11 research outputs found

    Characteristic Barriers to the Implementation of the Roadmap for Augmented Reality Technology Development Program

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    The paper discusses the characteristic barriers for the development of a detailed map of the Program for the Development of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) Technologies. The team of authors took part in the development of an alternative version of such a roadmap, since the main executor was another consortium of experts. An alternative point of view is always useful, in particular also because so far, the specified roadmap has not gone beyond the stage of discussion, it is theoretically possible to make amendments and additions to it. At the same time, even in case of its approval, a five-year term has been released for its implementation. During this period of time, possible adjustments to plans, opening of unrecorded technological barriers with which to fight. Therefore, this paper may be useful for those who are planning the development of these technologies, and for those who will work on these plans. The article contains the results of an in-depth analysis of the situation and forecasts on this basis, made during the expert consultation process of the main developers of the roadmap (some of the authors were among the authors of the final roadmap to be submitted for approval by the Government of the Russian Federation)

    Optimization of the coherence function estimation for multi-core central processing unit

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    The paper considers use of parallel processing on multi-core central processing unit for optimization of the coherence function evaluation arising in digital signal processing. Coherence function along with other methods of spectral analysis is commonly used for vibration diagnosis of rotating machinery and its particular nodes. An algorithm is given for the function evaluation for signals represented with digital samples. The algorithm is analyzed for its software implementation and computational problems. Optimization measures are described, including algorithmic, architecture and compiler optimization, their results are assessed for multi-core processors from different manufacturers. Thus, speeding-up of the parallel execution with respect to sequential execution was studied and results are presented for Intel Core i7-4720HQ ΠΈ AMD FX-9590 processors. The results show comparatively high efficiency of the optimization measures taken. In particular, acceleration indicators and average CPU utilization have been significantly improved, showing high degree of parallelism of the constructed calculating functions. The developed software underwent state registration and will be used as a part of a software and hardware solution for rotating machinery fault diagnosis and pipeline leak location with acoustic correlation method

    The time-frequency method of signal analysis in internal combustion engine diagnostics

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    The paper presents the results of the study of applicability of time-frequency correlation functions to solving the problems of internal combustion engine fault diagnostics. The proposed methods are theoretically justified and experimentally tested. In particular, the method's applicability is illustrated by the example of specially generated signals that simulate the vibration of an engine both during the normal operation and in the case of a malfunction in the system supplying fuel to the cylinders. This method was confirmed during an experiment with an automobile internal combustion engine. The study offers the main findings of the simulation and the experiment and highlights certain characteristic features of time-frequency autocorrelation functions that allow one to identify malfunctions in an engine's cylinder. The possibility in principle of using time-frequency correlation functions in function testing of the internal combustion engine is demonstrated. The paper's conclusion proposes further research directions including the application of the method to diagnosing automobile gearboxes

    The leak location package for assessment of the time-frequency correlation method for leak location

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    The paper describes the simplest implementation of a software and hardware package for acoustic correlation leak location and results of its performance assessment for location of water leaks from a metallic pipe in laboratory conditions. A distinctive feature of this leak locator is the use of the software based on the time-frequency correlation analysis of signals, which was proposed in our previous papers. Comparative analysis results are given for the information content of classical and time-frequency cross-correlation functions as obtained during processing of experimental data. The results obtained justify comparatively higher efficiency of a time-frequency cross correlation method to solve the leak location task. Improved efficiency is determined by bandpass filtration embedded into the time-frequency cross-correlation function calculation

    Development problem analysis of correlation leak detector's software

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    In the article, the practical application and the structure of the correlation leak detectors' software is studied and the task of its designing is analyzed. In the first part of the research paper, the expediency of the facilities development of correlation leak detectors for the following operating efficiency of public utilities exploitation is shown. The analysis of the functional structure of correlation leak detectors is conducted and its program software tasks are defined. In the second part of the research paper some development steps of the software package - requirement forming, program structure definition and software concept creation - are examined in the context of the usage experience of the hardware-software prototype of correlation leak detector

    Prospects for the Use of Wireless Reading of Prosthetic Control Signals and Methods for Generating Commands

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    In order to develop effective low-cost prosthetic limbs for people with disabilities, it is proposed to implement wireless communication of sensors used to pick up control commands and prostheses. In this case, the sensors can easily be placed anywhere in the patient's body, which expands the choice of effects on the prostheses. This concept is based on the decision to abandon the built-in biosensors in order to reduce the cost of prostheses, reduce the pain of their use and expand the range of prosthetic coverage, including segments of the population with incomes below average. The paper substantiates the use of low-power mobile phone network and the use of neural networks to create individual prosthetic control algorithms. The results of the first experiments in this area are given

    Critical Technologies in the Cluster of Virtual and Augmented Reality

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    Technologies of creating new products in the field of virtual reality have not only been widely developed, but have already reached the payback stage - primarily in the areas of computer games and simulators for drivers and operators of complex technology, including spacecraft, airplanes, helicopters, cars, etc. As a rule, when discussing these technologies, they add socalled technologies of augmented reality to them. This is logical, but the problem is that, for example, with government funding for the development of these two technologies in a single cluster of programs, there is a danger that all actual projects will be directed to commercialization in the field of virtual reality, whereas this is not so important, since may develop in ways of selffinancing. In this case, there is already a tendency to replace the enlarged concept only with its simplest component, i.e. The term β€œvirtual reality” is used as a synonym for β€œvirtual and augmented reality”, which is completely erroneous. This article aims to distinguish between these terms. To this end, a list of critical subtechnologies has been developed, which is divided into two subsections, one of which relates only to augmented reality technologies. The article may be useful in refining the state support program designed to develop this critical end-to-end digital technology

    Prospects for the Use of Wireless Reading of Prosthetic Control Signals and Methods for Generating Commands

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    In order to develop effective low-cost prosthetic limbs for people with disabilities, it is proposed to implement wireless communication of sensors used to pick up control commands and prostheses. In this case, the sensors can easily be placed anywhere in the patient's body, which expands the choice of effects on the prostheses. This concept is based on the decision to abandon the built-in biosensors in order to reduce the cost of prostheses, reduce the pain of their use and expand the range of prosthetic coverage, including segments of the population with incomes below average. The paper substantiates the use of low-power mobile phone network and the use of neural networks to create individual prosthetic control algorithms. The results of the first experiments in this area are given

    Analysis of Barriers to the Development of Industrial Internet of Things Technology and Ways to Overcome Them

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    The development of the digital economy requires the compilation of a roadmap for the development of all the end-to-end technologies included in the cluster of technologies that need to be developed to a new level. At the first stage, anticipating decisions on state financing of this cluster, a list of critical end-to-end technologies is compiled. The second step is the preparation of roadmaps for each of the selected critical technologies. As a rule, many experts are involved in drawing up roadmaps, including foreign experts. As a rule, the team of such experts is headed by an organization that has received instructions to develop a roadmap on a competitive basis. Of course, not all the wishes of all experts are taken into account by such an organization; therefore, there may be alternative opinions and alternative roadmaps, or additions to the developed roadmaps. If the roadmap developed by the governing organization is approved, alternative documents are only of perhaps scientific interest. If the roadmap developed by the core team of experts is not approved due to its insufficient completeness, the decision seems to be postponed, and the specified roadmap should be corrected by adding information from alternative documents, which, of course, should be done taking into account the opinion of all experts in the field. Since the approved roadmap for the "Industrial Internet of Things" direction does not yet exist, the authors consider it useful to present their position on this issue

    Adaptive system with frequency control channel division and bootstrapping

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    Construction of adaptive control system on the basis of the principle of frequency-dependable feedback and with application of multi-frequency identification action has been shown. The adaptation algorithm possesses relative simplicity, accuracy suitable for most of the industrial enterprises, does not require large calculating resources and is capable of operating in the real time mode