7 research outputs found

    Studi Penerapan Good Farming Practice pada Usaha Pemeliharaan Kambing Peranakan Ettawa (PE) di Ud Muda Bakti Barokah Lombok Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang Penerapan Good Farming Practice Pada Usaha Pemeliharaan Kambing Peranakan Ettawa (PE) di UD Muda Bakti Barokah (UD MBB) Lombok Tengah, Aspek Teknis Faktor Penentu Good Dairy Farming Practice Ternak Kambing Perah disamping untuk mengetahui performen produksi kambing PE yang diusahakan dengan peliharaan yang sedang diterapkan. Penelitian akan menggunakan metode survei, observasi, pengamatan dan pengukuran langsung di Peranakan UD MBB. Alat yang digunakan mengambil data adalah kuisioner dan atau Petunjuk Teknis Daftar Kesesuaian GDFP Budidaya Kambing (Kementan, 2001). Pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik wawancara langsung dengan pengusaha peternakan kambing PE dan pengukuran sampel konsumsi pakan, produksi susu, perubahan bobot badan induk dan kualitas susu. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi dan dianalisis menggunakan Arithematic Mean dan Standar deviasi (MeanĀ±STDEV) dengan menggunakan Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel 2007, selanjutnya dibahas secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata hasil evaluasi kesesuaian GDFP Kambing Perah PE pada UD MBB tergolong ke dalam kategori III (Cukup Baik) dengan Aspek yang telah terselenggara dengan baik sebesar 60.12 %, meliputi aspek Prasarana dan Sarana. (78.49 %), Cara Budidaya/Pemeliharaan (70.00) dan  Kesehatan Hewan (70.00) Aspek yang belum terselenggara dengan baik sebanyak 41.67 % antara lain Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup (50 %) dan Pencatatan atau Recording (33.33 %). Jadi Peternakan UD MBB layak untuk diusulkan dan mendapatkan sertifikat dari Dinas Peternakan. Rata-rata Skor Nilai Aspek Teknis Faktor Penentu Good Dairy Farming Practice Ternak Kambing Perah di UD MBB ā€œCukup Baikā€ dengan Aspek yang telah terselenggara dengan baik sebesar nilai 2.81, meliputi aspek Bibit dan Reproduksi (2.86), Kandang dan Peralatan (3.00), Kesehatan Ternak (3.00) dan Kesejahteraan Ternak (3.29). Aspek yang belum terselenggara dengan baik hanya pada aspek Manajemen Pakan dan Air Minum dengan skor 1.89. Performen produksi susu perubahan bobot badan induk dan kualitas susu kambing PE yang diusahakan dengan GDFP yang sedang diterapkan pada peternakan di UD MBB sudah termasuk cukup baik, yaitu rata-rata produksi susu dan PBBH selama penelitian masing-masing sebesar 1454.17Ā±116.73 ml/ekor/hari dan 35.71Ā±20.36 gram/hari. Begitu pula kualitas susu kambing PE yang dihasilkan dapat dinyatakan sudah baik dan lebih tinggi dari syarat standar yang ditetapkan pada SNI, Dirjen Peternakan, Milk Codex dan Thai Agriculture standar

    Study of Ettawa Crossbreedā€™s Grade for Source at Livestock Farmer in East Lombok Regency (Case Study on Livestock Farmers)

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    This study to determine the performance of shoulder height, body weight and grade of PE goats kept by livestock farmers in East Lombok Regency. This research was conducted from June to July 2022 using survey methods, observations and direct interviews with livestock farmers in East Lombok Regency. the location where the research was carried out based on recommendations from the Puskeswan. Pringgabaya, Sakra Barat and Jerowaru sub-districts are the 3 sub-districts that are the research locations, from each selected sub-district there are 3 villages representing each sub-district and 10 livestock farmers in each village, with details of 3 sub-districts, 9 villages and 90 livestock farmers. The variables observed in this study included the identity of the livestock farmer, the rearing system, the housing system, performance (body weight and shoulder height) and the farmer's grade of PE goat. Data were analyzed using Arithmetic Mean and Standard Deviation. Most of the high shoulder performance of PE goats in East Lombok Regency is not standardized by SNI 7352;2015. The grade of PE goats in East Lombok Regency were 58 PE goats aged 4-8 months which entered grade D and 9 goats entered grade C, 75 PE goats aged 8-12 months which entered grade D and some livestock in Jerowaru District is included in E while 13 goats in West Sakra District are included in grade C, 165 PE goats aged 12-36 months are included in grade D and 9 goats are included in grade C, 58 PE goats aged 4-8 months are included into grade D and 9 goats entered into grade C, 38 PE goats aged 36 months and over entered into grade C

    The Effects of Nitrogen sources in the concentrates on N utilization and production performances of dairy goats

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    Studies in young goats showed that feeding different N supplements did not significantly affect growth rate, rumen digestion, or N metabolism. It is unclear whether this finding is also applicable to lactating dairy goats. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of combinations of barley meal with soybean meal, cottonseed meal, or urea in high energy concentrate on nutrient digestion, milk-feed efficiency, milk production, and Nitrogen balance in dairy goats fed on barley hay as a basal diet. Four isoenergetic and isonitrogenous concentrate with different N sources were formulated and fed on lactating Saanen goats in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. The results showed that lactating Saanen goats producing 1.3 to 1.5 litre of milk per day and fed on a concentrate containing 1.7 % N in a high energy diet capable to sustain similar milk protein and N balance as that given concentrate with 2.2 % dietary N. Total nutrient intakes, nutrient digestion, milk-feed efficiency and milk production lactating Saanen goats was not affected by the source of dietary N. The results indicate that including urea in a supplement can maintain a similar level of milk yield, milk protein and milk efficiency in goats as can the feeding of more expensive soybean and cottonseed meals provided there is sufficient readily available dietary energy

    Nitrogen utilization and production of dairy goats fed different nitrogen sources

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