4,334 research outputs found

    Uso do soro de queijo de cabra no aleitamento artificial de cabritos.

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    Resumo: Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar a substituiçao do leite de vaca por diferentes níveis de soro de queijo de cabra no aleitamento artificial de cabritos. Vinte e oito cabritos machos "three cross" (1/2 Anglo Nubiano + 114 Parda Alpina + 1/4 Moxotó) constituíram as parcelas e as semanas, as subparcelas. Os diferentes níveis de soro nos tratamentos foram: T1 = 0; T2 = 20; T3 = 40 e T4 = 60% de soro. A fase experimental iniciou no 35º dia de vida dos animais, após 10 dias de adaptaçao e terminou aos 84 dias, quando os cabritos foram abatidos para avaliaçao da carcaça. 0 consumo de matéria seca foi medido diariamente. Nao se obsevou diferença para peso final e ganho de peso diário entre os tratamentos e as médias foram: 12,79 kge 144,43 g; 13,02kge 145,81g; 12,21 kge 130,52g; e 12,33 kge 147,84 g, para T1' T2, T3 e T4, respectivamente. Nao houve também diferença entre os tratamentos para rendimento de carcaça, consumo de matéria seca e conversao alimentar. Os níveis de soro de queijo de cabra usados nao influenciaram o desempenho dos animais, sugerindo que pode ser recomendada a substituiçao de até 60% do leite de vaca por soro de queijo de cabra. Os níveis de soro 20, 40 e 60% possibilitaram decréscimo nos custos de produçao de 30,63; 41,44; e 79,28%, respectivamente, em relaçao ao aleitamento com leite bovino integral. [Use of whey of goat cheese in the artificial nursing of goat kids]. Abstract: This work was conducted to study the replacement of cow milk for different goat cheese whey levels in the artificial nursing of goat kids. Twenty-eight ?three-cross? male kids (1/2 Anglo-nubian+1/4 German Alpine+1/4 Moxotó) were distributed to a completely randomized experimental design, in a split plot arrangement, with the four levels as the whole plot and the weeks, as the plots. The different whey levels in the treatments were: T1=0, T2=20, T3=40 and T4=60% of whey. The experimental period initiated at the 35th day of the kids life after a ten days of adaptation period and finished at the 84th day when the goats were slaughtered for their carcasses evaluation. The dry matter were daily measured. No difference was observed for final weight and daily weight gain among the treatments and the means were: 12.79 kg and 144.43 g; 13.02 kg and 145.81 g; 12.21 kg and 130.52 g and 12.33 kg and 147.84 g for T1, T 2, T3 and T4, respectively. There was also no difference among treatments for carcass yield, dry matter intake and feed:gain ratio. The goat cheese whey used levels did not affect the performance of the animals, suggesting that the replacement up to 60 % of cow milk by goat cheese whey can be recommended. The levels of whey 20, 40 and 60% resulted in a decrease in the production cost of 30.63; 41.44; and 79.28%, respectively, in relation to the nursing with of integral milk cow

    Saleiro: cocho para suplementação de caprinos e ovinos.

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    Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de cocho funcional e de baixo custo para a suplementação alimentar de caprinos e ovinos que permite que sua altura do solo possa ser alterada e adequad a animais de diferentes tamanhos. A parte do cocho que recebe o alimento é feita de pneu e sua capacidade vai depender do tamanho do pneu. Neste trabalho será utilizado, como exemplo, um cocho feito com pneu 195/75 R 16 C.bitstream/CNPC/20246/1/cot70.pd

    Avaliacao de clones de cajueiro anao precoce nos cerrados piauiense.

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    The differential expression of the P5CR and αTPS6 genes in cowpea plants increases tolerance to water-deficit and high temperatures.

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    Plants exposed to adverse environmental conditions develop molecular mechanisms of adaptation and/or defense, the osmoprotectors, which function as compatible solutes and contribute to tolerance via prevention systems and protection against cellular damage caused by these abiotic stresses. This study aimed to identify and characterize the osmoprotectors proline and trehalose in cowpea plants cv. Carijó under controlled conditions of water-deficit and heat stress based on the IPCC scenario of 4.8 °C increase in temperature, evaluating their structure and function through computational methods, as well as gene expression by RT-qPCR. The experimental assays were carried out in growth chambers under controlled conditions with different levels of soil water availability, phenological phases and temperature regimes. From the in silico analyses, ten TPS genes and one P5CR gene were identified in Vigna unguiculata, and these were named according to their chromosomal location. The VuP5CR and VuTPS genes play roles in hormone pathway signaling and in the response to light and biotic and abiotic stresses. The genes P5CR (proline) and αTPS6 (trehalose) were induced with increased temperature and lower water availability in the vegetative phase of cowpeas. In addition, P5CR also showed induction with 50% water availability at high temperatures. In the pod filling phase, the P5CR and αTPS6 genes were repressed with water availability of 75%, while only the P5CR gene was induced when water availability was reduced to 25% under heat stress. P5CR and TPS6 genes were induced in cowpea cv. Carijó in response to associated abiotic stresses (water-deficit and high temperatures), which suggests their participation in the mechanisms of adaptation of the species in adverse environmental conditions

    Competição de linhagens de feijão-caupi avaliadas na área de influência de Petrolina e Juazeiro.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de 64 genótipos de feijão-caupi, em dois experimentos de densidades populacionais diferentes, em vários ambientes da região, tanto em regime irrigado, como de sequeiro, de forma a identificar e recomendar cultivares promissores para a região de influência do dipolo Petrolina, PE e Juazeiro, BA. Observou-se forte interação genótipo x ambiente para as variáveis analisadas. A média observada no experimento irrigado foi mais do que o dobro em relação aos experimentos de sequeiro, nas duas densidades populacionais, sendo de 693, 1.419 e 1.018 kg ha-1 para o cultivo em regime de sequeiro, irrigado e o conjunto dos ambientes na população de 200.000 plantas ha-1, respectivamente, enquanto as médias observadas para o experimento de 100.000 plantas ha-1 foram de 552, 1.313 e 823 kg ha-1, para as mesmas situações, respectivamente. O peso médio de 100 grãos foi de 19,8 g e de 20 g nas densidades de 200.000 e 100.000 plantas ha-1, respectivamente. A média para o caráter dias para a maturação foi em torno de 70 dias. Os genótipos BR 17 Gurguéia e Canapu foram os mais atacados por vírus. Linhagens que apresentavam valores próximos de 1,0 para as viroses, produtividade próxima dos valores superiores observados, peso de 100 grãos superior a 20 g e boa aparência de grãos foram selecionadas para avaliações em áreas de produtores, o que poderá resultar na recomendação de uma cultivar específica para a região

    Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of a tropical elite maize line.

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    ABSTRACT: The efficiency of maize transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens is influenced by various factors. The aim of this study was to test the effect of different concentrations of N6 salts (50% ? half strength, and 100% - full strength) in the infection and cocultivation media on genetic transformation efficiency of the L3 tropical elite maize line. Immature embryos were transformed via A. tumefaciens harboring the binary vector pTF102 containing the genes uidA and BAR under control of the CaMV35S promoter. The efficiency of the transgenic events produced was 3% for full strength and 1.1% for half strength N6 salts. Although under a lower concentration of salts, GUS expression was stronger; under this concentration, regeneration was less efficient. Thus, the results showed that the presence of 100% N6 salts in the infection and cocultivation media favored genetic transformation of the L3 maize inbred line mediated by A. tumefaciens

    Comportamento agronômico e qualidade culinária de feijão-caupi no Vale do São Francisco.

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    Neste trabalho avaliou-se o comportamento de 64 linhagens e de quatro cultivares de feijão-caupi, em dois experimentos de densidades populacionais, em vários ambientes do Vale do São Francisco nos anos de 2004 e 2005, tanto em regime irrigado, como de sequeiro, visando a recomendação de cultivares para a região