65 research outputs found

    Derera Miklós (Nicholas F. Derera) 90 éves

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    Triticale breeding and research for quality : results of the last ten years in Szeged

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    Mathematical Modelling of the Cost Structure of the Logistics System of Shopping Malls in Budapest

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    In this paper, we will present the examination of the city logistics system of shopping malls in Budapest. We will introduce the mathematical model of its cost structure which can help us to evaluate this complex system from a financial point of view. The data, we collected earlier, made it possible to simulate the physical processes of the current logistics system and to compare them with innovative new systems as well. However, in case of any new systems it is essential to compare the costs too. The mathematical modelling was based on the observed processes of three shopping malls in Budapest. We added this cost structure to the simulation model to make the simulation of costs possible, so now we have a tool which can help us comprehensively examine the current logistic system of the shopping malls in Budapest as well as a consolidation based proposed solution

    Szamák István (1920–2010)

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    In vitro culture utilization in Hungarian triticale breeding program

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    The doubled haploid plants can play a key role in applied research to map the agronomically, botanically important traits and acceleration of the breeding process in crop plants. The efficiency of triticale anther culture was tested by two field- and greenhouse grown winter triticale varieties (GK Idus and GK Szemes). The effect of growing conditions and genotype and their interaction were tested on four androgenic parameters (number of embryo-like structures, total, green and albino plantlets). The androgenesis was induced in each treatment of the two tested genotypes. Cultivar GK Szemes produced more embryo-like structures, total and albino plantlets, while the field grown GK Idus produced the most green plantlets/Petri dish. In the experiments of growing conditions, the efficiency of this tested method was higher in anther culture of field grown materials if compare to greenhouse origin materials. Based on this promising data, we can suggest the using of this method in applied research (production of mapping population) and practical breeding

    A nitrogén metabolizmusban kulcsszerepet betöltő glutamin szintetáz enzim indikátorszerepének vizsgálata abiotikus stressznek kitett búza növényekben = Study of the indicatory role of the nitrogen metabolism enzyme glutamine synthetase in wheat exposed to abiotic stress

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    A szárazságstressz és a savas talajokon fellépő alumínium toxicitás élettani hátterét vizsgáltuk. A gabonafélék fakultatív metabolikus változásokkal reagálnak a kedvezőtlen körülményekre, ennek hatása a C/N anyagcserében is megjelenik. A glutamin szintetáz (GS, EC izoenzimeinek arány és aktivitás változását megmérve igazoltuk feltételezett stressz-indikátor szerepét. Az izoenzimek aktivitásváltozása meghatározott élettani folyamatokat tükröz. A C3-as növények levelében a legnagyobb mennyiségben levő fehérjét, a Rubisco-t párhuzamosan mérve kimutattuk ennek a „N raktárnak” a lebontását, a N-remobilizálódást. Az enzim jól jelezte, hogy a magfeltöltődés idején alkalmazott szárazságstressz felgyorsítja a szeneszcenciát a fiatalabb levelekben ill. a zászlóslevélben a kevésbé toleráns fajtákban: az asszimiláló „source” jelleg átalakul degradatív „source”-szá. Az alumínium stressz tolerancia egyik növényekben leírt módja az Al szerves ligandumokhoz kapcsolása, komplexálása. A glutamin szintetáz szerkezetében két eltérő affinitású fémkötő helyet találunk, melyek az enzim katalitikus és strukturális tulajdonságait határozzák meg. A szerves Al(III)-komplexek jelenlétében felvett kinetikai görbék értékelésével az Al toxikus hatásának a mértéke meghatározható. Kimutattuk, hogy alumíniummal kezelt és ezt követően izolált GS enzim specifikus fémkötő helyeinek egyikét az Al elfoglalja, és serkenti a GS aktivitását. | The project dealt with drought and soil-borne aluminium toxicity. Cereals respond with facultative metabolic changes to these unfavourable conditions. Measuring the ratio and activity of isoforms of glutamine synthetase (GS, EC the supposed indicatory role of this enzyme was proved. Changes in activity of GS isoforms reflect well-defined physiological processes. Rubisco is the major protein of leaves of C3 plants. The breakdown of this protein pool, the mobilization of N was detected too. The drought stress during the grain filling period initiated senescence in the younger leaves (and in flag leaf) and accelerated it in the older ones as GS indicated: the leaves converted from assimilatory source into degradative source in case of less tolerant wheat cultivars. There is an increasing gradient of GS activity and of the protein content in the series of leaves from the older towards the younger ones. In case of tolerance only the slope of this gradient increases, but in case of sensitivity the gradient breaks. Al resistance can be achieved by mechanisms that facilitate Al exclusion from cells and mechanisms that confer the ability of plants to tolerate Al in the symplast. Eukaryotic GS requires two divalent metal ions per subunit for activity, which makes GS a potential target of metal stress. The Al from an organic metal complex is able to activate GS, Al becomes bound to the polypeptide structure of the GS molecule, occupying one of the specific metal binding sites

    the puff-pastry making properties of triticale flour

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    The flour (100% Tc) of the triticale variety GK Szemes bred at the Cereal Research NonProfit Ltd. was tested for food purposes, namely, for puff-pastry making properties. The control dough was made of BL 55 plain wheat flour (100% BL). Flour mixtures (flour mixtures I and II) were prepared by mixing wheat flour and triticale flour to different ratios. The flours, their mixtures, and the puff-pastry made of them, respectively, were analyzed according to the terms of the Hungarian Food Codex for the following rheological traits: gluten content, falling number, farinograph water absorption, and extensibility. The data reflected that the triticale flour and wheat flour mixtures had advantageous baking industrial properties. The dough of flour mixtures was easier to handle manually than the control. The dough on flour mixture II basis was ranked higher than that of flour mixture I in terms of sensory properties. Therefore flour mixture II had been chosen to bake Chelsea bun-type puffpastry with savoury (pizza cream) flavouring. Triticale has favourable agronomic traits and beneficial nutrition value and therefore it is expected to become a valuable food component

    Utilization of in Vitro Anther Culture in Spelt Wheat Breeding

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    The efficiency of in vitro anther culture was screened in a full diallel population of four spelt wheat genotypes and ten F1 hybrids. Genotype dependency was observed based on the data of embryo-like structures (ELS), green-, albino plantlets. In the diallel population and ten F1 hybrids, the green plantlets production ranged from 13.75 to 85.00 and from 6.30 to 51.00, respectively. The anther culture-derived plants of F1 hybrids were grown up in the nursery. At the harvest, 436 spontaneous doubled haploid (DH) plants were identified among the 1535 anther culture-derived transplanted and grown up individual plants. The mean of spontaneous rediploidization was 28.4% which ranged from 9.76% to 54.24%. In two consecutive years, the agronomic values of ‘Tonkoly.pop1’ advanced line were compared with seven DH lines of ‘Tonkoly.pop1’ in the nursery. The DH lines achieved competitive values in comparison with ‘Tonkoly.pop1’ advanced line based on the 11 measured parameters (heading date, plant height, yield, hardness, width and length of seed, TKW, hulling yield, flour yield, protein and wet gluten content). These observations presage the efficient utilization of anther culture in spelt wheat breeding

    The analysis of flour blends as affected by the behaviour of two different quality flours of triticale under different fertilizer treatments

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    Triticale is likely used in many countries in human consumption, due to its advantageous agronomical and nutritional properties mostly in blends. The baking quality of blends depends not just on the proportions of the used flours but also on their individual quality what can be influenced by fertilizer treatments. 22 flour blends were prepared with commercial wheat flour and triticale wholemeal flour in proportions from 0% to 100%. The triticale was treated with different amount of fertilizers (N30P30K30, N60P0K0). Changes of wet gluten contents and extensograph parameters of the blends were determined. The quality of blends significantly depends on the fertilizer treatment of triticale beside the proportions of the flours. When the N60P0K0 treated triticale was used in blends, wet gluten and extensibility values were significantly higher, but in case of resistant to extensions (Rmax) the N30P30K30 treated samples gave higher values. The measured values of wet gluten and extensibility were above the expected values (synergism), while in the case of resistance to extension the expected values were higher than the measured values (antagonism)