9 research outputs found

    El agua es vida : cuidado y gestión sostenible de las fuentes tradicionales de agua en comunidades rurales amazónicas [Rosario Avellaneda Yajahuanca, Pablo Peñataro Yori, Manuel Martín Brañas]

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    Bibliografía p. 45La presente guía es un intento de contextualizar la problemática del agua en la región Amazónica, analizando los problemas más comunes que afectan a las comunidades rurales y fortaleciendo el papel de la mujer amazónica como gestora del recurso.Incluye glosari

    El agua es vida : cuidado y gestión sostenible de las fuentes tradicionales de agua en comunidades rurales amazónicas [Rosario Avellaneda Yajahuanca, Pablo Peñataro Yori, Manuel Martín Brañas]

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    Incluye glosarioBibliografía p. 45La presente guía es un intento de contextualizar la problemática del agua en la región Amazónica, analizando los problemas más comunes que afectan a las comunidades rurales y fortaleciendo el papel de la mujer amazónica como gestora del recurso

    Concepciones sobre salud reproductiva y sexualidad entre los descendientes Kukamas Kukamirias, Perú

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    La Amazonia Peruana ocupa 62% del territorio del país. Existen 42 grupos etnolinguisticos que presentan características culturales, económicas y políticas diferentes de otros, es importante conocerlos para la atención de la concepción, embarazo, posta y pre-parto se torne más satisfactorio y efectiva. Estudio Cualitativo de base etnográfico. Las mujeres prefieren los servicios de las parteras, usan hierbas y plantas medicinales.Fundación FordTesi

    La experiencia de embarazo, parto y posparto de las inmigrantes bolivianas y sus desencuentros en la ciudad de São paulo - Brasil

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    Los movimientos de personas o grupo dentro de los países y fuera de estos, pueden ser motivados por factores ambientales, económicos, políticos o religiosos, los bolivianos representan el grupo más numeroso que viven en Sao Paulo. Es un estudio de base etnográfico, los cuidados de atención del parto están centrados en interacciones muy diferentes a los que generalmente son adoptados en su cultura. La investigación permitió conocer el contexto social y cultural de algunos saberes y prácticas tradicionales de las mujeres bolivianas y sus diferencias en cuanto a la cultura de Brasil.Convenio de Gobierno Perú - Brasil, PEC-PEGTesi

    Without Kutipa: perceptions about reproduction health and sexuality between descendent of kukamas kukamirias

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    A Amazônia peruana ocupa 62% do território do país. Ali existem 42 grupos etnolinguísticos, que apresentam características culturais, econômicas e políticas diferentes de outras populações do território nacional. Existe uma grande dívida histórica de reivindicação dos direitos destas populações, o que pressupõe elaborar formas de entender a dinâmica entre culturas diferentes, e projetando novas formas de relação que propiciem o encontro intercultural. Isso é importante para que a atenção à concepção, gravidez, parto e pós-parto se torne mais satisfatória e efetiva, e também para que sejam implementados serviços de saúde culturalmente adequados, com mais respeito aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos no período gestacional. Objetivo: Conhecer as concepções sobre as necessidades específicas de saúde sexual e reprodutiva, com foco na saúde materna, no grupo étnico kukama kukamiria da comunidade de San Regis. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de base etnográfico, utilizando os instrumentos de entrevista aberta, observação participante e diário de campo. No total, foram realizadas 25 entrevistas individuais, com mulheres grávidas e puérperas, parteiras, médicos herbalistas, parceiros e servidores de saúde. A identidade dos participantes foi protegida com a utilização de nomes fictícios. Resultados: As mulheres grávidas costumam preferir os serviços das parteiras/ parteiros da comunidade de San Regis pelo vínculo emocional e afetivo entre as duas partes, que resulta numa atenção mais calorosa. As plantas e ervas medicinais são muito utilizadas para curar moléstias ou favorecer um melhor estado de saúde na gravidez, durante e depois do parto, além de serem usadas no cuidado do recém-nascido. Os serviços de saúde são menos procurados, por freqüentemente desrespeitos as tradições deste grupo kukama kukamiria e pelas técnicas inapropriadas que utilizam. Conclusão: As parteiras/parteiros são procuradas pela sua proximidade cultural e afetiva; nos serviços de saúde, freqüentemente a população se sente ameaçada pelo contato rude e procedimentos invasivos.The Peruvian Amazon occupies 62% of the territory of the country. In such area there are 42 ethnolinguistic groups each presenting its own cultural, economic and political features, different from other groups within the national territory. A great historical debt exists in terms of the claims of these people, what calls for the construction of ways to understand the dynamics relations among the different cultures and for the proposal of new forms of relations allowing intercultural encounter. This is important so that the assistance given during conception, pregnancy, labor and the post-partum period may be more satisfactory and effective, and also for the implementation of culturally adequate health services which pay due respect to sexual and reproductive rights during the pregnant period. Objective: To know the representations of the specific sexual and reproductive health needs with a focus on maternal health, in the ethnic group Kukama Kukamiria, in the community called San Regis. Methodology: This is a qualitative ethnographic study, using the instruments of open interview, participating observation and field diaries. Altogether 25 individual interviews were made, with pregnant women and women in labor, birth attendants, herbal doctors, partners and health personnel. The identity of the participants has been protected by the use of fictitious names. Results: The pregnant women customarily prefer the services of male or female birth attendants of the San Regis community because of the emotional and affective links between the two sides which results in more humanized assistance. Medicinal plants and herbs are very used to cure ailments or produce a better state of health during pregnancy and during and after labor as well being used in the care of the new-born. The health services are less preterably sought after because of their frequent disrespect to the traditions of th-is kukama kukamiria group and because of the inappropriate techniques used. Conclusion: The male or female birth attendants are sought after due to their cultural and affective proximity; conversely, in the health services, people frequently feel threatened by the rude approach and invasive procedures

    Without Kutipa: perceptions about reproduction health and sexuality between descendent of kukamas kukamirias

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    A Amazônia peruana ocupa 62% do território do país. Ali existem 42 grupos etnolinguísticos, que apresentam características culturais, econômicas e políticas diferentes de outras populações do território nacional. Existe uma grande dívida histórica de reivindicação dos direitos destas populações, o que pressupõe elaborar formas de entender a dinâmica entre culturas diferentes, e projetando novas formas de relação que propiciem o encontro intercultural. Isso é importante para que a atenção à concepção, gravidez, parto e pós-parto se torne mais satisfatória e efetiva, e também para que sejam implementados serviços de saúde culturalmente adequados, com mais respeito aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos no período gestacional. Objetivo: Conhecer as concepções sobre as necessidades específicas de saúde sexual e reprodutiva, com foco na saúde materna, no grupo étnico kukama kukamiria da comunidade de San Regis. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de base etnográfico, utilizando os instrumentos de entrevista aberta, observação participante e diário de campo. No total, foram realizadas 25 entrevistas individuais, com mulheres grávidas e puérperas, parteiras, médicos herbalistas, parceiros e servidores de saúde. A identidade dos participantes foi protegida com a utilização de nomes fictícios. Resultados: As mulheres grávidas costumam preferir os serviços das parteiras/ parteiros da comunidade de San Regis pelo vínculo emocional e afetivo entre as duas partes, que resulta numa atenção mais calorosa. As plantas e ervas medicinais são muito utilizadas para curar moléstias ou favorecer um melhor estado de saúde na gravidez, durante e depois do parto, além de serem usadas no cuidado do recém-nascido. Os serviços de saúde são menos procurados, por freqüentemente desrespeitos as tradições deste grupo kukama kukamiria e pelas técnicas inapropriadas que utilizam. Conclusão: As parteiras/parteiros são procuradas pela sua proximidade cultural e afetiva; nos serviços de saúde, freqüentemente a população se sente ameaçada pelo contato rude e procedimentos invasivos.The Peruvian Amazon occupies 62% of the territory of the country. In such area there are 42 ethnolinguistic groups each presenting its own cultural, economic and political features, different from other groups within the national territory. A great historical debt exists in terms of the claims of these people, what calls for the construction of ways to understand the dynamics relations among the different cultures and for the proposal of new forms of relations allowing intercultural encounter. This is important so that the assistance given during conception, pregnancy, labor and the post-partum period may be more satisfactory and effective, and also for the implementation of culturally adequate health services which pay due respect to sexual and reproductive rights during the pregnant period. Objective: To know the representations of the specific sexual and reproductive health needs with a focus on maternal health, in the ethnic group Kukama Kukamiria, in the community called San Regis. Methodology: This is a qualitative ethnographic study, using the instruments of open interview, participating observation and field diaries. Altogether 25 individual interviews were made, with pregnant women and women in labor, birth attendants, herbal doctors, partners and health personnel. The identity of the participants has been protected by the use of fictitious names. Results: The pregnant women customarily prefer the services of male or female birth attendants of the San Regis community because of the emotional and affective links between the two sides which results in more humanized assistance. Medicinal plants and herbs are very used to cure ailments or produce a better state of health during pregnancy and during and after labor as well being used in the care of the new-born. The health services are less preterably sought after because of their frequent disrespect to the traditions of th-is kukama kukamiria group and because of the inappropriate techniques used. Conclusion: The male or female birth attendants are sought after due to their cultural and affective proximity; conversely, in the health services, people frequently feel threatened by the rude approach and invasive procedures

    The experience of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum of Bolivian immigrants and their clashes in the city of São Paulo - Brazil

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    Os deslocamentos de pessoas ou grupos dentro dos países e para fora destes podem ser motivados por fatores ambientais, econômicos, políticos ou religiosos. Atualmente, os bolivianos representam o grupo mais numeroso entre os hispano-americanos que vivem na cidade de São Paulo, com grande contingente de mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Elas neste processo migratório trazem consigo costumes de tradições culturais. Objetivos: Compreender as experiências vividas pelas mulheres bolivianas durante a assistência à saúde na sua gravidez, parto e pós-parto na cidade de São Paulo. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de base etnográfica que busca compreender os significados do contexto pesquisado. Foi realizada observação de plantões em ambientes do hospital na cidade de São Paulo, onde as mulheres bolivianas geralmente dão à luz. Os registros empíricos foram complementados com entrevistas individuais, realizadas na casa das mulheres depois da alta hospitalar. Resultado: Os cuidados de atenção do parto estão centrados em intervenções de rotina (episiotomia, cesárea, utilização de fórceps, manobras de Kristeller) diferentes dos procedimentos geralmente adotados no país de origem das mulheres entrevistadas. Os cuidados pós-parto (práticas alimentares, autocuidado no pós-parto) também contradizem os cuidados próprios de sua cultura. Referem que são ignoradas pela maioria dos profissionais durante o atendimento e que as informações sobre os procedimentos realizados e sobre a evolução do bebê não são claras. As peculiaridades culturais e linguísticas constituem barreiras adicionais à utilização dos serviços de saúde. Apesar de o direito universal à saúde ser reconhecido, na prática as mulheres enfrentam dificuldades no acesso aos serviços de saúde durante o processo de gravidez, parto e pós-parto. Conclusões: A pesquisa permitiu conhecer o contexto social e cultural de alguns saberes e práticas tradicionais das mulheres bolivianas e suas diferenças quanto à cultura do Brasil. A adaptação da assistência às especificidades culturais, a oferta de um ambiente mais acolhedor e a garantia do direito ao acompanhante no parto podem reduzir os medos e desconfianças pelos quais passam as usuárias e contribuir para uma melhor assistência a este grupo populacional.The displacement of people or groups within countries and out of these may be motivated by environmental, economic, political or religious. Currently, the Bolivian represent the largest group among Latin-americam foreigner sliving in the city of São Paulo, with a large proportion of women of reproductive age. They bring with them in this migration process customs of cultural traditions. Objective: To understand the experiences lived by the Bolivian women at health care in your pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum in the city of São Paulo. Methodology: This is a qualitative ethnographic study that seeks to understand the meanings of the researched context. Shifts observation was carried out in hospital environments in the city of São Paulo, where the Bolivian women often give birth. Empirical data were supplemented with individual interviews conducted in their homes after discharge from hospital. Result: The birth care care are centered in routine interventions (episiotomy, cesarean section, use of forceps, Kristeller maneuvers) customary generally adopted in the country of origin of the women interviewed. Postpartum care (eating habits, self-care in the postpartum) also contradict the very care of their culture. Report that are ignored by most professionals in the service and the information on the procedures performed and the evolution of the baby are unclear. Cultural and linguistic peculiarities constitute additional barriers to utilization of health services. Despite the universal right to health is recognized in practice women face difficulties in access to health services during the process of pregnancy stage, childbirth and postpartum. Conclusions: The research allowed knowing the social and cultural context of some traditional knowledge and practices of Bolivian women and their differences in the culture of Brazil. The adaptation of assistance to cultural, offering a more welcoming environment and guaranteeing the right to escort at birth can reduce the fears and suspicions which pass by the users and contribute to better care for this population group

    Associated factors of the co-occurrence of trachoma and soil-transmitted helminthiases in children 1 to 9 years old in rural communities of the Amazon basin in Loreto Department, Peru: Results from a population-based survey

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    Background There is evidence of the occurrence of trachoma in Peru, and studies have shown that soil-transmitted helminthiases (STH) are affecting rural communities in the Amazon basin in Loreto Department. This study was done to estimate trachoma prevalence, STH prevalence, and the associated factors for both diseases in children aged 1–9 years in rural communities of Peru. Methodology A population-based cross-sectional survey was carried out in rural communities of Loreto. A standardized survey questionnaire with individual and household risk factors related to both diseases was used. Ocular examination was done for all participants aged one year and above, and eye swab samples were collected from children with follicular trachoma (TF). Anthropometric measurements, stool samples for STH, and blood samples for hemoglobin measurement were taken from children. Principal findings TF prevalence was 7.74% (95% CI 5.08–11.63%), STH prevalence was 49.49% (95% CI 25.00–52.43%), and prevalence of co-occurrence of both diseases was 5.06% (95% CI 2.80–8.98%) in children aged 1–9 years. Being at age 3–8 years old (AOR = 6.76; 95% CI 1.346–33.947), have an unclean face (AOR = 24.64; 95% CI 6.787–89.444), and having been dewormed in the last six months (AOR = 2.47; 95% CI 1.106–5.514), were risk factors of TF. Being a female (AOR = 0.22; 95% CI 0.103–0.457) was associated with decreased odds of TF. Having been dewormed in the last six months (AOR = 0.30; 95% CI 0.139–0.628) was a preventative factor for STH. Risk factors for children with both diseases mirrored the findings for risk factors for individual diseases. Conclusions Neglected tropical diseases and associated risk factors overlap in communities living in vulnerable conditions in the Amazon basin of Peru. These findings support the need to implement integrated interventions, including mass drug administration, water, sanitation, and hygiene for both diseases in the study area. Author summary Trachoma is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, transmitted through person-to-person contact, and it is the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness. Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) is a group of intestinal parasites composed of Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworms), Trichuris trichiura (whipworms), and Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator Americanus (hookworms), that are transmitted by fecal contamination of the soil and adversely affect nutritional status and impair cognitive processes in children. Although there is evidence of the occurrence of trachoma in several areas of Peru, an epidemiological study has not been carried out to determine if it is a public health problem. STH infections have been reported to affect children in areas of the Loreto Department in Peru, but prevalence surveys in rural communities bordering Brazil and Colombia have not been carried out. In this study, we present the results of an integrated survey for trachoma and STH in Loreto and the factors associated with the occurrence of these diseases. The results of this study show that both diseases and risk factors overlap, supporting the need to implement integrated interventions to eliminate them as public health problems in communities living in vulnerable conditions in the Amazon basin of Peru