30 research outputs found

    Perancangan Knowledge Management System (KMS) Berbasis Web (Kasus : Unit Donor Darah PMI Kab Tangerang)

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    Sejalan dengan arah perubahan dalam menghadapi tantangan globalisasi, saat ini penyebaran informasi dilakukan dengan sangat cepat dan teratur. Proses pelaksanaan pekerjaan menjadi lebih sistematis dan dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Begitu juga dalam hal penyebaran ilmu atau pengetahuan yang dimiliki Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Saat ini telah berkembang sistem penyebaran ilmu yang telah dikelola secara teratur. Sistem tersebut dikenal dengan Knowledge Management System (KMS). Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Tangerang saat ini belum memiliki suatu sistem tata kelola sharing knowledge SDM yang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan, yang membuat sebagian SDM selalu kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang di hadapinya di lapangan. Untuk itu, Knowledge Management System dapat menjadi solusi dari masalah tersebut. Knowledge Management System dapat membantu terlaksananya program pembelajaran bagi SDM secara lebih mudah karena telah terdokumentasi secara rapi dan teratur. Lebih lanjut, penulis menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML) sebagai salah satu alat bantu untuk memodelkan secara visual yang dapat digunakan dalambahasa pemograman yang berorientasi objek dan metode analisis PIECES untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi PMI saat ini dalam pembelajaran SDM. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang tersebar pada Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Tangerang dapat terindetifikasi, terdokumentasi dan termanfaatkan secara lebih optimal.   Kata Kunci: Knowledge Management System, Unified Modeling Language (UML), Analisis PIECES, Sharing Knowledg

    Media Video Company Profile Sebagai Sarana Informasi Dan Promosi Di PT. Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk. Kabupaten Tangerang

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    The development of computer technology in particular fields of multimedia, visual and audio broadcasting already very rapidly growing at this time as well as the extent of the need for information on the society, the more recent contributions in presenting company profiles as both a media information and media promotion. PT. Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk. engaged in the manufacture of manufacture of sanitary, contributing to provide sanitary products, is an experienced company in the field of manufacturing and became one of the major companies in Indonesia. PT. Surya Toto Indonesia now operates with two clean factory and factory pengepasan clean, and employs approximately 3.508 people. This dynamic company extends to a superior standard of product, market, highly motivated employees and the expansion of the sales network all over the world to provide quality products that improve our lives. With the aim to introduce the identity and overall information associated therein. PT. Surya Toto Indonesia certainly wants the effective presentation of information, accurate and interesting in terms of the look or content therein. The presentation of the information is packaged in the form of a video company profile is considered particularly useful for that purpose. Expected company profile video is worthwhile and could be implemented by PT Surya Toto Indonesia

    Optimalisasi Aplikasi E-commerce Untuk Penjualan Pada Toko Desfa Bogor

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    In the current era of globalization, information technology drove rapidly. The computers are tools created to facilitate human work, currently in progress both in the manufacture of hardware and software. Shop Desfa desperately need once the existence of an information system to supportand provide satisfactory service for consumers. To which the author tries to make the final application of e-commrece sales in the muslim fashion store Desfa that is still using conventional means. At this time in the from Desfa shop selling Muslim clothing store alone. Sales of existing mechanisms to store Desfa that consumers can come directly and choose the clotes that will be bought. Aplication of e-commerce is the best solution for creating a scope broader sales and also to develop bussines sales. E-commerce is one of the appropriate means to promote existing products on store Desfa, by utilizing information System and the internet also can achieve a system that is higly effective and efficient in supporting the activities at this store

    Video Program Hotroom pada Bagian Lighting Informasi pada Metro TV

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    Video Program Hotroom is a concept of this Program is legal consultation. For people who have unresolved Legal cases can complain. Or consult the Program. Some examples can be used as a measure, such as the strong demands of civil society that hopes fulfillment in the form of a number of accommodations or a decent living needs, the research methods used in this study Including Data collection, Media planning analysis, and Media production concept (KPM) which includes: Pre production, production, and post production. Through the media information Video Program Hotroom is designed to be informed through: Metro TV Target that the Video program is expected Hotroom namely, the community can know the problems faced by the community, and can increase the number of Viewers who saw the Hotroom Program show

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pembayaran Spp Berbasis Web Menggunakan Notifikasi SMS Gateway (Studi Kasus : SMP Puspita Tangerang)

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    SPP payments still often experience obstacles such as data collection and payment information processes that are done manually where recording reports still use a ledger, making work neglected and spending a lot of time and financial staff in searching student data and archiving. In the current technological era, it is necessary to innovate the use of technology in the world of education to assist the administration of school finance so that the data collection and information process of Payments run effectively and efficiently. In this journal will discuss about the design of web-based SPP payment information systems and sms gateways using sms gateway notifications. This design aims to assist the finance department in recording SPP payments and as a means of informing payments to parents / guardians. The research method used is the SDLC type Waterfall method. This application helps the finance department in recording SPP payments and parents / guardians get payment information every month through SMS notifications

    Pembuatan Video Company Profile Sebagai Penunjang Informasi dan Promosi Pada PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia

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    The development of information technology is so rapid to utilize this development as a means of socialization of good promotional information programs for products that are intended to be introduced to the public, for this reason a media is needed that can be useful as a public attraction. As with PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia which until now promotion program information support facilities are considered not to provide an effective communication function for that matter as the need for information support and future promotion programs requires forms of media design that can answer the needs of information facilities that are effective, efficient, and on target . Information becomes important because with information someone will know new things that are not yet known. Information is shared through print media or electronic media, from which the public can find information. In this PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia does not have a media in the form of a company profile video to support information and promotion. The research method used in this research is problem analysis method, data collection method, data analysis, and design analysis method. In this concept there are stages of preproduction, stages of production, and stages of postproduction. From the results of the media profile video design can increase sales and information to people who want to know more clearly about the elevator / escalator at PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia to get to know more about the profile details owned by PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia. Keywords: Video Profile, Information, and PromotionBerkembangnya teknologi informasi sangat begitu pesat untuk memanfaatkan perkembangan itu sebagai sarana sosialisasi mengenai program informasi baik promosi terhadap produk yang ingin diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat, untuk itu diperlukan suatu media yang dapat berguna sebagai daya tarik masyarakat. Seperti halnya pada PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia yang hingga saat ini sarana penunjang informasi program promosi dinilai belum memberikan fungsi komunikasi yang efektif untuk hal itu sebagai kebutuhan penunjang informasi dan program promosi mendatang menghendaki bentuk-bentuk perancangan media yang dapat menjawab kebutuhan sarana informasi yang efektif, efisien, dan tepat sasaran. Informasi menjadi hal penting karena dengan informasi seseorang akan mengetahui hal baru yang belum diketahui. Informasi terbagi melalui media cetak ataupun media elektronik, dari itulah masyarakat dapat mengetahui informasi. Dalam ini PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia belum memiliki sebuah media berbentuk video company profile sebagai penunjang informasi dan promosi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penelitian ini yaitu metode analisa permasalahan, metode pengumpulan data, analisa data, dan metode analisa perancangan . Pada konsep ini terdapat tahapan preproduction, tahapan production, dan tahapan postproduction. Dari hasil rancangan media video profile tersebut dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan informasi kepada masyarakat yang ingin lebih tahu jelas mengenai lift / escalator di PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia agar lebih mengenal tentang detail profile yang dimiliki PT. Daiichi Elevator Indonesia. Kata kunci  : Video Profile, Informasi, dan Promos

    Distributed Arduino for Communication Agriculture

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    The needs of human life today, are felt to require the help of technology. Utilization of information technology has reached the countryside and all regions, beaches, mountains and cities. Information on agricultural or plantation products is very important for rural and urban communities, where yields and their development are indicators of decision-making and policy. Currently this information is very difficult to obtain, let alone collided with the complexity of problems in life. The method used is a distributed system method where the information produced by farmers regarding their harvest is distributed host to host (distributed system) via Arduino Uno. The use of Arduino Uno devices means the use of minimalist devices or embedded systems to minimize resources, and save energ

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pendataan Pasien Rawat Inap Berbasis Web

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    The computer is a tool that helps the information. In this case every individual, company, and institution that uses technology trends must develop the system that they have used, so that they are no longer out of date, because technology is always updated all the time. The service data processing system at Sitanala Hospital is currently still manual, so patients must wait long enough for treatment. There is no computerized treatment procedure in processing patient data, so data is scattered and easily lost. This shows the role of the system in the company is very important. Creating a computerized system for inpatient data collection systems, to get accurate, fast and precise information. The proposed system will display a menu of input data ranging from patients entering the inpatient room, the results of patient diagnoses, actions taken when translating, patient rooms until the date of the patient's discharge as well as a method of reporting patient data monthly to annual for the leadership discovery. The method used is descriptive data analysis method. The technique of collecting data, by making observations to the company, conducting interviews, and conducting library studies with books, literature, materials obtained during lectures relevant to the experience gained. Meanwhile, to analyze this research, it uses Unified Modeling Language (UML) to discuss the procedures and processes that are currently running


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    PT. Mitra Garda Mandiri Tangerang Selatan merupakan suatu badan usaha yang melakukan penyaluran jasa security yang dibutuhkan di setiap perusahaan, untuk mendukung proses penyaluran jasa security dalam bidang pengembangan teknologi informasi. PT. Mitra Garda Mandiri menyediakan semua saranapendukung jasa keamanan bagi pihak yang membutuhkan jasa penyaluran security. saat ini PT. Mitra Garda Mandiri melakukan proses hasil seleksi ataupun kegiatan penyaluran masih menggunakan sistem konvensional dalam penyimpanan data yaitu berupa berkas - berkas anggota security. Sehingga prosedur yang berjalan memakan banyak waktu dalam pencarian berkas dan banyak berkas yang rusak karena tidak tersusun dengan rapi. Dengan berbagai kendala tersebut menyebabkan keterlambatan pembuatan laporan sehingga mempengaruhi efisiensi dan keoptimalan kinerja. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kendala atau permasalahan yang ada untuk selanjutnya dicari solusi atas permasalahan tersebut. Beberapa metode yang digunakan penulis dalam membangun sistem menggunakan metode pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka, metode analisa menggunakan metode PIECES, metode perancangan menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML) dan metode pengujian menggunakan metode Black-box Testing. Dengan tipe Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram dan Sequence Diagram. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem informasi penyaluran jasa security berbasis website yang diharapkan dapat membantu dalam melakukan pengolahan data yang ada pada PT. Mitra Garda Mandiri.  Kata kunci: Penyaluran Security, Sistem Informasi, Web Base

    Sistem Informasi Pengendalian Persediaan Barang Menggunakan Metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

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    The system that is currently running in recording inventory at PT Berlina Tbk Tangerang is considered ineffective and efficient because it still uses paper and the process of inputting and recapping goods data is semi-computerized in Microsoft Excel. which causes problems, namely too much stock of goods so that it increases the load in the warehouse and too little stock of goods which results in an exhaustion of stock in the warehouse. To solve this problem, we need an inventory control information system. The method of analysis uses the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. For the system design process using sublime as the writing language and programming PHP, and XAMPP as localhost, the database uses MySQL. This study aims to design an inventory control system in the HRD department at PT Berlina Tbk Tangerang, and to make it easier for the HRD Department to input and create inventory reports. With this research, it can produce an inventory control system design that is more effective and efficient and can find out the storage costs in the warehouse. From the calculation of the EOQ method, it is found that it is 20% smaller than the previous storage and the total cost of ordering in a year is 2x orders. Thus, it means that there is a very real difference between the inventory policies implemented by the company and the EOQ method