622 research outputs found

    Spatially Adaptive Stochastic Multigrid Methods for Fluid-Structure Systems with Thermal Fluctuations

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    In microscopic mechanical systems interactions between elastic structures are often mediated by the hydrodynamics of a solvent fluid. At microscopic scales the elastic structures are also subject to thermal fluctuations. Stochastic numerical methods are developed based on multigrid which allow for the efficient computation of both the hydrodynamic interactions in the presence of walls and the thermal fluctuations. The presented stochastic multigrid approach provides efficient real-space numerical methods for generating the required stochastic driving fields with long-range correlations consistent with statistical mechanics. The presented approach also allows for the use of spatially adaptive meshes in resolving the hydrodynamic interactions. Numerical results are presented which show the methods perform in practice with a computational complexity of O(N log(N))

    Systematic Stochastic Reduction of Inertial Fluid-Structure Interactions subject to Thermal Fluctuations

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    We present analysis for the reduction of an inertial description of fluid-structure interactions subject to thermal fluctuations. We show how the viscous coupling between the immersed structures and the fluid can be simplified in the regime where this coupling becomes increasingly strong. Many descriptions in fluid mechanics and in the formulation of computational methods account for fluid-structure interactions through viscous drag terms to transfer momentum from the fluid to immersed structures. In the inertial regime, this coupling often introduces a prohibitively small time-scale into the temporal dynamics of the fluid-structure system. This is further exacerbated in the presence of thermal fluctuations. We discuss here a systematic reduction technique for the full inertial equations to obtain a simplified description where this coupling term is eliminated. This approach also accounts for the effective stochastic equations for the fluid-structure dynamics. The analysis is based on use of the Infinitesmal Generator of the SPDEs and a singular perturbation analysis of the Backward Kolomogorov PDEs. We also discuss the physical motivations and interpretation of the obtained reduced description of the fluid-structure system. Working paper currently under revision. Please report any comments or issues to [email protected]: 19 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1009.564

    Hydrodynamic Coupling of Particle Inclusions Embedded in Curved Lipid Bilayer Membranes

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    We develop theory and computational methods to investigate particle inclusions embedded within curved lipid bilayer membranes. We consider the case of spherical lipid vesicles where inclusion particles are coupled through (i) intramembrane hydrodynamics, (ii) traction stresses with the external and trapped solvent fluid, and (iii) intermonolayer slip between the two leaflets of the bilayer. We investigate relative to flat membranes how the membrane curvature and topology augment hydrodynamic responses. We show how both the translational and rotational mobility of protein inclusions are effected by the membrane curvature, ratio of intramembrane viscosity to solvent viscosity, and inter-monolayer slip. For general investigations of many-particle dynamics, we also discuss how our approaches can be used to treat the collective diffusion and hydrodynamic coupling within spherical bilayers.Comment: 32 pages, double-column format, 15 figure

    Spectral Numerical Exterior Calculus Methods for Differential Equations on Radial Manifolds

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    We develop exterior calculus approaches for partial differential equations on radial manifolds. We introduce numerical methods that approximate with spectral accuracy the exterior derivative d\mathbf{d}, Hodge star ⋆\star, and their compositions. To achieve discretizations with high precision and symmetry, we develop hyperinterpolation methods based on spherical harmonics and Lebedev quadrature. We perform convergence studies of our numerical exterior derivative operator dβ€Ύ\overline{\mathbf{d}} and Hodge star operator ⋆‾\overline{\star} showing each converge spectrally to d\mathbf{d} and ⋆\star. We show how the numerical operators can be naturally composed to formulate general numerical approximations for solving differential equations on manifolds. We present results for the Laplace-Beltrami equations demonstrating our approach.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Hydrodynamic Flows on Curved Surfaces: Spectral Numerical Methods for Radial Manifold Shapes

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    We formulate hydrodynamic equations and spectrally accurate numerical methods for investigating the role of geometry in flows within two-dimensional fluid interfaces. To achieve numerical approximations having high precision and level of symmetry for radial manifold shapes, we develop spectral Galerkin methods based on hyperinterpolation with Lebedev quadratures for L2L^2-projection to spherical harmonics. We demonstrate our methods by investigating hydrodynamic responses as the surface geometry is varied. Relative to the case of a sphere, we find significant changes can occur in the observed hydrodynamic flow responses as exhibited by quantitative and topological transitions in the structure of the flow. We present numerical results based on the Rayleigh-Dissipation principle to gain further insights into these flow responses. We investigate the roles played by the geometry especially concerning the positive and negative Gaussian curvature of the interface. We provide general approaches for taking geometric effects into account for investigations of hydrodynamic phenomena within curved fluid interfaces.Comment: 14 figure

    Theoretical Framework for Microscopic Osmotic Phenomena

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    The basic ingredients of osmotic pressure are a solvent fluid with a soluble molecular species which is restricted to a chamber by a boundary which is permeable to the solvent fluid but impermeable to the solute molecules. For macroscopic systems at equilibrium, the osmotic pressure is given by the classical van't Hoff Law, which states that the pressure is proportional to the product of the temperature and the difference of the solute concentrations inside and outside the chamber. For microscopic systems the diameter of the chamber may be comparable to the length-scale associated with the solute-wall interactions or solute molecular interactions. In each of these cases, the assumptions underlying the classical van't Hoff Law may no longer hold. In this paper we develop a general theoretical framework which captures corrections to the classical theory for the osmotic pressure under more general relationships between the size of the chamber and the interaction length scales. We also show that notions of osmotic pressure based on the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid and the mechanical pressure on the bounding walls of the chamber must be distinguished for microscopic systems. To demonstrate how the theoretical framework can be applied, numerical results are presented for the osmotic pressure associated with a polymer of N monomers confined in a spherical chamber as the bond strength is varied

    Dynamic Implicit-Solvent Coarse-Grained Models of Lipid Bilayer Membranes : Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Thermostat

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    Many coarse-grained models have been developed for equilibrium studies of lipid bilayer membranes. To achieve in simulations access to length-scales and time-scales difficult to attain in fully atomistic molecular dynamics, these coarse-grained models provide a reduced description of the molecular degrees of freedom and often remove entirely representation of the solvent degrees of freedom. In such implicit-solvent models the solvent contributions are treated through effective interaction terms within an effective potential for the free energy. For investigations of kinetics, Langevin dynamics is often used. However, for many dynamical processes within bilayers this approach is insufficient since it neglects important correlations and dynamical contributions that are missing as a result of the momentum transfer that would have occurred through the solvent. To address this issue, we introduce a new thermostat based on fluctuating hydrodynamics for dynamic simulations of implicit-solvent coarse-grained models. Our approach couples the coarse-grained degrees of freedom to a stochastic continuum field that accounts for both the solvent hydrodynamics and thermal fluctuations. We show our approach captures important correlations in the dynamics of lipid bilayers that are missing in simulations performed using conventional Langevin dynamics. For both planar bilayer sheets and bilayer vesicles, we investigate the diffusivity of lipids, spatial correlations, and lipid flow within the bilayer. The presented fluctuating hydrodynamics approaches provide a promising way to extend implicit-solvent coarse-grained lipid models for use in studies of dynamical processes within bilayers

    A Stochastic Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Structure Dynamics at Microscopic Length Scales

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    In this work it is shown how the immersed boundary method of (Peskin2002) for modeling flexible structures immersed in a fluid can be extended to include thermal fluctuations. A stochastic numerical method is proposed which deals with stiffness in the system of equations by handling systematically the statistical contributions of the fastest dynamics of the fluid and immersed structures over long time steps. An important feature of the numerical method is that time steps can be taken in which the degrees of freedom of the fluid are completely underresolved, partially resolved, or fully resolved while retaining a good level of accuracy. Error estimates in each of these regimes are given for the method. A number of theoretical and numerical checks are furthermore performed to assess its physical fidelity. For a conservative force, the method is found to simulate particles with the correct Boltzmann equilibrium statistics. It is shown in three dimensions that the diffusion of immersed particles simulated with the method has the correct scaling in the physical parameters. The method is also shown to reproduce a well-known hydrodynamic effect of a Brownian particle in which the velocity autocorrelation function exhibits an algebraic tau^(-3/2) decay for long times. A few preliminary results are presented for more complex systems which demonstrate some potential application areas of the method.Comment: 52 pages, 11 figures, published in journal of computational physic

    Spatially Adaptive Stochastic Methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions Subject to Thermal Fluctuations in Domains with Complex Geometries

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    We develop stochastic mixed finite element methods for spatially adaptive simulations of fluid-structure interactions when subject to thermal fluctuations. To account for thermal fluctuations, we introduce a discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance condition to develop compatible stochastic driving fields for our discretization. We perform analysis that shows our condition is sufficient to ensure results consistent with statistical mechanics. We show the Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution is invariant under the stochastic dynamics of the semi-discretization. To generate efficiently the required stochastic driving fields, we develop a Gibbs sampler based on iterative methods and multigrid to generate fields with O(N)O(N) computational complexity. Our stochastic methods provide an alternative to uniform discretizations on periodic domains that rely on Fast Fourier Transforms. To demonstrate in practice our stochastic computational methods, we investigate within channel geometries having internal obstacles and no-slip walls how the mobility/diffusivity of particles depends on location. Our methods extend the applicability of fluctuating hydrodynamic approaches by allowing for spatially adaptive resolution of the mechanics and for domains that have complex geometries relevant in many applications
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