150 research outputs found


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    富山大学・富医薬博甲208号・Muhammad Aswad・2016/6/15・★論文非公開★富山大

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Sustainabilitas Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT)

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    Baitul Mal wa at-Tamwil (BMT) is a Syari’ah financial institution that continues to grow and keeps its sustainability among the competition of financial services institutions. Eventhough BMT grows rapidly, it experiences many obstacles in its development, but it still exists independently. This study examines the factors that affect the sustainability of BMT in Indonesia, the Factor Analysis and Regression Analysis methods were used in data analysis. The finding of this study reveals that management, human resources, capital, and product innovation factors affected BMT performance. Through regression analysis it is found that management factors and human resources factors have a significant effect on the sustainability of BMT

    Is It Truly Improvisational Exercise Push Students' Speaking Ability

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    Improvisational exercises is a technique which consist three steps, they are preparation, modelling, and playing, that is preparation the teacher presents exercises, the students practice (modelling), and then procedure (playing)and the it provides three main goals; (1) the students pronounciation improve, (2) proper use of grammatical structure is reinforced, (3) vocabulary practice in enhanced. With this background, this research was quasi-experimental, with non-equivalent control group design. The sample consisted of two classes of students enrolled in 2013/2014 academic year, which one group was taken to be an experimental and the other to be a control group. The data obtained through the test were analysed by using statistical analysis. In conducting the research, the researcher used improvisational exercise technique to evaluate the students' speaking performance which covered by three components of speaking, such as: fluency, accuracy, and comprehensibility. The research findings shows thatthe use of improvisational exercise technique (presentation, modelling, and playing) in teaching speaking can improve the speaking performance of the eight year students of  SMP Negeri 2 Majene significantly after being given treatment. The mean score of experimental group in post-test and control group were significantly different. The mean score of post-test in experimental group (3.36) was higher than control group (3.00).Thus, it is recomended for all English teacher to improve the students ability in speaking

    Analisis Bagi Hasil Financing Dalam Perbankan Syariah

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    Islamic banking function as intermediaries from surplus units to units depisit, Islamic banks as well as the unit of funding (fundraising) also function in fnancing (fnancing). In the application of Islamic banking operations face technical constraints associated with the sharing system (Proft and Loss Sharing), therefore Islamic banking fnancial intermediary, in this case the Islamic banks are not just trying to maximize the expected utility of its shareholders, but also pay attention to expected utility entrepreneurs and depositors. In Islamic banking operations apply for the results as a measure of return in the economy. Penentua technically specifed ratio is fxed at the beginning of the transaction but the nominal value can not be known with certainty, but see the income that will happen later. In determining the ratio ratio known as 1) Revenue sharing system; 2) Groos Proft System; and 3) Proft Sharing System. But with the objective conditions of our economy now Revenue Sharing System

    Asas-asas Transaksi Keuangan Syariah

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    Tulisan ini menganalisis tentang asas-asas transaksi keuangan yang dipergunakan di lembaga pembiayaan syariah. Perkembangan lembaga pembiayaan syariah sangat pesat dan meliputi bentuk USAha yang variatif sehingga penerapan prinsip-prinsip syariah sangat diperlukan. Tujuh macam asas-asas perjanjian yang dapat digunakan sebagai landasan berpikir dan bertransaksi dalam penegakan hukum kontrak syariah tersebut. Asas-asas perjanjian itu adalah, Asas kebebasan berkontrak, asas konsensualitas, asas persamaan hukum (al-musawa), asas kejujuran, asas perjanjian itu mengikat, asas keadilan, asas tertulis (al-kitabah). Pada prinsipnya asas-asas akad dipahami sebagai prinsip-prinsip yang implisit yang menjiwai keabsahan akad. Dalam pandangan syariah keabsahan akad terlaksana bilamana memenuhi rukun dan syarat akad.Kata kunci: asas, transaksi, pembiayaanPRINCIPLES OF SHARIA FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS. This article analyzes principles of financial transactions in sharia financial institutions. The extensive growth of sharia finance has covered various businesses and necessitated the implementation of sharia principles. There are seven principles act as framework for financial transaction. They are freedom of contract, conscensualism, equity, fairness, legal binding , justice, and well noted. Basically, those principles are understood to be the core of contract liability. In Islamic economy, the liability of contract depends on the requirements

    Is IT Truly Improvisational Exercise Push Students' Speaking Ability

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    Improvisational exercises is a technique which consist three steps, they are preparation, modelling, and playing, that is preparation the teacher presents exercises, the students practice (modelling), and then procedure (playing)and the it provides three main goals; (1) the students pronounciation improve, (2) proper use of grammatical structure is reinforced, (3) vocabulary practice in enhanced. With this background, this research was quasi-experimental, with non-equivalent control group design. The sample consisted of two classes of students enrolled in 2013/2014 academic year, which one group was taken to be an experimental and the other to be a control group. The data obtained through the test were analysed by using statistical analysis. In conducting the research, the researcher used improvisational exercise technique to evaluate the students' speaking performance which covered by three components of speaking, such as: fluency, accuracy, and comprehensibility. The research findings shows thatthe use of improvisational exercise technique (presentation, modelling, and playing) in teaching speaking can improve the speaking performance of the eight year students of  SMP Negeri 2 Majene significantly after being given treatment. The mean score of experimental group in post-test and control group were significantly different. The mean score of post-test in experimental group (3.36) was higher than control group (3.00).Thus, it is recomended for all English teacher to improve the students ability in speaking

    Development of reaction kinetics model for the production of synthesis gas from carbon dioxide (Dry methane reforming)

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    Increasing problems related with climate change and global warming has lead Carbon Dioxide reducing technologies that have receive many attentions. Carbon Dioxide has been identified as the most major greenhouse gas (GHGS) arising from anthropogenic activities. It is very important to reduce anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide emissions in order to counteract global warming. This reaction has very important environmental implications since both Methane and Carbon Dioxide that dominantly produced from municipal solid waste (MSW) contribute to the greenhouse effect. Converting these gases into a valuable feedstock may significantly reduce the atmospheric emissions of Methane and Carbon Dioxide . Due to this condition as develop by past researcher, the efficient commercial production of syngas or synthesis gas (a mixture of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide ) is gaining significant attention and consideration worldwide as it is a versatile feedstock that can be used to produce a variety of fuels and chemicals such as Methanol, Fischer-Tropsch fuels, Hydrogen , Ethanol and Dimethyl Ether (DME). This mixture of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide can be produced by natural gas reaction which is Dry Methane reforming between Carbon Dioxide and Methane . The Dry Methane Reforming reaction mechanism is considered quantitatively with four reactions which are Carbon Dioxide (CO2) reduction by Methane (CH4), Reverse Water Shift Gas (RWSG), Carbon Deposition and Carbon removal by a reverse Boudourd reaction. Hence, in this paper we present a comprehensive review on the characteristics of Dry Methane Reforming mechanism that can be used as basic references for future case review. Modeling and simulation of the reforming behavior of mixture Carbon Dioxide and Methane was introduced. The Dry Methane Reforming (DMR) process was simulated using MATLAB simulation software. The stimulated data were evaluated and validated with the previous literature review. A detailed simulation studies is used to identify the essential characteristics of reaction mechanism of Dry Methane Reforming (DMR). The results showed that inlet gas flow in gas phase effect has significant effect to the reactions whereas inlet molar composition ratio of the reactions was found to have no significant effect on the mechanism of Dry Methane Reforming


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    PT. Duta Harapan Tunggal is a company engaged in the production of beverages. This company measuring financial aspect to evaluate company’s performance. However, this is unable to control the company’s operational process,customers, and learning and growth. Therefore, it is necessary to create a measurement tool that is in line with the vision and mission of the company. This study aims to develop a balanced scorecard to measure the company’s performance. The final result of this final project is determine the strategies based on the company’s vision and mission, to determine the performance indicators. The weight for each indicator are : financial perspective 26%, customer perspective 44%, internal business process perspective 15%, learning and growth perspective 14%. For each of perspective we assign some indicators which are related to the strategic objectives of the company

    The Effect of Interruptions on Rapport Orientation in Formal Meetings

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    This research aims to find out  the effects of interruptions on rapport orientations. The data of the research were obtained from two meetings held in an educational institution in Makassar. The data were collected through a video recording of the meetings to identify the interruption use performed by the meeting participants and by giving the meeting participants the questionnaire containing questions concerning the use of the interruptions in the meetings. The data were then transcribed and extracted into several parts to be analysed. The data were also obtained by carrying out a participant observation by which the researcher obtained the meeting participants’ perceptions and their responses on the use of the interruptions during the meetings. This research indicates that the interruptions have a number of effects on the rapport orientations. There are two types of interruptions, i.e. competitive and cooperative interruptions. The interruption effects are primarily regarding to the enhancement and threats to the three interconnected rapport components which are: face, social rights and obligations, and interactional goals. The interruptions occurring also have several roles in the meetings which are closely related to the rapport management like clarifying and supporting main speakers’ points in the meetings, as the way to do relational work and back-channeling of the statement of the main speakers resulting in the type of rapport orientations applied by the meetings’ participants