Characteristic Barriers to the Implementation of the Roadmap for Augmented Reality Technology Development Program


The paper discusses the characteristic barriers for the development of a detailed map of the Program for the Development of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) Technologies. The team of authors took part in the development of an alternative version of such a roadmap, since the main executor was another consortium of experts. An alternative point of view is always useful, in particular also because so far, the specified roadmap has not gone beyond the stage of discussion, it is theoretically possible to make amendments and additions to it. At the same time, even in case of its approval, a five-year term has been released for its implementation. During this period of time, possible adjustments to plans, opening of unrecorded technological barriers with which to fight. Therefore, this paper may be useful for those who are planning the development of these technologies, and for those who will work on these plans. The article contains the results of an in-depth analysis of the situation and forecasts on this basis, made during the expert consultation process of the main developers of the roadmap (some of the authors were among the authors of the final roadmap to be submitted for approval by the Government of the Russian Federation)

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