74 research outputs found

    An analysis of mystery shopping techniques in service organizations from human resources perspective

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    Gizli müşteri uygulaması, hizmet organizasyonlarında önceden belirlenmiş olan kalite standartlarına dayalı olarak performans ölçme tekniği olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Diğer bir deyişle, hizmetin sunulması sırasında belirlenmiş olan kalite süreç ve kurallarına uyulup uyulmadığının gözlenmesi için gerçek bir müşteri gibi davranan bir gizli müşterinin gözlemlerine dayanan bir tekniktir. Gizli müşteri uygulaması tüm dünyada özellikle hizmet işletmelerinde müşteri ile yüz yüze hizmet sağlayan işgörenlerin değerlendirilmesi için kullanılan yaygın bir metot halini almıştır. Hizmet işletmeleri açısından gizli müşteri uygulamaları hizmet kalitesinin yakalanmasında işgörenlerin performanslarını arttırmaya ve ölçmeye yarayan ve müşteri tatmin araştırmalarına destek olabilecek bir metot olarak kullanılması yarar sağlayacağı görüşü ön plana çıkmaktadır. Özellikle, işgören performansını ölçme amaçlı kullanılan gizli müşteri uygulamalarının, insan kaynakları yönetimi uygulamaları açısından değerlendiren bu çalışma; gizli müşteri uygulamalarının insan kaynakları yönetiminin etkinliği için nasıl kullanılması gerektiğine yönelik tespitlerin yapılmasını amaçlanmaktadır.Mystery customer application in service organizations, is defined as performance measuring technique, regard to the quality standards determined before. In other words, it is a technique to examine whether the rules and qualities are applied or not during the process of service, founded the observations of a mystery customer pretending as a real customer. Mystery customer application became a common method all over the world especially in the service organizations for the evaluation of the employees who serve to the customers face to face. In terms of service organizations the idea that the mystery customer method is useful for improving and measuring the performances of the employees and as a support for customer satisfaction, came into prominence. Specially , this study that evaluate the mystery customer which is used to measure the performance of the employees in terms of human resource applications, aimed to discover how it should be used for the effectiveness of the human resource management

    Psychological contract breaches and organizational cynicism at hotels

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    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impacts of psychological contract breaches experienced at hotels on the formation of organizational cynicism. Within this framework, the study is towards employees working at different departments and levels. 222 employees have participated in the research, and the data are analyzed with a MannWhitney U Test, Kruskal Wallis Test and Spearman correlations test. In the study, employees have a perception of psychological contract breach and have developed some cynical attitudes towards the hotel. Also it is found that the cognitive dimension of cynicism has an almost strong relationship with the perception of a psychological contract breach. It was determined that the affective dimension of cynicism had a weak relationship with the behavioral dimension and again an almost strong relationship with the perception of a psychological contract breach. Finally, a weak relationship is seen between the behavioral dimension of cynicism and the perception of a psychological contract breach. The present study states the relationship between the former concepts at hotels and provides a starting point for further research in organizational behavior not only at hotels but also at other service sectors. An important point emphasizing the need for the study is that the study is the first study to put forward the relationship between the concepts of psychological contract breach and cynicism within the national scope

    Etkinlik turizmi çeşidi olarak festivaller: Bozcaada yerel tatlar festivali örneği

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    In today’s world, alternative tourism activities and tourism product diversification started to gain more importance due to the increase in the number of people participating in tourism and the change in the demands and the needs of the touristsFestivals, as an alternative form of tourism, increase the number of tourists, contribute to the promotion of the region and play an important role in the development of the destination. In this study, the impacts of Tenedos Local Flavours Festival were examined, travel purposes of the tourists were specified, the demographic characteristics of the local residents and the tourists were identified, their perceptions of Local Flavours Festival were assessed and some recommendations were made to achieve more effective results. The research findings show that Local Flavours Festival has positive effects on the promotion of Tenedos and also has economic, socio-cultural and environmental impact on local community. However, the research also concluded that the promotional actions of the festival and the activities organized during the event were insufficient.Günümüzde turizme katılan kişi sayısının artması ve bu doğrultuda turist istek ve ihtiyaçlarında görülen değişiklikler gibi nedenlerden dolayı turizm çeşitlendirmesi ve alternatif turizm faaliyetleri önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Alternatif turizm çeşitlerinden biri olan festivaller de, gerçekleştirildiği destinasyondaki turist sayısını arttırmakta, destinasyonun tanıtımına katkıda bulunmakta ve destinasyonun kalkınmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Yerel Tatlar Festivali’nin Bozcaada’ya etkileri incelenmiş, yerel halkın ve festivale katılan turistlerin demografik özellikleri, seyahat amaçları, Yerel Tatlar Festivali’ne ilişkin algıları değerlendirilerek festivalin daha etkin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları Yerel Tatlar Festivali’nin Bozcaada’nın tanıtımına olumlu etkileri olduğunu ve bölgede yaşayan yerel halka ekonomik, sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel açılardan birçok etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte festivalle ilgili yapılan tanıtım faaliyetlerinin ve festival etkinliklerinin yetersiz olduğu sonuçlarına da ulaşılmıştır

    A research on employees perception of organizational justice and their propensity to leave case study of 4 and 5 star hotels in the province of Antalya

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    The justice is a perceptual concept, and therefore it has been interpreted in various ways either in social or in work environments. This study aims to identify the employees’ perceptions of justice and its relation to their propensity to leave. The scope of the study includes the employees of four and five star hotels (all departments) located in the province of Antalya. A quantitative survey method has been used during the research; the questions and statements had been prepared in a manner that they will not lead the interviewed towards a certain answer in anyway. The data were collected through face to face interviews, online survey portal and email communications. Research findings suggest that, the propensity to leave effects interactional justice, although on a low-scale. It can be said that employees with a tendency to leave develop a higher perception of interactional justice. However, propensity to leave does not have an effect on procedural or distributive justice

    The mediating role of supervisor support in the effect of person organization fit on job satisfaction in hospitality enterprises

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    Person-organization fit which develops with the overlapping between the values of the organizations and values of worker in the organizations has been demonstrated to produce many positive results. One of these results is also the positive impact of person-organization fit on job satisfaction. Besides, the support given to the employees by their supervisor is the important fact to increase job satisfaction. In the light of these relations, this study examined the effect of person-organization fit and the supervisor support on job satisfaction and investigated whether the supervisor support has played a mediating role in the effect of person- organization fit on job satisfaction. The results of the research presented that personorganization fit and supervisor support have a favorable impact on job satisfaction. However, it was seen that the supervisor support does not play a mediating role in the effect of personorganization fit on job satisfaction

    The relationship of percieved organizational support with organizational cynism and its effects on turnover intent a research on 4 and 5 star hotels

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    Perceived organizational support is defined as the behavior of the organization towards its employees and the interpretation of organizational motives underlying this behavior in return for the organization. Organizational cynicism is described as 'the negative attitudes of employees towards the organization'. Turnover intention is expressed as a thought of voluntary staff turnover from the organization. Highly perceived organizational support provides reduction . of absenteeism, late comings and acting in non-associated efforts with the work. From this point, it is aimed to investigate the effects of the organizational support on formation of organizational cynism and turnover intent. In this context, in the current study, organizational support perception of Hotel employees, and its effects on organizational cynism and turnover intent have been measure

    Turizm sektöründe kadın çalışanların karşılaştıkları kariyer engelleri ve cam tavan sendromu: cam tavanı kırmaya yönelik stratejiler

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    With the vanish of the territorial borders, the increasing competition makes the human fact come in to prominence. Especially for the service sector, the qualified staff becomes as an important tool to gain advantage in the competition. Besides, the wide rate of the male workers in the executive grades according to small rate of female workers, bring the issues of “gender discrimination” and the “unequalty” to the agenda and render them worth to research. The women executives’ being late for taking part in the work life and their unable to improve in their career because of the prejudices, have been handled as the topic of various researches. When it is examined on the side of our country the less of the women executives, takes attentition. The “Glass Ceiling” which is used for the invisible obstacles which the women executers meet while they are moving to the upper executive positions, emphasizes the gender discrimination, prejudices and the family responsibles that the women are loaded. In this study, it is tried to propose tendencies to break the “Glass Ceiling” especially in terms of the women executive work in Hotel establishment

    A research determines the interaction among employee's prosocial organizational behaviors in hotel establishments

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    Bu araştırma, konaklama işletmelerinde işgörenlerin prososyal örgütsel davranışları arasındaki etkileşimin incelenmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Konaklama işletmelerinde hizmet süreçleri, işgören-işgören ve işgören-müşteri etkileşimine dayalıdır. Bu sebeple, konaklama işletmelerinde işgörenlerin prososyal örgütsel davranışları, işgören-müşteri; işgören-işgören etkileşimi çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Büyük bir konaklama işletmesinin ön hat çalışanlarının oluşturduğu örneklemden, anket yöntemiyle elde edilen veriler; faktör analizi, korelasyon analizi ve çoklu regresyon analizi yöntemleri vasıtasıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, araştırma kapsamındaki işletmede, işgörenlerin müşteri odaklı prososyal davranışları ile örgüt-işgören odaklı prososyal davranışları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunduğu istatistiksel olarak kabul edilmiştir.This research investigates the interaction among employee’s prosocial organizational behaviors in hotel establishments. The service processes in hotel establishments based on among employee-employee and employee-customer interaction. Because of this reason, prosocial organizational behaviors of the employees in hotel establishments are examined within the framework of the interaction first between employee and customer and then between employee and employee. The data provided from a sample of the front line employees in a largescale hotel business are analyzed via factor analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. According to the results, it is statistically supported that there is a relationship among employee’s customer – oriented and employee/organization – oriented prosocial service behaviors

    Psikolojik kontrat ihlal algısı ile örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisi: otel işletmeleri üzerine bir araştırma

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    Karşılıklı beklentilere yönelik algıları içeren psikolojik kontrat kavramı işveren ve çalışan arasındaki ilişkinin sağlıklı bir şekilde yürütülmesi açısından dikkat edilmesi gereken bir konudur. Psikolojik kontratın ihlal edildiğinin algılanması çalışanları olumsuz davranışlara yönlendirmekte ve örgütsel bağlılığın azalmasına neden olabilmektedir. Bu kapsamda çalışmada psikolojik kontrat ihlal algısı ile çalışanların örgütsel bağlılıkları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda; otel işletmelerinde çalışanların psikolojik kontrat ihlal algıları ile duygusal bağlılıkları arasında anlamlı ve negatif yönlü, normatif bağlılıkları ile anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü bir ilişki ortaya çıkmıştır. Devam bağlılığı ile psikolojik kontrat ihlal algısı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki çıkmamıştır