81 research outputs found

    Challenges to Industrial Water Pricing in Mandalay Region

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    This paper focuses on major aspects for challenges of industrial water pricing in Mandalay. The situational analysis on water supply system in Mandalay was conducted by questionnaire survey based on literature. In Mandalay, it is categorized by three zones of water resources according to the depth of tube wells which can get enough volume of groundwater. At present condition, there are 12 booster pumping stations, two treatment plants and 33 tube wells for public water supply. However, public water supply does not cover the whole city and industrial water supply is still being lack. Most industries extract vast amount of groundwater and discharge contaminated water into the surface water sources. Infrastructure in water supply, public appreciation for the water value, public-private-partnerships, going green, climate change patterns and impacts, groundwater abstraction, groundwater regulations and industrial water tariff system are studied in Mandalay area. Based on this study, the main challenges concerned with industrial water pricing are identified for Mandalay area

    Processing and Utilization of Bio-Flocculant from Dent Corn in Food Wastewater

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    In the present research, native starch was prepared from dent corn (Zea mays L.) and the prepared native starch was modified by phosphorylation to get biodegradable bio-flocculants. The processed modified starch bio-flocculants were applied in the treatment of food wastewater. The physico-chemical properties of dent corn such as protein, fiber, fat, moisture, carbohydrate and ash contents were determined by AOAC (2000) method. The physico-chemical characteristics of native starch and modified starch (bio-flocculants) such as iodine test, bulk density, the degree of substitution, swelling power, amylose and amylopectin contents were determined. The flocculation efficiency of the processed bio-flocculants by using ferric laurate suspension and the optimal transmission percentage was investigated. The properties of food wastewater such as pH, colour, turbidity, total solids, dissolved solids and suspended solids before and after treatment with processes bio-flocculants were also determined

    Processing and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Toddy Fruit Husk

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    The focus of this research work was the processing and characterization of activated carbon from toddy palm fruit husk. To identify the purity of raw material, the properties of toddy palm fruit husk in terms of moisture, ash, volatile matter, fixed carbon content and bulk density were determined. Activated carbon was prepared by chemical activation of toddy palm fruit husk and then by carbonization. The effect of carbonization temperature and time on the appearance and properties of processed activated carbons were investigated. The physico-chemical properties of processed activated carbon such as moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon content were determined. The highest fixed carbon content was obtained with 25 % w/w zinc chloride as chemical activating agent at carbonization temperature 350°C for carbonization time 45 min. For the assessment of the quality of the product, the properties such as surface area, iodine sorption capacity and methylene blue number were also investigated. Furthermore, the phase and microstructure of the prepared activated carbons were determined by X-Ray Diffraction Spectroscopy (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The high iodine sorption capacity and fairly high methylene blue number indicated that the processed activated carbon had large surface area and well developed mesoporosity. Therefore toddy palm fruit was the potential to be a promising precursor for the processing of activated carbon

    A Study of Eastern Culture from the Philosophical Perspective

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    In the world philosophies the Eastern has investigated everything in their aesthetic component on the other hand the Western has investigated these things in their theoretic component. The main objective of this paper is intended to study on Eastern culture from the philosophical Perspective. Most of the Easterners emphasized on man than on his natural world and one of the characteristics of Eastern culture is fundamentally religious in character. The research problem of this paper is “why the Easterners’ ways of thinking seems to emphasize on the human concern in aesthetic component?” The solution of this paper is that Easterner’s ways of thinking generally based on emotional sense than rational sense. Hence they place emphasis on knowledge by intuition and on contemplation of everything in their aesthetic immediacy. This research paper will contribute to promote understanding that people can put into practice reconciliation of the philosophical perspective of the East and the West in order to achieve a comprehensive integration. As a consequence we enable to establish mutual understanding and good communication among different cultures

    Why a universal Child Grant makes sense in Nepal: a four-step analysis

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    Whether cash transfers should be poverty targeted or universal within certain social categories remains a hotly debated topic. Recent plans to expand Nepal’s Child Grant programme brought this question sharply into focus. Using available secondary data, this article presents a four-step analysis that examines the costs and benefits of different approaches. Given the country’s poverty profile, the theoretical results of different targeting models, government capacity and overall costs, a universal (age-cohort targeted) approach achieves the best outcomes for childre

    Feasibility and limitations of acridine orange fluorescence technique using a Malaria Diagnosis Microscope in Myanmar.

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    We studied parasite detectability in thick films by an acridine orange fluorescence technique (AO) to test its applicability and the use of a Malaria Diagnosis Microscope (MDM)-ESL in the detection of parasites, compared to the conventional Giemsa staining method. This study was conducted on 1,390 clinically suspected malaria cases of Thaton township, Myanmar. We found sensitivities of 82.8% for Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) and 100% for Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) and specificities of 97.1% for P. falciparum and 98.6% for P. vivax. AO had a higher sensitivity than Giemsa-stained films at low levels of parasitemia (&#60; 1,000/microl). AO showed lower sensitivity and higher specificity than the Giemsa method at parasite levels of more than 1,000/microl. The results of using the AO method, achieved by both novice and experienced observers, showed no significant difference and required less practice to perform the test as well as to identify the parasite. The acridine orange fluorescence technique using a malaria diagnosis microscope MDM-ESL series is simple, rapid and cost effective. The microscope is conveniently operable using standard AC power or a 12-V DC car battery, and it is easily convertible to a conventional biological microscope. With the exception of species differentiation, which is not possible with this method, this method would be appropriate for both clinical and epidemiological studies.</p
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