizzo di preferenze sociali nella caratterizzazione del comportamento economico della componente femminile del mercato del lavoro evidenzia la possibilitĂ  di spiazzamento degli incentivi economici basati sulla performance. D'altra parte, l'esistenza di motivazioni intrinseche influenza alcuni processi di auto-selezione femminile verso l'attivitĂ  autonoma. Applicando il paradigma della "conciliazione" agli obiettivi, alle preferenze ed alle motivazioni delle donne Ăš possibile indirizzare le politiche di genere verso strumenti che consentano di rimuovere forme di "segregazione motivazionale" che rendono di fatto marginali le performance delle donne. L'analisi delle preferenze femminili, in termini di trade off tra consumo e tempo libero, mostra un processo di scelta di allocazione del tempo a due stadi coerente con la differenziazione di genere in termini di motivazioni intrinseche e preferenze.preferenze sociali; motivazioni intrinseche; conciliazione dei tempi

    The cashless man: do preferences matter?

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    This paper deals with the relationship between individual preferences and the use of cash. Building on insights from economic and psychological literature, we present an agent-based model simulating consumers’ behaviour when choosing which mean of payment to use, according the value of the transaction. Assuming heterogeneous preferences for mean of payment, results show that the number of cash transactions and their value strongly depend on both the consumption and the preference structure. Results are validated with EU countries’ data, considering different national policies adopted on the cash usage

    Evidence on the prevalence and geographic distribution of major cardiovascular risk factors in Italy

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence and geographic distribution of major cardiovascular risk factors in a large community-wide sample of the Italian population. Design: A cross-sectional survey. Standardized methods were used to collect and measure cardiovascular risk factors. Data were adjusted for survey weightings. Qualitative and quantitative variables were compared with parametric and non-parametric tests, as appropriate. Setting: Towns (n 193) across different Italian regions. Subjects: Unselected adults (n 24 213; 12 626 men; 11 587 women) aged 18–98 years (mean age 56·9 (sd 15·3) years), who volunteered to participate in a community-wide screening programme over a 2 d period in 2007. Results: Overall, the prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors was: obesity, 22·7 % (women 18·9 %, men 26·1 %); overweight, 44·7 % (women 31·6 %, men 56·7 %); hypertension, 59·6 % (women 48·3 %, men 70·0 %); dyslipidaemia, 59·1 % (women 57·7 %, men 60·3 %); diabetes, 15·3 % (women 11·2 %, men 19·0 %) and smoking, 19·8 % (women 14·0 %, men 25·2 %). We found a high prevalence of unhealthy eating habits; fruit and vegetable consumption was below the recommended range in 60 % of the study population. Ninety per cent of the study population had more than one cardiovascular risk factor and 84 % had between two and five cardiovascular risk factors. There were differences among Italian macro-areas mainly for obesity, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes. Conclusions: The study provides alarming evidence on current prevalence data for major cardiovascular risk factors in a large sample of the Italian population. Particularly, obesity and hypertension represent a relevant public health problem. There is a pressing need for effective preventive health measures which must also take into account the differences among Italian macro-areas

    La découverte des gisements d'hydrocarbures du "pré-sel" : un défi pour l'avenir de la puissance brésilienne

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    Les mĂ©ga gisements d’hydrocarbures dĂ©couverts au large des cĂŽtes du BrĂ©sil sont sur le point de bouleverser la stratĂ©gie Ă©nergĂ©tique du gĂ©ant sud-amĂ©ricain. Depuis trois dĂ©cennies, les BrĂ©siliens avaient fait en sorte de promouvoir les Ă©nergies renouvelables au dĂ©triment des Ă©nergies fossiles. Avec les nouvelles rĂ©serves de l’Atlantique Sud, le pĂ©trole et le gaz ont repris de l’importance aux yeux des autoritĂ©s brĂ©siliennes, Ă  un moment dĂ©cisif pour leur pays qui s’affirme de maniĂšre toujours plus importante sur la scĂšne internationale. L’énergie, dans sa globalitĂ©, s’est convertie en un instrument diplomatique Ă  part entiĂšre. Cet article propose d’analyser les dĂ©fis technologiques, financiers et environnementaux que devra relever le BrĂ©sil pour pouvoir jouir pleinement de ses ressources naturelles, mais aussi la maniĂšre dont le pays fait en sorte d’assurer sa souverainetĂ© sur les gisements offshore. Il revient Ă©galement sur la stratĂ©gie internationale adoptĂ©e par les autoritĂ©s brĂ©siliennes, visant Ă  inclure le pĂ©trole dans la construction du statut de puissance globale de leur pays

    Rewarding my Self. Self Esteem, Self Determination and Motivations

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    The paper presents a model where the self esteem and the self determination mechanisms are explicitly modelled in order to explain how they affect the intrinsic motivation and its impact on individual choices. The aim is to reconcile different explanations (and consequences) of the motivation crowding theory in a unique theoretical framework where the locus of control is introduced in a one period maximisation problem and the intrinsic motivation is assumed as an exogenous psychological attitude. The analysis is based on the different effect of the self esteem mechanism on intrinsic motivation input oriented or output oriented. Results show that crowding out of intrinsic motivation depends on the self determination sensitivity and the individual belief about one’s own self

    Rewarding my Self. Self Esteem, Self Determination and Motivations

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    The paper presents a model where the self esteem and the self determination mechanisms are explicitly modelled in order to explain how they affect the intrinsic motivation and its impact on individual choices. The aim is to reconcile different explanations (and consequences) of the motivation crowding theory in a unique theoretical framework where the locus of control is introduced in a one period maximisation problem and the intrinsic motivation is assumed as an exogenous psychological attitude. The analysis is based on the different effect of the self esteem mechanism on intrinsic motivation input oriented or output oriented. Results show that crowding out of intrinsic motivation depends on the self determination sensitivity and the individual belief about one’s own self
