108 research outputs found

    Classical limit of the quantum Zeno effect

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    The evolution of a quantum system subjected to infinitely many measurements in a finite time interval is confined in a proper subspace of the Hilbert space. This phenomenon is called "quantum Zeno effect": a particle under intensive observation does not evolve. This effect is at variance with the classical evolution, which obviously is not affected by any observations. By a semiclassical analysis we will show that the quantum Zeno effect vanishes at all orders, when the Planck constant tends to zero, and thus it is a purely quantum phenomenon without classical analog, at the same level of tunneling.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Fractal Weyl law for quantum fractal eigenstates

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    The properties of the resonant Gamow states are studied numerically in the semiclassical limit for the quantum Chirikov standard map with absorption. It is shown that the number of such states is described by the fractal Weyl law and their Husimi distributions closely follow the strange repeller set formed by classical orbits nonescaping in future times. For large matrices the distribution of escape rates converges to a fixed shape profile characterized by a spectral gap related to the classical escape rate.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figs, minor modifications, research at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr

    Justification of the coupled-mode approximation for a nonlinear elliptic problem with a periodic potential

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    Coupled-mode systems are used in physical literature to simplify the nonlinear Maxwell and Gross-Pitaevskii equations with a small periodic potential and to approximate localized solutions called gap solitons by analytical expressions involving hyperbolic functions. We justify the use of the one-dimensional stationary coupled-mode system for a relevant elliptic problem by employing the method of Lyapunov--Schmidt reductions in Fourier space. In particular, existence of periodic/anti-periodic and decaying solutions is proved and the error terms are controlled in suitable norms. The use of multi-dimensional stationary coupled-mode systems is justified for analysis of bifurcations of periodic/anti-periodic solutions in a small multi-dimensional periodic potential.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Zitterbewegung and semiclassical observables for the Dirac equation

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    In a semiclassical context we investigate the Zitterbewegung of relativistic particles with spin 1/2 moving in external fields. It is shown that the analogue of Zitterbewegung for general observables can be removed to arbitrary order in \hbar by projecting to dynamically almost invariant subspaces of the quantum mechanical Hilbert space which are associated with particles and anti-particles. This not only allows to identify observables with a semiclassical meaning, but also to recover combined classical dynamics for the translational and spin degrees of freedom. Finally, we discuss properties of eigenspinors of a Dirac-Hamiltonian when these are projected to the almost invariant subspaces, including the phenomenon of quantum ergodicity

    Delocalization of slowly damped eigenmodes on Anosov manifolds

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    We look at the properties of high frequency eigenmodes for the damped wave equation on a compact manifold with an Anosov geodesic flow. We study eigenmodes with spectral parameters which are asymptotically close enough to the real axis. We prove that such modes cannot be completely localized on subsets satisfying a condition of negative topological pressure. As an application, one can deduce the existence of a "strip" of logarithmic size without eigenvalues below the real axis under this dynamical assumption on the set of undamped trajectories.Comment: 28 pages; compared with version 1, minor modifications, add two reference

    Quantum ergodicity for Pauli Hamiltonians with spin 1/2

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    Quantum ergodicity, which expresses the semiclassical convergence of almost all expectation values of observables in eigenstates of the quantum Hamiltonian to the corresponding classical microcanonical average, is proven for non-relativistic quantum particles with spin 1/2. It is shown that quantum ergodicity holds, if a suitable combination of the classical translational dynamics and the spin dynamics along the trajectories of the translational motion is ergodic.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Semiclassical measures and the Schroedinger flow on Riemannian manifolds

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    In this article we study limits of Wigner distributions (the so-called semiclassical measures) corresponding to sequences of solutions to the semiclassical Schroedinger equation at times scales αh\alpha_{h} tending to infinity as the semiclassical parameter hh tends to zero (when αh=1/h\alpha _{h}=1/h this is equivalent to consider solutions to the non-semiclassical Schreodinger equation). Some general results are presented, among which a weak version of Egorov's theorem that holds in this setting. A complete characterization is given for the Euclidean space and Zoll manifolds (that is, manifolds with periodic geodesic flow) via averaging formulae relating the semiclassical measures corresponding to the evolution to those of the initial states. The case of the flat torus is also addressed; it is shown that non-classical behavior may occur when energy concentrates on resonant frequencies. Moreover, we present an example showing that the semiclassical measures associated to a sequence of states no longer determines those of their evolutions. Finally, some results concerning the equation with a potential are presented.Comment: 18 pages; Theorems 1,2 extendend to deal with arbitrary time-scales; references adde

    Semi- and Non-relativistic Limit of the Dirac Dynamics with External Fields

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    We show how to approximate Dirac dynamics for electronic initial states by semi- and non-relativistic dynamics. To leading order, these are generated by the semi- and non-relativistic Pauli hamiltonian where the kinetic energy is related to m2+ξ2\sqrt{m^2 + \xi^2} and ξ2/2m\xi^2 / 2m, respectively. Higher-order corrections can in principle be computed to any order in the small parameter v/c which is the ratio of typical speeds to the speed of light. Our results imply the dynamics for electronic and positronic states decouple to any order in v/c << 1. To decide whether to get semi- or non-relativistic effective dynamics, one needs to choose a scaling for the kinetic momentum operator. Then the effective dynamics are derived using space-adiabatic perturbation theory by Panati et. al with the novel input of a magnetic pseudodifferential calculus adapted to either the semi- or non-relativistic scaling.Comment: 42 page

    Resolvent estimates for normally hyperbolic trapped sets

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    We give pole free strips and estimates for resolvents of semiclassical operators which, on the level of the classical flow, have normally hyperbolic smooth trapped sets of codimension two in phase space. Such trapped sets are structurally stable and our motivation comes partly from considering the wave equation for Kerr black holes and their perturbations, whose trapped sets have precisely this structure. We give applications including local smoothing effects with epsilon derivative loss for the Schr\"odinger propagator as well as local energy decay results for the wave equation.Comment: Further changes to erratum correcting small problems with Section 3.5 and Lemma 4.1; this now also corrects hypotheses, explicitly requiring trapped set to be symplectic. Erratum follows references in this versio

    Wigner's Dynamical Transition State Theory in Phase Space: Classical and Quantum

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    A quantum version of transition state theory based on a quantum normal form (QNF) expansion about a saddle-centre-...-centre equilibrium point is presented. A general algorithm is provided which allows one to explictly compute QNF to any desired order. This leads to an efficient procedure to compute quantum reaction rates and the associated Gamov-Siegert resonances. In the classical limit the QNF reduces to the classical normal form which leads to the recently developed phase space realisation of Wigner's transition state theory. It is shown that the phase space structures that govern the classical reaction d ynamicsform a skeleton for the quantum scattering and resonance wavefunctions which can also be computed from the QNF. Several examples are worked out explicitly to illustrate the efficiency of the procedure presented.Comment: 132 pages, 31 figures, corrected version, Nonlinearity, 21 (2008) R1-R11