13 research outputs found


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    The study assessed the integration of various Building Automation Systems (BAS) to enhance efficiency and productivity in residential buildings in developing countries: Professionals` perspectives. A survey technique was used for this research. Both Qualitative data and Quantitative data were obtained. 100 structured questionnaires were distributed to the professionals involved in construction of the systems. The data were analyzed and ranked based on Relative Importance Index (RII) calculation. The result showed that high energy management, improved security, improved safety in buildings were the most important benefits while High cost of purchasing devices and high maintenance cost., lack of adequate power supply, lack of technical-know where the challenges encountered in the use of BAS. There is lack of awareness of BAS by professionals. It recommended that there should more enlightenment and training of the construction professionals on the importance of building automation for better efficiency and productivity


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    The study evaluated the application of eco-friendly systems in some selected buildings in Nigeria with a aim of taking advantage of natural resources for building efficiency. Qualitative and Quantitative research methods were employed in this study. Data was obtained by the administration of questionnaires to occupants of residential buildings and the designs of their building were also assessed against sustainable standards. Findings showed that the buildings of sampled respondents were not sustainable and the natural resources available in the environment were not properly utilized. In addition, the residents pay more for energy consumption because the natural resources in the environment were not adequately integrated in the building. The study therefore recommended that a green building rating system like the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) suitable for Nigeria should be designed to guide new projects and renovation

    Data on factors influencing the cost,time performance of the Industrialized Building System

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    The dataarticleprovidesthefactorsthatinfluence thecost;time performance oftheIndustrializedBuildingSystem(IBS),itspro- spects andchallenges.Asurveytechniquewasusedforthis research.StructuredQuestionnaireswereadministeredtooccu- pants ofprefabricatedbuildingsandinterviewswereconducted with theprofessionalsinthebuildingindustry.StatisticalPackage for SocialSciences(SPSSversion20)wasusedtoanalysethedata obtained fromthequestionnaires.Thevariableswereranked based onRelativeImportanceIndex(RII)calculation.TheData indicated thatIBSwouldbemoreeconomicalifusedformass productio


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    The parameters for measuring the performance of project managers on any construction project are time, cost, quality, health and safety, meeting requirements of the owners and satisfaction of stakeholders. This study was conducted in Ogun state to ascertain the effects of project manager on construction works and project delivery in Nigeria. Both qualitative and quantitative data were obtained. A cross-sectional survey research design was used. A survey of randomly selected samples of 32 professionals, questionnaires was used to collect data from Architects, Civil Engineers, Builders and Quantity Surveyors practicing in the state. The result of the findings shows that effective engagement of project managers on project ensures that project criteria are achieved both at the preliminary and construction stages of projects. It is concluded that there is need to engage the services of project managers in projects for better efficiencies and quality delivery of projects. It is however recommended that project managers should be properly trained and engage in continuous professional development to be abreast with latest project management strategie


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    The importance of the use of software cannot be over emphasized as it influences planning, coordination and control of projects from the design to the execution stage. The study therefore sought to know how the application of software can improve the quality of project delivery in the construction industry. The objectives were to: determine the types of software used by construction firms in project delivery; evaluate the level of usage of software by construction professionals, assess the efficiency of the software on project delivery and how software adoption can improve the construction industry. Primary and Secondary data were collected. Questionnaires were administered to professionals in selected construction firms. Data were analyzed based on Relative Importance Index (RII). The result showed that the use of software has great and positive impact in varying degrees on cost management, quality management, time management and other aspects of construction management for a successful project execution. Moreover, Nigerian construction industry is still lagging behind in the full adoption of software therefore there is urgent need for improvement by embarking on training and re-training of the construction staff internationally in the new skills and construction methods towards achieving more efficient and vibrant construction .industry

    Data on factors influencing the cost,time performance of the Industrialized Building System

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    The data article provides the factors that influence the cost;time performance of the Industrialized Building System(IBS),its prospects and challenges. A survey technique was used for this research. Structured Questionnaires were administered to occupants of pre fabricated buildings and interviews were conducted with the professionals in the building industry. Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSSversion20)was used to analyse the data obtained from the questionnaires.The variables were ranked based on Relative Importance Index(RII)calculation.The Data indicated that IBS would be more economical if used for mass production

    Analysis of Underlying Constraints Affecting the Choice of Building as A Major Course

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the underlying constraints affecting the choice of Building as a major course. The objectives of the paper arc to assess the a\varcncss of students on Building as a course in the institution, identify the percentage of students \Villing to study Building as compared to other related courses, identify constraints of students who chose Building. Secondary and primary data were obtained. Data was obtained by the administration or qucstionnnirc. and intcndC\VS or students studying building technology in C-Ovenant University. A sample si:~.e of 150 students comprising of students from the 5 levels of the progrmmne partook of the survey. Purposeful sampling technique was used and the data obtained was analyzed using a 5-point Likert scale .. The factors affecting the choice of building in varying degrees include Poor awareness of the course, Inappropriate advice, Method of teaching, Demands of the course, Gender differences, Tuition fees, Basic Teclmological skills, Leaming Enviromnent, Method of teaching, Prospects for students in studying the course. Ho\vevcr, tna_jority of the students' constraint was lack of::nvareness about the course; therefore it is reconnnended that proper cnvareness of Building Technolot,':Y as a profession should be done via workshops and seminars in secondary schools so as to broaden the view of students about the course even before entering into the higher institution .. Building technology skills acquisition is declining in many institutions in the country, therefore it requires serious attention at national level. The National Institute of building (NIOB)_ Cmmcil of registered builders of Nigeria (CORBON) that have been tasked with a detailed assessment or the construction I building skills shortage should address these inadequacie

    Analysis of Underlying Constraints Affecting the Choice of Building as A Major Course

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the underlying constraints affecting the choice of Building as a major course. The objectives of the paper arc to assess the a\varcncss of students on Building as a course in the institution, identify the percentage of students \Villing to study Building as compared to other related courses, identify constraints of students who chose Building. Secondary and primary data were obtained. Data was obtained by the administration or qucstionnnirc. and intcndC\VS or students studying building technology in C-Ovenant University. A sample si:~.e of 150 students comprising of students from the 5 levels of the progrmmne partook of the survey. Purposeful sampling technique was used and the data obtained was analyzed using a 5-point Likert scale .. The factors affecting the choice of building in varying degrees include Poor awareness of the course, Inappropriate advice, Method of teaching, Demands of the course, Gender differences, Tuition fees, Basic Teclmological skills, Leaming Enviromnent, Method of teaching, Prospects for students in studying the course. Ho\vevcr, tna_jority of the students' constraint was lack of::nvareness about the course; therefore it is reconnnended that proper cnvareness of Building Technolot,':Y as a profession should be done via workshops and seminars in secondary schools so as to broaden the view of students about the course even before entering into the higher institution .. Building technology skills acquisition is declining in many institutions in the country, therefore it requires serious attention at national level. The National Institute of building (NIOB)_ Cmmcil of registered builders of Nigeria (CORBON) that have been tasked with a detailed assessment or the construction I building skills shortage should address these inadequacie