15 research outputs found

    Online Seminar : A Potential Mental Health Support Tool for International Students

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    Since 2020, university students in Japan are exposed to the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic. Data from a survey had shown that over 50% of international students had been experiencing some kind of stress (Tran, unpublished). For supporting international students in the prolonged pandemic period, we conducted a series of Stress Prevention Seminars during 2021. These seminars were designed for students to learn simple skills that could help them to cope with various stresses. Records of the seminars, including students’ interactions, Q&A, feedback, emotion score (Ogawa, 2000) and final evaluation were analyzed. This presentation is aiming to show: (1) preliminary results of the seminars conducted; and (2) potential of these events for strengthening mental health status of international students during pandemic. The results showed high understanding level and satisfaction rate, as well as inreased positive emotion score. The results suggested that providing these stress prevention seminars to international students is potentially to be an effective strategy, in addition to providing individual counseling and other activities, to improving stress resilience of international students for long term

    On Campus Support and Satisfaction of International Students : A Review of Japanese Literature

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    Japanese universities are popular destinations for international students. A lot of efforts have been made to provide supporting services and activities to international students such as Japanese classes, counseling and consultation, job hunting and career education, exchange events, summer school, culture experience tours etc. These activities bring satisfaction to international students, which is contributed indirectly as a pulling factor for attracting international students into Japan. However, little has been known about the approaches used by different universities for supporting international students as not many reports are published in English regarding this topic. This study investigates the variety of on campus supporting services and activities provided to international students in Japanese universities and satisfaction of international students as recipients of these services. The literature for review was mainly collected from Japanese sources using Google Scholar. Data was reviewed qualitatively by comparative analysis, comparing approaches applied by different universities with regards to the elements of 300,000 international students plan and other pull factors. The results showed specific approaches, results in providing campus supporting services by different institutions. The results also imply obstacles and potential solutions to the Japanese universities to attract international students

    留学生向けストレス対策セミナー : 徳島大学での取り組み

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    本研究は, DV被害女性のためのサポートグループの開発とその効果について検討することを目的とした。研究1では, DV被害女性のためのサポートグループの効果に関する仮説を提示することを目的として, サポートグループに参加した7名のDV被害女性のプロセス分析を行った。その結果, 1.DV被害への囚われ, 2. DV被害の客観的理解, 3.過去のトラウマ体験への直面, 4.自己肯定感の表明, 5.現在最も深刻な被害への直面, 6.現実的対処の提案という6つの段階を経て心理的自立を促進させるという仮説が見出された。続く研究2では, 研究1で提示されたサポートグループの効果に関する仮説を検証するために, 別のグループに参加した3人のDV被害女性のプロセス分析を行った。その結果, 5の段階を除く, 5つの段階(1~4, 及び6)が妥当なものとして確認された。これにより, サポートグループの効果に関する仮説はほぼ支持されたと言える。The purpose of this study is to develop a support group for helping women victimized by DV (Domestic Violence) and to examine its effects. In the first study, we provided the process analysis with seven women victimized by DV to formulate some hypotheses on the effects of the support group. As a result, we obtained the following six hypotheses: 1. persistence in DV victimization; 2. an objective understanding of DV victimization; 3. confrontation with the psychological traumatic experiences in the past; 4. an expression of self affirmation; 5. confrontation with the severest victimization; 6. suggestions for realistic coping. In the second study, we provided the process analysis with three women victimized by DV to examine the validity of each hypothesis. Our results revealed that the hypotheses on the effects of the support group was almost all valid because all hypotheses of them were supported except 5

    大学生の恋愛の発達と自己の発達との関連 : 自己心理学的観点による分析と恋愛相談との関連

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    本研究は,大学生の恋愛の発達と自己の発達との関連を検討することを目的とした。大学生352名を対象に,自己構造の安定性に関する質問紙,恋愛様相尺度,及び主な養育者による被受容感尺度を用いて調査を実施した。交際経験のある203名を対象に適合性の高いモデルにおいてジェンダー差を検討した結果,男性では,自己対象体験不全が自己の発達を阻害するが,自己の発達は恋愛の発達に影響しないことが見出された。一方,女性では,自己対象体験不全が自己の発達を阻害し,自己の発達不全が恋愛の発達も阻害することが見出された。恋愛相談においては,身近な他者からの共感と助言を求める学生が多いことが見出された。これらの結果から,大学生の恋愛の発達と自己の発達が関連するという仮説が部分的に支持された。今後は,主な養育者以外との間での自己対象体験と恋愛や自己の発達との関連を検討することが課題である。This study aimed to examine the relationship between mature love and development of self among university students. In total, 352 university students completed three scales, namely the Constancy of Self-Structure scale, Scale of Immature/Mature Love, and Sense of Acceptance scale. We examined gender differences among 203 participants, who had prior experience of being in romantic relationships, using structural equation modeling. The results revealed that while both males and females displayed an obstructed development of self due to improper selfobject experiences, only females displayed obstructed mature romantic relationships due to improper development of self. We also found that the participants often needed empathetic responses and advice from their close ones regarding their romantic relationships. These findings suggest only partial confirmation of the hypothesis, which states that mature love is related to development of self. The task for future research is to examine the relationship between selfobject experiences with individuals other than caregivers, mature romantic relationships, and development of self

    コクナイガイ ニオケル ダイガクセイ ノ レンアイ ニ カンスル シンリガクテキ ケンキュウ ノ ドウコウ : ガクセイ ソウダン ニオケル レンアイ モンダイ カイケツ シエン ノ アリカタ ノ タンキュウ

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    本研究は,学生相談における恋愛問題解決支援のあり方を探求するために,国内外の大学生の恋愛に関する心理学的研究を概観することを目的とした。研究1では,学術情報データベースを用いて収集した国内外の査読学術論文を概観した。その結果,国外の研究論文が45本,国内の研究が21本収集された。恋愛関係進展度別に論文数を調べたところ,国外,国内ともに恋愛関係継続時の論文が最も多かった。研究1の結果,国内における事例研究が皆無であったことから,恋愛問題の解決を部分的に支援している事例研究の有無とその特徴を概観することを目的に研究2を実施した。研究2では,青年の事例研究を多く掲載している3つの学術誌(心理臨床学研究,学生相談研究,精神分析研究)から収集した。その結果,39本の論文が収集された。また,女性クライエントが女性セラピストに対して,母親からの情緒的応答の体験不足の影響と思われる恋愛関係継続時の悩みを訴える事例研究が最も多いという特徴が見られた。これらの結果から,学生相談において恋愛問題解決を支援する際には,背景に養育者の情動的応答体験不足があることを理解した上で,セラピストが適切な情動的応答を行なうことが肝要であることが示唆された。This paper reviews psychological studies on university students’romantic relationships with the goal of supporting relationship problem resolution in student counseling. In Study 1, we collected and reviewed domestic and foreign peer-reviewed papers from academic information databases. As a result, we collected forty-five foreign and twenty-one domestic papers. We counted the number of papers according to the progress of students\u27 romantic relationships, and found that most papers concerned the continuation of romantic relationships. Because the domestic papers reviewed in Study 1 did not include case studies, in Study 2 we examined domestic case study papers on support for partial resolution of romantic relationship problems. We collected thirty-nine papers from three academic journals and found that in the case studies, female clients who experienced a lack of proper emotional responses from their mothers sought counseling from female counselors on how to continue their romantic relationships. From results of this study, we found that it is important for therapists to understand the effects of lack of clients\u27 experiences of emotional responses from their caregivers and to help to resolve clients\u27 romantic relationship problems with proper emotional responses

    デート DV ノ ジッタイ ト シンリテキ ヨウイン ジコアイ トノ カンレン オ チュウシン ニ

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    The reality of dating violence was investigated among Japanese female and male college students. As a result,64.3-82.4 % of students reported expressing or receiving violence more than once, although only about 10% reported expressing or receiving severe violence. As to gender differences,men received more violence from their partners than women did. Althoughthere is no significant gender differences on the total frequencies of expressedviolence,men expressed more sexual abuse to their partner than women did. Multiple regression analyses revealed that parent\u27s attitude toward child had an effect on self-love for both genders. On the other hand, parental upbringing behavior had no direct influence on dating violence. For women,b ut not men,self-love had an egative effect on narcissism,and narcissism had animpact on expressed and received violence. It was suggested that narcissismcorrelates to aggression for women,because narcissism had more influence on expressed violence than received one. In conclusion,it was suggested that the psychological factors including narcissism,self-love and perception of parental upbringing behavior have an effect on dating violence for women. Therefore,education to empower youngpeople for nurturing self-love is essential to prevent dating violence. In addition,new methodology measuring psychological factors and effects of dating violence is required

    デート DV ヒガイ オヨビ カガイ ケイケン ト セイコウショウ ニヨル コウテイテキナ ジョウドウ タイケン ノ カンレン

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    人は青年期において恋愛や性への関心を高め,他者と親密な恋愛関係を結ぶようになる。恋愛関係は深い相互作用を伴う対人関係であるため,その中で生じる肯定的体験も否定的体験も比較的情動的影響が深いものとなる。デートDVは恋愛関係で生じる否定的体験の中でも最も深刻な体験の1つである。また性交渉は青年の恋愛関係において一般的であり,カップルの関係性の質によって肯定的体験にも否定的体験にもなり得る。そこで本研究では,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的な情動体験との関連について検討をすることを目的に,性交渉による肯定的情動体験尺度の開発を行い,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的情動体験尺度得点との関連を検討した。その結果,ほとんど全てのデートDV経験にジェンダー差が見られ,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的な情動体験との間に関連があることが見出された。Young people are usually interested in romantic relationships and sexuality and usually form romantic relationships. Because romantic relationships involve deep interaction, both positive and negative experiences in romantic relationships tend to lead to deep emotional effects among young people. Dating violence is one of the most negative experiences in a romantic relationship. Intercourse may become either a positive or a negative experience. We examined the relationship between dating violence victims, assaults, and the positive emotional experiences of intercourse. We developed three hypotheses: (1) Couples who have intercourse experience more instances of dating violence and assaults than couples who do not have intercourse; (2) The larger the extent of dating violence among young victims, the fewer their positive experiences of intercourse in their romantic relationship; and (3) The larger the extent of assaults in dating violence among young victims, the fewer their positive experiences of intercourse in their romantic relationship. The hypothesis of this study were partially supported, but gender differences existed in almost all victims and all instances of assaults of dating violence