15 research outputs found

    Modelling of interest in out-of-school science learning environments: a systematic literature review

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    Out-of-school science learning environments enrich classroom education in many countries around the world. Numerous studies have been conducted on the effects of such learning environments, particularly their ability to promote interest. As different theories of interest were used in these studies, so far, no overview of this field of research exists. Therefore, based on a comprehensive and systematic international literature review, this article presents a detailed analysis of the theories of interest used to study out-of-school learning environments. In addition, inferences regarding situational and individual interest promotion in out-of-school science learning environments are derived, clearly showing that situational interest is promoted through these learning environments. Considering the influencing factors given in the different theories of interest, a model of student interest for these learning environments is then presented. This model can be used to guide the development and further improvement of out-of-school learning environments

    Modeling of Carbon Black Fragmentation During High‐Intensity Dry Mixing Using the Population Balance Equation and the Discrete Element Method

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    A complex interaction between the process design and the properties of carbon black (CB) during dry mixing of cathode material influences the microstructure and thus the performance of the Li-ion battery. The description of these interactions by means of a coupling of the mixing process simulation and the fragmentation of CB is the focus of this work. The discrete element method provides information about the frequency and intensity of the stress. The change of the CB size distribution is done by the population balance equation. The material strength as well as the fracture behavior are represented with simple models. The calibration of the model parameters is performed using the Nelder–Mead algorithm. The calibrated models provide good agreement with the measurements of the size distributions from experimental investigations. Transfer of the calibrated parameters to other process settings is possible and provides good agreement in some cases. Recalibration of the fracture behavior improves the accuracy of the model so that it can be used as a predictive tool

    Das situationale Interesse von Schüler*innen beim computergestützten mathematischen Modellierungsprogramm CAMMP

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    Die Förderung mathematischer und naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse ist eine wichtige Aufgabe, zu der außerschulische Lernangebote einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten können. Ein solches Angebot ist der CAMMP day (Computational and Mathematical Modeling Program), dessen Ziel es ist, Schüler*innen die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Mathematik und Simulationswissenschaft anhand realer Probleme zu vermitteln (Schönbrodt et al., 2022). Um dessen Wirksamkeit zu bewerten, entwickelten wir einen Fragebogen und führten im Anschluss an den CAMMP day eine Umfrage unter 121 teilnehmenden Schüler*innen im Alter von 13 bis 18 Jahren (M=16.31, SD=1.335) durch. Der Fragebogen enthält unter anderem Items zu verschiedenen Phasen der Interessensentwicklung und schließt Subskalen zu emotionalen, wertbezogenen und epistemischen Interessenskomponenten (Krapp, 2002) sowie zu den psychologischen Grundbedürfnissen nach Kompetenz, Autonomie und Eingebundenheit (Deci & Ryan, 1991) ein


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    The ERG Science and Engineering Center contributes many projects for their organizations and requires a lot of data from assets, but there is no simplified and easily accessible visualization tool that integrates industrial processes of the transformation of raw materials into finished products for their factories with detailed information. Therefore, the main scope of the project is to visualize and simulate the three-level refinement processes at the Donskoy Mining and Processing Plant (DMPP), as well as to construct a knowledge base tool for each level of the processes. In the current state, the ERG Science and Engineering Center has several types of schematics that they can work with, but they are not interactive and are difficult to use and understand because it takes time to read and go through the industrial processes. Separate diagrams include graphical representations of hardware, process diagrams and general scheme of the process of ore concentration. The main work of the project is to model these processes and combine them into one easily readable diagram, which will be provided to the company for their further work. To complete the project, our team will experiment with model software tools such as Bizagi Modeler, Power BI, Microsoft Visio and employ these tools to build one overall diagram with multiple levels of processes including the data calculated in Excel. Eventually, the following outcomes have been identified and set: 1. Three level modeling of refinement processes in DMPP using Bizagi Modeler; 2. Power BI report as a dashboard that includes dynamic database, MS Visio schemes and analytics of historical data of the plant; 3. MS Excel as a simulation tool with input field to output all data matrices for each process with its subprocesses; 4. A centralized file or a diagram which will serve as a knowledge base tool that connects the visualization and modeling