34,023 research outputs found

    Exercise and Coronary Atherosclerosis: Observations, Explanations, Relevance, and Clinical Management.

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    Physical activity and exercise training are effective strategies for reducing the risk of cardiovascular events, but multiple studies have reported an increased prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis, usually measured as coronary artery calcification, among athletes who are middle-aged and older. Our review of the medical literature demonstrates that the prevalence of coronary artery calcification and atherosclerotic plaques, which are strong predictors for future cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, was higher in athletes compared with controls, and was higher in the most active athletes compared with less active athletes. However, analysis of plaque morphology revealed fewer mixed plaques and more often only calcified plaques among athletes, suggesting a more benign composition of atherosclerotic plaques. This review describes the effects of physical activity and exercise training on coronary atherosclerosis in athletes who are middle-aged and older and aims to contribute to the understanding of the potential adverse effects of the highest doses of exercise training on the coronary arteries. For this purpose, we will review the association between exercise and coronary atherosclerosis measured using computed tomography, discuss the potential underlying mechanisms for exercise-induced coronary atherosclerosis, determine the clinical relevance of coronary atherosclerosis in middle-aged athletes and describe strategies for the clinical management of athletes with coronary atherosclerosis to guide physicians in clinical decision making and treatment of athletes with elevated coronary artery calcification scores

    Impact of cultural behaviour on indoor comfort: Examining the air quality in Homes and exploring observational and experimental methods of representation through filmmaking

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    There is a limited understanding of householders’ cultural differences and their impact on spatial organisation and energy behaviour in dwellings. Indoor air quality directly impacts the health and well-being of occupants. The airborne COVID-19 epidemic has highlighted shortcomings of controlled ventilation systems in recent reports (PHE, Dec 2020). While efficiency interventions can make homes more affordable to heat, they can exacerbate conditions such as asthma, due to reduced indoor air quality and ventilation. Preliminary research conducted in Plymouth by the applicant indicates that British Asians use their homes differently compared to native British in terms of spatial organisation, cooking habits (on average, they spend five times more time cooking the daily meal) and ventilation strategies, all of which have an impact on indoor air quality. This project sets out to establish the impact of culturally informed choices on indoor air quality and the extent to which the norms that guide the design of energy-efficient homes ignore potentially significant cultural and behavioural differences. It will achieve this by focusing on the impact of energy behaviour and choices related to cooking on the indoor air quality of British-Asian households. The project aims to quantify temperature, humidity and air quality by data collected by a pilot study in Plymouth, UK. We will engage the community in a participatory methodology using correlational research and survey questionnaires and IAQ Data Loggers to evidence anomalies from the design norms currently used in the UK. In addition to traditional data analysis, our methodology includes artistic research, utilising observational and sensory ethnographic filmmaking techniques, to support, document, and evidence the impact of cooking in the home. We aim to explore how the intersection between these two methods can reveal and communicate new perspectives. The main outcome is to evaluate the impact of cultural behaviour on the air quality of super-insulated British-Asian homes through an interdisciplinary methodology. This project lays foundations for larger-scale research working with diverse ethnic minority communities to promote engagement in a low-carbon society.</jats:p

    Treating cisplatin-resistant cancer: a systematic analysis of oxaliplatin or paclitaxel salvage chemotherapy

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    Objective: To examine the pre-clinical and clinical evidence for the use of oxaliplatin or paclitaxel salvage chemotherapy in patients with cisplatin-resistant cancer. Methods: Medline was searched for 1) Cell models of acquired resistance reporting cisplatin, oxaliplatin and paclitaxel sensitivities and 2) Clinical trials of single agent oxaliplatin or paclitaxel salvage therapy for cisplatin/carboplatin-resistant ovarian cancer. Results: Oxaliplatin - Oxaliplatin is widely regarded as being active in cisplatin-resistant cancer. In contrast, data in cell models suggests that there is cross-resistance between cisplatin and oxaliplatin in cellular models with resistance levels which reflect clinical resistance (<10 fold). Oxaliplatin as a single agent had a poor response rate in patients with cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer (8%, n=91). Oxaliplatin performed better in combination with other agents for the treatment of platinum-resistant cancer suggesting that the benefit of oxaliplatin may lie in its more favourable toxicity and ability to be combined with other drugs rather than an underlying activity in cisplatin resistance. Oxaliplatin therefore should not be considered broadly active in cisplatin-resistant cancer. Paclitaxel – Cellular data suggests that paclitaxel is active in cisplatin-resistant cancer. 68.1% of cisplatin-resistant cells were sensitive to paclitaxel. Paclitaxel as a single agent had a response rate of 22% in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (n = 1918), a significant increase from the response of oxaliplatin (p<0.01). Paclitaxel-resistant cells were also sensitive to cisplatin, suggesting that alternating between agents may be beneficial. Studies of single agent paclitaxel in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer where patients had previously received paclitaxel had an improved response rate of 35.3% n=232 (p<0.01), suggesting that pre-treatment with paclitaxel improves the response of salvage paclitaxel therapy. Conclusions: Cellular models reflect the resistance observed in the clinic as the cross resistant agent oxaliplatin has a lower response rate compared to the non-cross resistant agent paclitaxel in cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer. Alternating therapy with cisplatin and paclitaxel may therefore lead to an improved response rate in ovarian cancer

    Seasonal variation of the water quality parameters and its influences in the mahanadi estuary and near coastal environment, east coast of India

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    The distributions of water quality parameters viz. temp, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended substances (TSS), nutrients NO 2-N, NO 3-N, NH 4-N, PO 4-P, SiO 4-Si, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) were studied in the Mahanadi river and costal environment of Paradip in two different seasons i.e. post-monsoon and summer during 2006-2007. Results of nutrient concentrations were exhibited higher indicates that large inputs possibly from two major fertilizer plants, municipal sewage from Paradip town and agricultural runoff. In the estuary most of the nutrients showed higher values (NO 3 7.23 ĂŽÂŒmol/l, NH 4 6.32 ĂŽÂŒmol/l, PO 4 16.03 ĂŽÂŒmol/l and SiO 4 15.32 ĂŽÂŒmol/l) during post-monsoon as compared to the costal stations. The PO 4 TN, TP and SiO 4-Si showed a well-defined pattern of distribution with higher concentration in estuarine water of Mahanadi estuary during summer
