175 research outputs found

    Politik Hukum Undang – Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Terkait Dengan Penguatan Hak Ulayat

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    This thesis was to identify the Legal Politics of Law Number 6 Year 2014 Related with Customary Rigths in Indonesia. It was a juridicial normative research with legal materials as sources of study. The results of the research showed that the Legal Politics Of Law Number 6 Year 2014 Related with Customary Rights should have been referring to the prevailing laws and jurisprundence so that the development of democracy in the territory of Republik of Indonesia will be better and consistent with the autonomy right in the villages so that the legal politics and governmentship are acceptable to all levels of society


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    ABSTRAK Pakan hijaun merupakan jenis pakan yang paling umum digunakan oleh peternak. Pakan hijuan seperti rumput rumputan dan leguminosa membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk kembali memproduksi bagian bagian organiknya untuk dimakan oleh ternak. Salah satu tanaman hijuan yang mempunyai daya regenerasi pertumbuhan organik yang  tinggi adalah Azolla.. Azolla yang tumbuh di daerah Tarus-Tilong, Kabupeten Kupang mempunyai kadar protein yang masih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan azolla lain yang pernah diteliti. Hal ini berimbas pada pertumbuhan biomassanya juga  tidak maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengoptimasi kandungan protein dan biomassa azolla dengan penambahan  bahan organik (feces ayam dan sapi). Adapun perlakuan pemberian feces sapi dan ayam yaitu P0 (kontrol)= tidak diberikan feces dan perlakuan P1-P4, masing masing diberikan feces sapi/ayam berturut turut 5, 10. 15 dan 20 gram dalam 1 liter air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa azolla yang diberikan feces ayam pada takaran 10, 15 dan 15 gram berbeda nyata kandungan nitrogenmya (protein) dengan yang kontrol, dan adapun pada azolla yang diberikan feces sapi tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan yang nyata dengan kontrol, namun kecendrungan pertambahan kadar nitrogen ( protein) pada azolla terlihat pada azolla yamg  diberikan feces sapi. Hasil penimbangan berat kering menunjukkan pemberian feces sapi meningkatkan biomassa azolla secara signifikan khususnya pada pemberian feces sapi pada takaran 10, 15 dan 20 gram. Adapun pada biomassa pada feces ayam tidak memperlihatkan hasil yang berbeda nyata dengan kontrol

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Mimba (Azadirachta Indica a. Juss) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Koloni Alternaria Porri Penyebab Penyakit Bercak Ungu Pada Bawang Wakegi (Allium X Wakegi Araki) Secara in Vitro

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    Purple blotch disease ( A. porri ) is to known as a main disease on onions it has becomes and has become endemic in central planting and it creates a lot of financial lose to farmer. Using neem leaf as a potential alternative pesticide can control the purple blotch on onion. The aim of this research was to determine the inhibition of neem leaf extract toward of fungal pathogens A. porri. This research was conducted in Laboratory of Plant Diseases Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University Central Sulawesi Palu. This research was conducted on August until November 2015. Method of this research was mixing neem leaf extract concentrate of 0.4% , 0.6% , 0,8% and 1% into the PDA. Results of this research show that neem leaf extract which is concentrate 1% more effective to press the inhibitory growth of A. porri was 43.33%

    Uji Daya Hambat Aspergillus Niger Pada Berbagai Bahan Pembawa Terhadap Phytopththora Palmivora Penyebab Busuk Buah Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    Cocoa pod disease (BBK) caused by the fungus Phytophthora palmivora is one of the prime diseases that can affect cocoa production systems in the world . This disease can cause yield losses of up to 90 % , especially in the rainy season and the dry season. The objective of the research is to determine theinhibitor abilityof fungus A. Niger in various carriesr and storage time durationonPhytophtora palmivora causing rotten disease of cocoa. This is an experimental research designed by using Random Complete Design with factorial patern, that were carries and storage period with 3 replication, factor 1: (P0 = control), (P1 = white glutinous rice flour + cassava starch), (P2 = cassava starch). (P3 = white glutinous rice flour + sweet corn flour), (P4 = white glutinous rice flour), (P5 = ripe coconut flour). Factor 2: (A1 = 1 week storage period), (A2 = 2 weeks storage period), (A3 = 3 weeks storage period), (A4 = 4 weeks storage period). Result of the research showed that the carrier of white glutinous rice flour + sweet corn flour (P3) and ripe coconut flour (P5) and in A3 storage period (3 weeks) is more effective to inhibiting P.palmivora growth, therefore can be used as a carrier to support A.Niger fungus growth

    Penamaan “Lum” pada Kelompok Masyarakat Dinamisme di Bangka Bagian Utara

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    A proper name is not only an identity for people or things around but also organization and com- munity. The Processes behind naming are presented and explained in various ways to give the new insight of creating a name. This research deals with the lexicon of lum for naming used on groups of dynamism community. To explore the nature of lexical meaning, qualitative method was used in this research with descriptive approach. As an adverb class in Bangka language daily spoken, the lexicon was analysed by semantic pragmatics perspective to investigate the meaning of its name. The result showed that the lexicon of lum becomes a name for dinamism community as “lum tribe” originally has conotation meaning and increases missunderstanding problems among the community in Belinyu

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Peningkatan Komunikasi Asertif Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru Tahun Pelajaran2015/2016

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    Communication is a necessity for humans because it is a need to establish a relationship with one another. Therefore, humans are required to skilled in communicating. The desired communication certainly assertive communication so that both parties feel comfortable doing the communication. Furthermore, in this study uses group counseling services as an independent variable (X). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Guidance Services Group Against Assertive Communication Students SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. This type of research that is in use is a real-experimental with patterns pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects were students of class IX IA which has a low assertive communication numbered 20 people. Based on the results obtained by processing data of significant figures (Asymp. Sig) 0,005 with alpha (α) of 0.05, it can be concluded 0,005 <α (0.05) which means that Ha Ho accepted and rejected, so "There are differences in the level of assertive communication before and after group counseling services. "From the SPSS version 16 obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.691 / r = r2 = 0.47 the 0691 then it can be concluded that the influence of group counseling to students assertive communication is 47%


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    Cengkeh (Syzigium aromaticum) adalah tanaman perkebunan yang dapat mencapai tinggi hingga 20 meter. Tananam cengkeh juga seringkali menjadi pemasukan bagi masyarakat kampung. Sehingga masyarakat sering kali bertanam cengkeh. Latar belakang perancangan alat adalah agar ketika perkebunan cengkeh mengeringkan cengkeh tidak terkendala oleh masalah cuaca., Namun cengkeh memiliki hambatan yaitu mudah busuk apabila masih dalam keadaan fresh atau belum mengalami proses pengeringan. Pada saat ini pengeringan yang dilakukan ada dua cara,yaitu pengeringan secara alami menggunakan sinar matahari langsung dan pengeringan menggunakan mesin ayakan pengering cengkeh. Sehubungan dengan tidak menentunya proses pengeringan pada musim hujan, saya ingin memberikan inovasi dengan merancang suatu alat pengering cengkeh berbasis mikrokontroler yang dapat dikendalikan secara otomatis. &nbsp;Metode pengeringan dari alat adalah dengan m emasukkan cengkeh basah ke dalam box pengeringan. Di dalam box pengeringan terdapat satu buah elemen pemanas yaitu Tubular Heater 220 volt-700 watt. Kemudian suhu pada box pengeringan akan ditampilkan pada LCD 16x2. Cengkeh dinyatakan kering apabila proses pengeringan cengkeh sudah&nbsp; berlansung selama 35 menit dengan setpoint suhu 50°C.
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