2 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Reforma Agraria Melalui Pembentukan Pengadilan Khusus Pertanahan

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    This research aims to understand how essential the establishment of a special land court is in the current era in order to facilitate government policies regarding agrarian reform by looking at current cases, country comparisons, how the special court is structured, and the formulation of its judges. Soil is one type of earth's wealth that is fundamental for life. In implementing the agrarian reform policy, it is basically targeting land legalization of assets that are the object of ownership disputes between the community, companies, and government agencies, as well as land owned by the community that has not received legal certainty as the owner of the land rights of the agrarian reform object (TORA). However, in reality, regulating land ownership is not easy, so land disputes often arise that take time to resolve and ultimately hamper policies, one of which is regarding agrarian reform. This is the urgency of the need to establish a special land court. The method used in this research is normative juridical, with statutory, case, and conceptual approaches. The results of this research are that the formation of this court will be under the Supreme Court court chambers, in this case the general court, with a composition of three judges consisting of one career judge and two ad hoc judges, which of course cannot be separated from land certification, the basis of which will be regulated in law.  Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk  mengerti betapa esensialnya pembentukan pengadilan khusus pertanahan dalam era saat ini dalam rangka memperlancar kebijakan pemerintah terkait reforma agraria dengan melihat kasus terkini, komparasi negara dan bagaimana struktur pengadilan khusus tersebut beserta formulasi hakimnya. Tanah adalah salah satu jenis kekayaan bumi yang bersifat fundamental bagi kehidupan. Dalam menerapkan kebijakan reforma agraria, pada dasarnya menyasar kepada tanah-tanah legalisasi aset yang menjadi objek sekaligus peselisihan kepemilikan antara masyarakat dengan pihak perusahaan dan instansi pemerintah begitu pula dengan tanah-tanah yang dimiliki masyarakat yang belum mendapatkan kepastian hukum sebagai pemilik hak Tanah Objek Reforma Agraria (TORA). Namun, pada kenyataannya mengatur kepemilikan tanah tidaklah mudah, sehingga seringkali terjadi permasalahan sengketa tanah yang penyelesaiannya memerlukan waktu dan pada akhirnya menghambat kebijakan salah satunya mengenai reforma agraria. Hal inilah yang menjadi urgensi perlunya dibentuk pengadilan khusus pertanahan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, kasus, dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pembentukan pengadilan ini nantinya dibentuk di bawah kamar pengadilan Mahkamah Agung dalam hal ini pada pengadilan umum dengan susunan tiga orang hakim terdiri dari satu hakim karir dan dua hakim ad hoc yang tentunya tidak terlepas dari sertifikasi bidang pertanahan yang dasarnya akan diatur dalam undang-undang.    


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    This community service uses the lecture, counseling, and discussion methods titled "Anti-Corruption Education Against Generation Alpha Using the State Defense Approach." The long-term goal of this service, the anti-corruption education program, is to be able to provide a sense of awareness and understanding of the notion of corruption, types of corruption, factors causing corruption, and prevention of corruption as a form of implementation of state defense that is adapted to the context of grade 5 school students. The specific target is the alpha generation, which is well educated regarding the understanding, types, causal factors, and prevention of corruption as well as the implementation of state defense. Kegiatan was carried out in the hall at Rawa Barat 05 State Elementary School, which had previously been coordinated with the principal, class teachers, and school stakeholder groups. The main purpose of this service is to implement the values of defending the state against the alpha generation in the spirit of anti-corruption in the future. This activity begins with a Pre test to determine how far the participants' knowledge is related to the theme, then education is given in accordance with the context of the 5th grade students, and the activity ends with a Post test.To create a generation that has anti-corruption values, good and correct materials and directions are needed. Through legal appeals regarding anti-corruption education for students, one of the efforts made by the author is to provide education to students, especially at SDN Rawa Barat 5. This community service uses lectures, counseling, and discussion methods entitled "Anti-Corruption Education for the Alpha Generation Using the State Defense Approach." The specific objective of this service is to educate the alpha generation about the meaning, types, causes, and prevention of corruption as a means of defending the country. The main purpose of community service is to implement the values of defending the country for the alpha generation in the spirit of anti-corruption in the future. The increase in partners' understanding and knowledge can be seen from the results of the posttest, which proves the partners really understand the material provided