405 research outputs found

    A superconductor to superfluid phase transition in liquid metallic hydrogen

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    Although hydrogen is the simplest of atoms, it does not form the simplest of solids or liquids. Quantum effects in these phases are considerable (a consequence of the light proton mass) and they have a demonstrable and often puzzling influence on many physical properties, including spatial order. To date, the structure of dense hydrogen remains experimentally elusive. Recent studies of the melting curve of hydrogen indicate that at high (but experimentally accessible) pressures, compressed hydrogen will adopt a liquid state, even at low temperatures. In reaching this phase, hydrogen is also projected to pass through an insulator-to-metal transition. This raises the possibility of new state of matter: a near ground-state liquid metal, and its ordered states in the quantum domain. Ordered quantum fluids are traditionally categorized as superconductors or superfluids; these respective systems feature dissipationless electrical currents or mass flow. Here we report an analysis based on topological arguments of the projected phase of liquid metallic hydrogen, finding that it may represent a new type of ordered quantum fluid. Specifically, we show that liquid metallic hydrogen cannot be categorized exclusively as a superconductor or superfluid. We predict that, in the presence of a magnetic field, liquid metallic hydrogen will exhibit several phase transitions to ordered states, ranging from superconductors to superfluids.Comment: for a related paper see cond-mat/0410425. A correction to the front page caption appeared in Oct 14 issue of Nature: http://www.nature.com/nature/links/041014/041014-11.htm

    Violation of the London Law and Onsager-Feynman quantization in multicomponent superconductors

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    Non-classical response to rotation is a hallmark of quantum ordered states such as superconductors and superfluids. The rotational responses of all currently known single-component "super" states of matter (superconductors, superfluids and supersolids) are largely described by two fundamental principles and fall into two categories according to whether the systems are composed of charged or neutral particles: the London law relating the angular velocity to a subsequently established magnetic field and the Onsager-Feynman quantization of superfluid velocity. These laws are theoretically shown to be violated in a two-component superconductor such as the projected liquid metallic states of hydrogen and deuterium at high pressures. The rotational responses of liquid metallic hydrogen or deuterium identify them as a new class of dissipationless states; they also directly point to a particular experimental route for verification of their existence.Comment: Nature Physics in print. This is an early version of the paper. The final version will be posted 6 months after its publication Nature Physics, according to the journal polic

    A quantum fluid of metallic hydrogen suggested by first-principles calculations

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    It is generally assumed that solid hydrogen will transform into a metallic alkali-like crystal at sufficiently high pressure. However, some theoretical models have also suggested that compressed hydrogen may form an unusual two-component (protons and electrons) metallic fluid at low temperature, or possibly even a zero-temperature liquid ground state. The existence of these new states of matter is conditional on the presence of a maximum in the melting temperature versus pressure curve (the 'melt line'). Previous measurements of the hydrogen melt line up to pressures of 44 GPa have led to controversial conclusions regarding the existence of this maximum. Here we report ab initio calculations that establish the melt line up to 200 GPa. We predict that subtle changes in the intermolecular interactions lead to a decline of the melt line above 90 GPa. The implication is that as solid molecular hydrogen is compressed, it transforms into a low-temperature quantum fluid before becoming a monatomic crystal. The emerging low-temperature phase diagram of hydrogen and its isotopes bears analogies with the familiar phases of 3He and 4He, the only known zero-temperature liquids, but the long-range Coulombic interactions and the large component mass ratio present in hydrogen would ensure dramatically different propertiesComment: See related paper: cond-mat/041040

    Experimental observation of moving intrinsic localized modes in germanium

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    Deep level transient spectroscopy shows that defects created by alpha irradiation of germanium are annealed by low energy plasma ions up to a depth of several thousand lattice units. The plasma ions have energies of 2-8eV and therefore can deliver energies of the order of a few eV to the germanium atoms. The most abundant defect is identified as the E-center, a complex of the dopant antimony and a vacancy with and annealing energy of 1.3eV as determined by our measurements. The inductively coupled plasma has a very low density and a very low flux of ions. This implies that the ion impacts are almost isolated both in time and at the surface of the semiconductor. We conclude that energy of the order of an eV is able to travel a large distance in germanium in a localized way and is delivered to the defects effectively. The most likely candidates are vibrational nonlinear wave packets known as intrinsic localized modes, which exist for a limited range of energies. This property is coherent with the fact that more energetic ions are less efficient at producing the annealing effect.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Ewald method for polytropic potentials in arbitrary dimensionality

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    The Ewald summation technique is generalised to power-law 1/|r|^k potentials in three-, two- and one-dimensional geometries with explicit formulae for all the components of the sums. The cases of short-range, long-range and "marginal" interactions are treated separately. The jellium model, as a particular case of a charge-neutral system, is discussed and the explicit forms of the Ewald sums for such system are presented. A generalised form of the Ewald sums for a noncubic (nonsquare) simulation cell for three- (two-) dimensional geometry is obtained and its possible field of application is discussed. A procedure for the optimisation of the involved parameters in actual simulations is developed and an example of its application is presented.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figure

    The origin of defects induced in ultra-pure germanium by Electron Beam Deposition

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    The creation of point defects in the crystal lattices of various semiconductors by subthreshold events has been reported on by a number of groups. These observations have been made in great detail using sensitive electrical techniques but there is still much that needs to be clarified. Experiments using Ge and Si were performed that demonstrate that energetic particles, the products of collisions in the electron beam, were responsible for the majority of electron-beam deposition (EBD) induced defects in a two-step energy transfer process. Lowering the number of collisions of these energetic particles with the semiconductor during metal deposition was accomplished using a combination of static shields and superior vacuum resulting in devices with defect concentrations lower than 1011 10^{11}\,cm3^{-3}, the measurement limit of our deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) system. High energy electrons and photons that samples are typically exposed to were not influenced by the shields as most of these particles originate at the metal target thus eliminating these particles as possible damage causing agents. It remains unclear how packets of energy that can sometimes be as small of 2eV travel up to a μ\mum into the material while still retaining enough energy, that is, in the order of 1eV, to cause changes in the crystal. The manipulation of this defect causing phenomenon may hold the key to developing defect free material for future applications.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Electron-hole symmetry in a semiconducting carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    Optical and electronic phenomena in solids arise from the behaviour of electrons and holes (unoccupied states in a filled electron sea). Electron-hole symmetry can often be invoked as a simplifying description, which states that electrons with energy above the Fermi sea behave the same as holes below the Fermi energy. In semiconductors, however, electron-hole symmetry is generally absent since the energy band structure of the conduction band differs from the valence band. Here we report on measurements of the discrete, quantized-energy spectrum of electrons and holes in a semiconducting carbon nanotube. Through a gate, an individual nanotube is filled controllably with a precise number of either electrons or holes, starting from one. The discrete excitation spectrum for a nanotube with N holes is strikingly similar to the corresponding spectrum for N electrons. This observation of near perfect electron-hole symmetry demonstrates for the first time that a semiconducting nanotube can be free of charged impurities, even in the limit of few-electrons or holes. We furthermore find an anomalously small Zeeman spin splitting and an excitation spectrum indicating strong electron-electron interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    The phases of deuterium at extreme densities

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    We consider deuterium compressed to higher than atomic, but lower than nuclear densities. At such densities deuterium is a superconducting quantum liquid. Generically, two superconducting phases compete, a "ferromagnetic" and a "nematic" one. We provide a power counting argument suggesting that the dominant interactions in the deuteron liquid are perturbative (but screened) Coulomb interactions. At very high densities the ground state is determined by very small nuclear interaction effects that probably favor the ferromagnetic phase. At lower densities the symmetry of the theory is effectively enhanced to SU(3), and the quantum liquid enters a novel phase, neither ferromagnetic nor nematic. Our results can serve as a starting point for investigations of the phase dynamics of deuteron liquids, as well as exploration of the stability and dynamics of the rich variety of topological objects that may occur in phases of the deuteron quantum liquid, which range from Alice strings to spin skyrmions to Z_2 vortices.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; v2: fixed typo

    Crossover from mesoscopic to universal phase for electron transmission in quantum dots

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    Measuring phase in coherent electron systems (mesoscopic systems) provides ample information not easily revealed by conductance measurements. Phase measurements in relatively large quantum dots (QDs) recently demonstrated a universal like phase evolution independent of dot size, shape, and occupancy. Explicitly, in Coulomb blockaded QDs the transmission phase increased monotonically by pi throughout each conductance peak, thereafter, in the conductance valleys the phase returned sharply to its base value. Expected mesoscopic features in the phase, related to spin degeneracy or to exchange effects, were never observed. Presently, there is no satisfactory full explanation for the observed phase universality. Unfortunately, the phase in a few-electron QDs, where it can be better understood was never measured. Here we report on such measurements on a small QD that occupy only 1-20 electrons. Such dot was embedded in one arm of a two path electron interferometer, with an electron counter near the dot. Unlike the repetitive behavior found in larger dots we found now mesoscopic features for dot occupation of less than some 10 electrons. An unexpected feature in this regime is a clear observation of the occupation of two different orbital states by the first two electrons - contrary to the recent publications. As the occupation increased the phase evolved and turned universal like for some 14 electrons and higher. The present measurements allowed us to determine level occupancy and parity. More importantly, they suggest that QDs go through a phase transition, from mesoscopic to universal like behavior, as the occupancy increases. These measurements help in singling out potential few theoretical models among the many proposed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamic screening of a localized hole during photoemission from a metal cluster

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    Recent advances in attosecond spectroscopy techniques have fueled the interest in the theoretical description of electronic processes taking place in the subfemtosecond time scale. Here we study the coupled dynamic screening of a localized hole and a photoelectron emitted from a metal cluster using a semi-classical model. Electron density dynamics in the cluster is calculated with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory and the motion of the photoemitted electron is described classically. We show that the dynamic screening of the hole by the cluster electrons affects the motion of the photoemitted electron. At the very beginning of its trajectory, the photoemitted electron interacts with the cluster electrons that pile up to screen the hole. Within our model, this gives rise to a significant reduction of the energy lost by the photoelectron. Thus, this is a velocity dependent effect that should be accounted for when calculating the average losses suffered by photoemitted electrons in metals.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure