121 research outputs found

    Graded Effects of Social Conformity on Recognition Memory

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    Previous studies have shown that the opinion of confederates in a group influences recognition memory, but inconsistent results have been obtained concerning the question of whether recognition of items as old and new are affected similarly, possibly because only one or two confederates are present during the recognition phase. Here, we present data from a study where recognition of novel faces was tested in the presence of four confederates. In a long version of this experiment, recognition of items as old and new was similarly affected by group responses. However, in the short version, recognition of old items depended proportionally on the number of correct group responses, while rejection of new items only decreased significantly when all confederates gave an incorrect response. These findings indicate that differential effects of social conformity on recognition of items as old and new occur in situations with an intermediate level of group pressure

    Enhancement of Neocortical-Medial Temporal EEG Correlations during Non-REM Sleep

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    Interregional interactions of oscillatory activity are crucial for the integrated processing of multiple brain regions. However, while the EEG in virtually all brain structures passes through substantial modifications during sleep, it is still an open question whether interactions between neocortical and medial temporal EEG oscillations also depend on the state of alertness. Several previous studies in animals and humans suggest that hippocampal-neocortical interactions crucially depend on the state of alertness (i.e., waking state or sleep). Here, we analyzed scalp and intracranial EEG recordings during sleep and waking state in epilepsy patients undergoing presurgical evaluation. We found that the amplitudes of oscillations within the medial temporal lobe and the neocortex were more closely correlated during sleep, in particular during non-REM sleep, than during waking state. Possibly, the encoding of novel sensory inputs, which mainly occurs during waking state, requires that medial temporal dynamics are rather independent from neocortical dynamics, while the consolidation of memories during sleep may demand closer interactions between MTL and neocortex

    Natural Memory Beyond the Storage Model: Repression, Trauma, and the Construction of a Personal Past

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    Naturally occurring memory processes show features which are difficult to investigate by conventional cognitive neuroscience paradigms. Distortions of memory for problematic contents are described both by psychoanalysis (internal conflicts) and research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD; external traumata). Typically, declarative memory for these contents is impaired – possibly due to repression in the case of internal conflicts or due to dissociation in the case of external traumata – but they continue to exert an unconscious pathological influence: neurotic symptoms or psychosomatic disorders after repression or flashbacks and intrusions in PTSD after dissociation. Several experimental paradigms aim at investigating repression in healthy control subjects. We argue that these paradigms do not adequately operationalize the clinical process of repression, because they rely on an intentional inhibition of random stimuli (suppression). Furthermore, these paradigms ignore that memory distortions due to repression or dissociation are most accurately characterized by a lack of self-referential processing, resulting in an impaired integration of these contents into the self. This aspect of repression and dissociation cannot be captured by the concept of memory as a storage device which is usually employed in the cognitive neurosciences. It can only be assessed within the framework of a constructivist memory concept, according to which successful memory involves a reconstruction of experiences such that they fit into a representation of the self. We suggest several experimental paradigms that allow for the investigation of the neural correlates of repressed memories and trauma-induced memory distortions based on a constructivist memory concept

    Representational dynamics of memories for real-life events

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    peer reviewedThe continuous flow of experience that characterizes real-life events is not recorded as such in episodic memory but is condensed as a succession of event segments separated by temporal discontinuities. To unravel the neural basis of this representational structure, we recorded real-life events using wearable camera technology and used fMRI to investigate brain activity during their temporal unfolding in memory. We found that, compared to the representation of static scenes in memory, dynamically unfolding memory representations were associated with greater activation of the posterior medial episodic network. Strikingly, by analyzing the autocorrelation of brain activity patterns at successive time points throughout the retrieval period, we found that this network showed higher temporal dynamics when recalling events that included a higher density of event segments. These results reveal the key role of the posterior medial network in representing the dynamic unfolding of the event segments that constitute real-world memories

    Direct electrophysiological evidence for prefrontal control of hippocampal processing during voluntary forgetting

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    Forgetting does not necessarily reflect failure to encode information but can, to some extent, also be voluntarily controlled. Previous studies have suggested that voluntary forgetting relies on active inhibition of encoding processes in the hippocampus by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) [1, 2, 3, 4]. During attentional and sensorimotor processing, enhanced DLPFC theta power alongside increased alpha/beta oscillations are a neural signature of an inhibitory top-down mechanism, with theta oscillations reflecting prefrontal control and alpha/beta oscillations occurring in areas targeted by inhibition [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. Here, we used intracranial EEG recordings in presurgical epilepsy patients implanted in DLPFC (n = 13) and hippocampus (n = 15) during an item-method directed forgetting paradigm. We found that voluntary forgetting is associated with increased neural oscillations in the low theta band (3–5 Hz) in DLPFC and in a broad theta/alpha/beta (6–18 Hz) frequency range in hippocampus. Combining time-lagged correlation analysis, phase synchronization, and Granger causality in 6 patients with electrodes in both DLPFC and hippocampus, we obtained converging evidence for a top-down control of hippocampal activity by the DLPFC. Together, our results provide strong support for a model in which voluntary forgetting relies on enhanced inhibition of the hippocampus by the DLPFC

    Theta phase synchronization between the human hippocampus and prefrontal cortex increases during encoding of unexpected information: A case study

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    Events that violate predictions are thought to not only modulate activity within the hippocampus and PFC but also enhance communication between the two regions. Scalp and intracranial EEG studies have shown that oscillations in the theta frequency band are enhanced during processing of contextually unexpected information. Some theories suggest that the hippocampus and PFC interact during processing of unexpected events, and it is possible that theta oscillations may mediate these interactions. Here, we had the rare opportunity to conduct simultaneous electrophysiological recordings from the human hippocampus and PFC from two patients undergoing presurgical evaluation for pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Recordings were conducted during a task that involved encoding of contextually expected and unexpected visual stimuli. Across both patients, hippocampal–prefrontal theta phase synchronization was significantly higher during encoding of contextually unexpected study items, relative to contextually expected study items. Furthermore, the hippocampal–prefrontal theta phase synchronization was larger for contextually unexpected items that were later remembered compared with later forgotten items. Moreover, we did not find increased theta synchronization between the PFC and rhinal cortex, suggesting that the observed effects were specific to prefrontal–hippocampal interactions. Our findings are consistent with the idea that theta oscillations orchestrate communication between the hippocampus and PFC in support of enhanced encoding of contextually deviant information

    Probing the relevance of the hippocampus for conflict-induced memory improvement

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    The hippocampus plays a key role for episodic memory. In addition, a small but growing number of studies has shown that it also contributes to the resolution of response conflicts. It is less clear how these two functions are related, and how they are affected by hippocampal lesions in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Previous studies suggested that conflict stimuli might be better remembered, but whether the hippocampus is critical for supporting this interaction between conflict processing and memory formation is unknown. Here, we tested 19 patients with MTLE due to hippocampal sclerosis and 19 matched healthy controls. Participants performed a face-word Stroop task during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) followed by a recognition task for the faces. We tested whether memory performance and activity in brain regions implicated in long-term memory were modulated by conflict during encoding, and whether this differed between MTLE patients and controls. In controls, we largely replicated previous findings of improved memory for conflict stimuli. While MTLE patients showed response time slowing during conflict trials as well, they did not exhibit a memory benefit. In controls, neural activity of conflict resolution and memory encoding interacted within a hippocampal region of interest. Here, left hippocampal recruitment was less efficient for memory performance in incongruent trials than in congruent trials, suggesting an intrahippocampal competition for limited resources. They also showed an involvement of precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex during conflict resolution. Both effects were not observed in MTLE patients, where activation of the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex instead predicted later memory. Further research is needed to find out whether our findings reflect widespread functional reorganization of the episodic memory network due to hippocampal dysfunction

    Putative Markers of Repression in Patients Suffering From Mental Disorders

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    Background: The concept of psychodynamic conflict is essential to psychodynamic theory and therapy. In classical psychodynamic therapy, unconscious conflict themes need to be identified by the therapist and brought to the patient’s awareness, in order to work through and ultimately solve them. According to theory, touching upon conflict-related topics leads to arousal, followed by activation of defense mechanisms such as repression. Starting with C.G. Jung’s association studies more than 100 years ago, various proposals have been made to investigate psychodynamic conflicts based on free association and psychophysiological measures. This study presents an attempt to identify and differentiate between psychodynamic conflict themes in patients, using an adopted version of Jung’s paradigm that had in previous studies been applied to healthy subjects.Method: Seventeen patients suffering from depression and other mental disorders associated freely to different cue sentences. Prior to the experimental procedure, patients’ individual psychodynamic conflict types were assessed through clinical interviews. Sentences were either neutral, negative (but not conflict-related), or related to specific types of psychodynamic conflicts. Memory for the first three associations was later tested in an unexpected recall task. Skin conductance response (SCR) was recorded and analyzed together with reaction times (RTs) and self-ratings of emotional valence, arousal, and agreement with cue sentences.Results: Patients showed reduced memory performance for associations to conflict-related sentences in general, compared with negative and neutral sentences. Agreement with conflict-related sentences was lower compared to neutral but not negative sentences. Memory was negatively correlated with RTs and SCR. RTs were longer for conflict types that had been rated as relevant in clinical interviews prior to the association task, compared to the other, non-relevant conflict types.Conclusion: Our study shows that some putative markers of repression of psychodynamic conflicts previously established in healthy participants also occur in patients. Moreover, it provides evidence that general conflict effects differ from specific effects of personally relevant conflicts