328 research outputs found

    The Orlicz version of the LpL_p Minkowski problem on Sn−1S^{n-1} for −n<p<0-n<p<0

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    An Orlicz version of the LpL_p-Minkowski problem on Sn−1S^{n-1} is discussed corresponding to the case −n<p<0-n<p<0

    Intrinsic volumes of random polytopes with vertices on the boundary of a convex body

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    Let KK be a convex body in Rd\R^d, let j∈{1,...,d−1}j\in\{1, ..., d-1\}, and let ϱ\varrho be a positive and continuous probability density function with respect to the (d−1)(d-1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure on the boundary ∂K\partial K of KK. Denote by KnK_n the convex hull of nn points chosen randomly and independently from ∂K\partial K according to the probability distribution determined by ϱ\varrho. For the case when ∂K\partial K is a C2C^2 submanifold of Rd\R^d with everywhere positive Gauss curvature, M. Reitzner proved an asymptotic formula for the expectation of the difference of the jjth intrinsic volumes of KK and KnK_n, as n→∞n\to\infty. In this article, we extend this result to the case when the only condition on KK is that a ball rolls freely in KK
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