6 research outputs found


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    This research discusses the implementation of the independent curriculum process in the subject of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at SMA Negeri 1 Depok Sleman. The independent curriculum is an educational initiative that emphasizes independence in learning. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the implementation of an independent curriculum in PAI subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Depok Sleman had significant changes in the teaching approach and the previous learning process. the independent curriculum facilitates the simplification of material from the previous to be short and easier and adapted to the needs of students and everyday life. teachers play an important role in the teaching and learning process to develop an understanding of religious and moral values. In addition, it was found that the implementation of the independent curriculum in PAI subjects provides opportunities for students to go deeper in their understanding of Islam and develop a strong moral character. This research provides important insights into the implementation of the independent curriculum in PAI subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Depok Sleman and can be an evaluation to develop the implementation of the independent curriculum and on how the independent curriculum can be well implemented in Islamic religious education in other schools


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    This research discusses the implementation of the independent curriculum process in the subject of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at SMA Negeri 1 Depok Sleman. The independent curriculum is an educational initiative that emphasizes independence in learning. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the implementation of an independent curriculum in PAI subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Depok Sleman had significant changes in the teaching approach and the previous learning process. the independent curriculum facilitates the simplification of material from the previous to be short and easier and adapted to the needs of students and everyday life. teachers play an important role in the teaching and learning process to develop an understanding of religious and moral values. In addition, it was found that the implementation of the independent curriculum in PAI subjects provides opportunities for students to go deeper in their understanding of Islam and develop a strong moral character. This research provides important insights into the implementation of the independent curriculum in PAI subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Depok Sleman and can be an evaluation to develop the implementation of the independent curriculum and on how the independent curriculum can be well implemented in Islamic religious education in other schools

    Penguraian Urgensi Frasa Agama dalam Peta Jalan Pendidikan Nasional (PJPN) 2020-2035

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    The disappearance of religious phrases in the temporary draft of 2020-2035 National Education Roadmap (PJPN) caused various reactions including religious leaders, mass organizations, politicians, society and culturalists. It is because the draft of 2020-2035 National Education Roadmap (PJPN) contradicts with the 1945 Constitution, the National Education System Law, Government Regulations and Pancasila. This study aims to analyze the important meaning of religious phrases in the temporary draft of the 2020-2035 National Education Roadmap (PJPN). The current Educational Roadmap is designed to create religious, pious and moral students. The research method used in this study is a literature study. The results shows that religion has important position as a source of value and part of national education. Religious education plays an important role in developing students potential to have religious spirituality, noble character, and good personality. The position of religion in national education is very important in establishing human character and morals

    Pemikiran Harun Nasution (Religius-Rasional) Tentang Pendidikan Islam

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    Pendidikan Islam adalah sebuah bidang penting dalam pembentukan individu Muslim yang beradab dan berkualitas. Salah satu tokoh pemikir yang memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam bidang ini adalah Harun Nasution. Pemikiran Harun Nasution mengenai pendidikan Islam menunjukkan pendekatan yang seimbang antara aspek religius dan rasional. penelitian  ini menggunakan jenis penelitian (literature rivew) dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang bertujuan menggambarkan secara sistematis dan faktual tentang fakta yang ditemukan, kemudian diolah dan dianalisis sesuai prosedur yang ada. Sumber data primer yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini berasal dari buku mengenai pemikiran-pemikiran harun nasution dan buku Harun nasution ditinjau dari berbagai aspek. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu Harun Nasution telah melakukan pengembangan berbagai program dengan tujuan mencapai hal tersebut secara keseluruhan. Salah satunya yakni  melalui perubahan dalam sistem pendidikan dan pengajaran. Pada awalnya, fokus utama sistem tersebut yakni  pada proses hapalan, tetapi sekarang telah digantikan oleh sistem diskusi dan seminar yang mendorong adanya dialog. Tujuan dari perubahan ini yakni  untuk membangkitkan sikap kritis dan terbuka terhadap berbagai pemikiran dan pendapat orang lain. Dengan demikian, kebebasan berpikir dan menyatakan pendapat bagi mahasiswa tetap berlaku hingga saat ini


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    Relatively Islamic character education is similar to moral education (akhlaq), in which purifying the soul is maintained because the main purpose man character’s creation is a submission to Allah. The objective of the research to explore the character education improvement and its implementation. In Islam, such an education is an effort to form good character as stated in Surah Ali-Imran verses 159-160. This study uses a qualitative method in that it is attempts to understand phenomena in the surrounding environment and to explore books, journal articles, and reviews of previously published research. The result of this research is that character education is to intentionally cultivate virtues in people like the Prophet Muhammad has who is a role model for humans. While the values of character education in Islam are taqwa (fear of God), tawakkal (trusting in God’s plan), responsible, tolerance, honest, discipline, hard work, curiosity, peace-loving, gentle, forgiving each other, deliberation (musyawarah), and helping each other. In short, according to Al-Misbah exegesis, the values of character education illustrated in the Surah Ali-Imran verses 159-160 include: gentleness, mutual forgiveness, deliberation, tawakkal to Allah, and helping each other. Secara relatif, pendidikan karakter dalam Islam sama dengan pendidikan akhlak, dimana penyucian jiwa diutamakan karena tujuan penciptaan karakter manusia adalah untuk berbakti kepada Tuhan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplor peningkatan pendidikan karakter dan pelaksanaannya. Pendidikan karakter dalam Islam mengarahkan pencapaian seseorang pada karakter yang baik sebagaimana terdapat dalam surat Ali-Imran ayat 159-160. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan upaya memahami fenomena dalam lingkungan sekitar, buku, artikel jurnal, maupun laporan hasil penelitian terdahulu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pendidikan karakter menuntut manusia untuk berbudi luhur seperti Nabi Muhammad yang merupakan suri teladan bagi manusia. Sedangkan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam Islam yaitu taqwa, tawakkal, bertanggung jawab, toleransi, jujur, disiplin, kerja keras, rasa ingin tahu, cinta damai, lemah lembut, saling memaafkan, musyawarah, dan tolong-menolong. Ringkasnya, nilai pendidikan karakter yang dijelaskan dalam surat Ali-Imran ayat 159-160 perspektif tafsir Al-Misbah adalah lemah lembut, saling memaafkan, bermusyawarah, tawakkal kepada Allah, dan tolong-menolon