472 research outputs found

    Effect of imidazole and indomethacin on hemodynamics of the obstructed canine kidney

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    Effect of imidazole and indomethacin on hemodynamics of the obstructed canine kidney. In the anesthetized dog renal blood flow (RBF) and its intrarenal distribution were investigated by the radioactive microsphere technique 24hr after bilateral (BUL) and unilateral (UUL) ureteral ligation. In the control series indomethacin (IM) led to a decrease in RBF with outward shifting of zonal perfusions; imidazole (IA) did not cause significant changes in renal hemodynamics. In the BUL series there was a sharp drop in RBF with a proportional decrease in outer (OC) and inner (IC) cortical perfusion; IM treatment resulted in a further decrease in overall and zonal perfusions. I A, a selective inhibitor of thromboxane synthetase, relieved IC vasoconstriction. In the ligated kidney of the UUL preparations decrease in RBF was due to OC vasoconstriction, while IC perfusion equalled controls. IM led to an overall vasoconstriction in all cortical layers; IA did not influence either total RBF or its distribution. It was concluded that BUL “unmasked” TXA2 production in the IC layers, while IM treatment, by inhibiting the production of PGE2, PGI2, and TXA2, resulted in an overall vasoconstriction both in controls and the BUL and UUL preparations.Effet de l'imidazole et de l'indométhacine sur l'hémodynamique du rein de chien en obstruction. Chez le chien anesthésié le flux sanguin rénal (RBF) et sa distribution intrarénale ont été étudiés par la technique des microsphères radioactives 24hr après ligature urétérale bilatérale (BUL) ou unilatérale (UUL). Dans la série contrôle, l'indométhacine (IM) diminuait RBF avec un déplacement des perfusions régionales vers l'extérieur; l'imidazole (IA) ne modifiait pas significativement l'hémodynamique rénale. Dans la série BUL, il y avait une chute prononcée de RBF avec une baisse proportionnelle de la perfusion corticale externe (OC) et interne (IC); le traitement IM diminuait encore plus les perfusions globales et régionales. IA, un inhibiteur sélectif de la thromboxane synthétase, diminuait la vasoconstriction IL. Dans le rein ligaturé des préparations UUL, la baisse de RBF était due à une vasoconstriction OC, alors que la perfusion IC était égale à celle des contrôles. IM entraînait une vasoconstriction globale dans toutes les couches corticales; IA n'influençait ni RBF total, ni sa distribution. On a conclu que BUL “démasquait” une production de TXA2 dans les couches IC, tandis que le traitement IM, en inhibant la production de PGE2, PGI2, et TXA2, entraînait une vasoconstriction globale dans les préparations contrôles, BUL et UUL

    Health communication through media narratives: factors, processes, and effects - introduction

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    Narrative health communication is a form of persuasive communication in which a health message is presented in the form of a fictional or nonfictional story, as opposed to being presented as statistical evidence or arguments to promote health-related behaviors. Recently, meta-analyses have been conducted on the effectiveness of narrative health communication; however, systematic research is still needed to further the understanding of the mechanics underlying the effects of health narratives. Addressing this gap, this Special Section provides a synthesis of knowledge and direction in the field of narrative health communication, bringing together 10 original research articles. The reported studies investigate experiences mediating the effect of narratives on health outcomes, as well as the role of moderating factors, such as cultural background, form, content, and context-related features. All 10 studies reported here have important implications for the theory of narrative processing and effects, and they are instrumental to the practice of designing effective health communication messages


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    Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) gained increasing attention and experienced rapid growth in the US and Western Europe over the past 25 years as a special form of direct marketing where producers and consumers form an alliance in a relationship based on mutual trust, openness, shared risk and shared rewards.Using local, organic food-systems as the point of departure the paper aims to explore the farm enterprises that follow practices of CSA in Hungary. Our study confirmed that CSA can be identified as a sustainable rural business strategy for innovative organic farmers and has transformative potential for food-system localization, providing decent livelihood, good care of natural resources and strengthens social cohesion within the rural-urban interface in Hungary

    Distant love by Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim

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    In the book of Distant Love Beck and Beck continue the work which was written in the Normal Chaos of Love by arguing that the classic family has begun to give away to the multiplicity of new type of families. Normal Chaos of Love has showed how single parent families and patchwork families have emerged due to successive marriage and divorce. Distant Love also focuses on new type of families, but it considers the global pictures by introducing the concept of world families. As Beck and Beck summarize it, the aim of the book is to “focus on the globalization of love”; however, it does not rely on own research or empirical results but illustrates its points with several examples taken from other studies

    Characterization of Human Pituitary Adenomas in Cell Cultures by Light And Electron Microscopic Morphology And Immunolabeling

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    The morphology and hormone production of pituitary adenoma cell cultures were compared in order to highlight their characteristic in vitro features. Cell suspensions were prepared from 494 surgical specimens. The 319 viable monolayer cultures were analyzed in detail by light microscopy and immunocytochemistry within two weeks of cultivation. Some cultures were further characterized by scanning, transmission and immunogold electron microscopy. The viability and detailed in vitro morphology of adenoma cells were found to be characteristic for the various types of pituitary tumors. The sparsely granulated growth hormone, the corticotroph and the acidophil stem cell adenomas provided the highest ratio of viable cultures. Occasionally, prolonged maintenance of cells resulted in long-term cultures. Furthermore, a variety of particular distributions of different hormone-containing granules were found in several cases. Both light microscopic and ultrastructural analyses proved that the primary cultures of adenoma cells retain their physiological features during in vitro cultivations. Our in vitro findings correlated with the routine histopathological examination. These results prove that monolayer cultures of pituitary adenoma cells can contribute to the correct diagnosis and are valid model systems for various oncological and neuroendocrinological studies

    A patológus szerepe a központi idegrendszer tumorainak diagnosztikájában, a terápiatervezésben. Prognosztikus és prediktív markerek vizsgálata

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    Despite advances in imaging methods, the standard of diagnosis and treatment of the tumours of the nervous system remains the histological report issued by a neuropathologist. For reliable, definitive diagnosis, close collaboration with other medical professions is essential, correlation of histological findings with clinical and imaging results is necessary. Neuropathology became a subspecialty because of the specific knowledge and experience it requires. In more complex cases consultation with neuropathologists is important to ensure adequate diagnosis and subsequent treatment. In both establishing the diagnosis and treatment planning, the molecular testing of brain tumors becomes more and more important. These tests are reliably available only in larger centers. Out of the molecular markers, in current practice the investigation of codeletion at 1p/19q, IDH mutations, beta-katenin nuclear positivity and MGMT methylation gained acceptance. Besides these tests already in practice, a vast array of potential diagnostic and prognostic markers are being investigated, which in the future may assist in delivering better and more individualized therapy

    Királis felismerés vizsgálata termoanalitikai és szerkezeti kémiai módszerekkel = Thermoanalytical and structural chemical investigations of chiral recognition

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    Kutatásaink segítségével a reszolválások hatékonyságát befolyásoló fizikai-kémiai folyamatatokba nyertünk betekintést több modellvegyület-rendszer esetében. Származék-származék reszolválások, ill. ún. holland reszolválások termékeinek termoanalitikai és szerkezeti kémia vizsgálatát végeztük el. Kísérleteket végeztünk akirális hozzátétnek a reszolválhatóságra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálatára is. Megállapítottuk, hogy az alkalmazott modellvegyületek esetében a kiralitás centrumtól távol lévő és a funkciós csoportokat nem érintő szerkezeti változtatások jelentősen befolyásolják a reszolválás hatékonyságát, melyet a gyenge másodlagos kölcsönhatások a szilárd fázisú szerkezetek stabilitására gyakorolt szinergikus hatásával valamint a termodinamikai egyensúly elérését megelőző folyamatok hatásával, azaz a királis felismerés ill. szilárd fázis kialakulásának kinetikájával magyarázunk. | Based on the performed research we gained insight into the physico-chemical processes influencing the effectiveness of optical resolutions for several model systems. We performed thermoanalytical and structural investigations of the products of derivative-derivative resolutions, and so-called Dutch resolutions. Experiments were performed to determine the influence of achiral additives on resolvability. We established that for the examined model compounds structural changes distant from the chirality centre and not effecting the functional groups have a pronounced effect on the effectiveness of the optical resolution. This is accounted for by the synergic effect of weak, secondary interactions on the stability of solid phase structures as well as by the processes leading to the thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. the kinetics of the chiral recognition and the formation of the solid phase
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