2,915 research outputs found

    eWOM: the effects of online consumer reviews on purchasing decision of electronic goods

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    Internet has become the primary source of information for a large number of consumers and it has dramatically changed the consumer behaviour. One of the main changes in modern consumer behaviour has been the transition from a passive to an active and informed consumer. Internet enables customers to share their opinions on, and experiences with, goods and services with a multitude of other consumers. Online consumer reviews are used by prospective buyers of related products who are interested in obtaining more information from people who have purchased and used a product of interest. Word-of-mouth (WOM) is one of the most important information sources when a consumer is making a purchase decision. The arrival and expansion of the Internet has extended consumers' options for gathering product information by including other consumers' comments, posted on the Internet, and has provided consumers opportunities to offer their own consumption-related advice by engaging in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). eWOM can be defined as all informal communications directed at consumers through Internet-based technology related to the usage or characteristics of particular goods and services, or their sellers. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of, one type of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), the online consumer review, on purchasing decision of electronic products. This empirical study also focuses on the relationship between reviews and purchasing behaviour. An instrument was prepared to measure the proposed constructs, with questionnaire items taken from prior studies but adapted to fit the context of e-commerce. The survey was applied to academicians in Turkey through internet. The data was analyzed using the SPSS package. The results show that consumer reviews have a causal impact on consumer purchasing behaviour and they have an effect on choosing the products by consumer. Finally, the results and their implications are discussed

    eWOM: The Effects of Online Consumer Reviews On Purchasing Decision

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    Internet has become the primary source of information for a large number of consumers and it has dramatically changed the consumer behaviour. The arrival and expansion of the internet has extended consumers’ options for gathering product information by including other consumers’ comments, posted on the internet, and has provided consumers opportunities to offer their own consumption-related advice by engaging in electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM). The aim of this study is to assess the impact of, one type of e-WOM, the online consumer review, on purchasing decision. This empirical study also focuses on the relationship between reviews and purchasing behaviour. The results show that consumer reviews have a causal impact on consumer purchasing behaviour and they have an effect on choosing the products by consumer. Finally, the results and their implications are discussed

    A General Analytical Approximation to Impulse Response of 3-D Microfluidic Channels in Molecular Communication

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    In this paper, the impulse response for a 3-D microfluidic channel in the presence of Poiseuille flow is obtained by solving the diffusion equation in radial coordinates. Using the radial distribution, the axial distribution is then approximated accordingly. Since Poiseuille flow velocity changes with radial position, molecules have different axial properties for different radial distributions. We, therefore, present a piecewise function for the axial distribution of the molecules in the channel considering this radial distribution. Finally, we lay evidence for our theoretical derivations for impulse response of the microfluidic channel and radial distribution of molecules through comparing them using various Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: The manuscript is submitted to IEEE: Transactions on Nanobioscienc

    Molecular Typing of Two Suspected Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Isolates in Baghdad

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    يعتبر داء الليشمانيات من الأمراض الطفيلية التي يسببها  طفيلي الليشمانيا ، وهو مرض معدي متوطن في العراق. التشخيص بالطرق التقليدية غير دقيق وغير قادر على تشخيص طفيلي الليشمانيا على مستوى النوع. في هذه الدراسة تم التشخيص بطريقتين جزيئية بالتنميط الجزيئي للاطوار المسوطة لداء الليشمانيات الجلدي ، على مستوى النوع. الأول كان تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل (PCR) للبادئB6  والثاني ITS1-PCR متبوعًا بتعدد الأشكال المقيدة لطول الجزء باستخدام إنزيم التقييد HaeIII. تم استخلاص الحمض النووي من الاطوار المسوطة خارج الجسم الحي متبوعة بتضخيم kDNA والمنطقة ITS1 باستخدام زوج البادئ B6 و LITSR / L5.8S قبل هضم ناتج تضخيم تفاعل البلمرة ITS1 . نواتج تضخيم تفاعل البلمرة  كانت bp359 و bp450 لـ B6 و ITS1 ، على التوالي. كشف ITS1-RFLP عن حزميتن متميزتين يتراوح حجمهما بين  bp150 و,300 bp  عل التوالي. أثبتت هذه النتائج أن العزلتين تعودان إلى داء الليشمانيا الجلدي ، تحديدا النوع الاستوائي. نوصي بالطريقتين الجزيئيتين للفحص المباشر للعينات المأخوذة من قرحة الجلد للمرضى الذين يشتبه في إصابتهم بداء الليشمانيات الجلدي للتشخيص الحساس والسريع لأكثر السلالات العراقية انتشارًا من داء الليشمانيات الجلدي وهي Leishmania tropica.Leishmaniasis is a group of parasitic diseases caused by Leishmania spp., an endemic infectious agent in developing countries, including Iraq. Diagnosis of cutaneous lesion by stained smears, serology or histopathology are inaccurate and unable to detect the species of Leishmania. Here, two molecular typing methods were examined to identify the promastigotes of suspected cutaneous leishmaniasis samples, on a species level. The first was species-specific B6-PCR and the second was ITS1-PCR followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using restriction enzyme HaeIII. DNA was extracted from in vitro promastigote culture followed by amplification of kDNA by B6 or amplification and digestion of LITSR/L5.8S. PCR produced bands of ~359 bp and ~450 bp for B6 and ITS1, respectively. Digestion of ITS1 by RFLP revealed two distinct bands of ~150 bp and ~300 bp size. The results reviled that the two isolates belong to cutaneous Leishmaniasis, specifically Leishmania tropica. In conclusion, the confirmation of the studied methods will improve rapid and accurate diagnosis of Leishmania species of the most prevalent Iraqi strain of cutaneous leishmaniasis, L. tropica