383 research outputs found

    Da história e da literatura : percursos de uma expansão

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    A língua vernacular como instrumento de poder no Portugal de Quinhentos

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Emília Ricardo Marque

    Creativity in the 16th-century representation of King Sebastião's in the Batle of Ksar-el-Kebir

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    The concept of Hero lies at the core of this analysis of its representation and of how creativity, intuited as a process that results from the interaction between the authors of the several chronicles and their readers in two texts, king Sebastião’s Journey in Africa and Sherif Mulei Mahamet’s Chronicle. The analytic topos is the moment of the battle of Ksar-el-Kebir and the echoes put forward by the authors who gathered information and described the actions of the various actors in the conflict, focusing on the representation of the hero and the authorial creativity therein exposed. King Sebastião’s Journey in Africa and Sherif Mulei Mahamet’s Chronicle help us to decode the way this monarch’s profile was shaped. It is in the confrontation of narrative modelling of the hero, as an example and persona chiara/scura, that actors, authors and textual purposes are uncovered, where the tone of voice and peroration cross the writing of a battle and those who were its "publicos”.This study is part of the project «De Re Militari “De Re Militari: Da escrita da guerra à imagem do campo de batalha no espaço português (1521-1621)”-PTDC/ART-HIS/32459/2017”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Face de uma utopia : das imagens da cidade de Portugal da expansão (século XVI)

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Laura Bettencourt Pire

    How tradition and innovation echoes in Jorge de Henin’s memorial

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    This chapter aims to demonstrate how in the Description of the Kingdoms of Morocco (1603-1613): Memorial of Jorge de Henin, the author innovates using tradition history and memory concepts. While portraying the Europe of the late 16th century and early 17th century, we outline a brief biography of Jorge de Henin, of his sojourn in Ottoman and Moroccan lands, and his career under the Spanish crown. Through paradigmatic examples, we unfold tradition and innovation in the writing and drawing of the history of Morocco’s kingdoms between 1603-1613, given its reformist ideal. In his memorial, the author advocated using force by the Spanish empire in Moroccan space, arguing that it would reinforce an ideal of an empire whose unity would be achieved by a new universalism, grounded in a single Christian and European civilization.This study is part of FCT financed project, “ReMilitari: From Military literature to the battlefield imagery in the Portuguese Space 1521-1621 (PTDC/ART-HIS/32459/2017)” and this chapter had the financial support of CHAM (NOVA FCSH / UAc) through the strategic project sponsored by FCT (UIDB/04666/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Jorge de Henin’s memorial

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019I will frame discoursive modalities within the context of coeval textual and visual representations in extra-European spaces: decoding how narrative modalities depicted military events, and their actors, in a historical context, and the way the concepts of War and Peace were thus revisited.publishersversionpublishe

    Shadows of orientalism in Portugal: some notes on theories and practices in Macao early narrative images (16th and 17th centuries)

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    Imperial Portuguese imagery unveils three discursive tropes as primordial signs of the representation of an idea of empire – the cross, the crown and the sphere. These three signs embody the representation of the Portuguese monarchy since the remote 16th century and play a role in the building of an Orientalism in Portugal. Having in mind the notion of Orientalism as an ongoing conceptual building, I will approach the first narrative images of Macao that emerge in reports about the Portuguese presence in that space. My focus will lie on Duarte Barbosa’s and Tomés Pires’ texts, and on Fernão Lopes de Castanheda’s and Gaspar da Cruz’s chronicles, in order to show how space summons the imagery of a historical time. In these texts, we are not yet before an idea of progress, since they only confront the different, either incorporating or rejecting it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On orientalism in António Lopes Mendes’ writings about O Oriente e a America...

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    A escrita de António Lopes Mendes (1835-1894) revela como, no nosso século XIX, se vivenciou o orientalismo em Portugal. É tendo em atenção o modo como foi entendido o conceito de império e percecionada a sua evolução que se devem ler os seus textos, seja A India Portugueza: breve descripção das possessões portuguezas na Ásia, o qual foi pela primeira vez publicado em Lisboa em 1886, sejam os escritos vários que redige sobre a América, muito em particular sobre o Brasil. Foi exatamente quatro anos depois da saída da sua India Portugueza que Lopes Mendes publicou na mesma editora (Imprensa Nacional) o seu O Oriente e a America: Apontamentos sobre os Usos e Costumes dos Povos da India Portugueza Comparados com os do Brazil. Estas narrativas são o nódulo da sua análise. Parte-se do conceito multissecular de memória imperial, atendendo tanto ao modo como Lopes Mendes o concebe no contexto alargado do seu tempo e como manipula as suas etno e ideo-paisagens nos espaços imperiais que descreve.The writings of António Lopes Mendes (1835-1894) reveal how Portuguese orientalism was experienced during the nineteenth century. His texts – from A India Portugueza: breve descripção das possessões portuguezas na Ásia, first published in Lisbon in 1886, to his various writings about America and especially Brazil – should be read having in mind the ways the concept of empire and its evolution were understood. Exactly four years after the release of India Portugueza, Lopes Mendes issued in the same publisher (Imprensa Nacional) his work O Oriente e a America: Apontamentos sobre os Usos e Costumes dos Povos da India Portugueza Comparados com os do Brazil. This narrative is the connecting link of his views. We examine the century-old concept of imperial memory in the light of Lopes Mendes’ ways of conceiving it in the context of his time and manipulating the ethno and ideo-landscapes in the imperial spaces he describes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sir Thomas More's utopia: Glimpses of a Presence in 16th century portuguese chroniclers

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    In the 16th century the encounter with new spaces in Africa, Asia, or America, meant for European countries a questioning of their own conventional identities. Portugal assumed then a nuclear role in the way Europe has to know the Other - different places and different peoples. Sir Thomas More’s Utopia fictionally mirrors the Portuguese role in the unveiling of new worlds, namely through Raphael Hythlodaeus’ character, the traveller who tells about his presence in an ideal land. Eventually this paper analyses the dialogue between Portuguese 16th century chroniclers and More’s text.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    vivências e contingências na modelação da escrita de uma História da Ásia e dos seus actores

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