4 research outputs found

    Human Security dan Islam: Studi Kasus Kematian Jamal Ahmad Khasoggi

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    This study discusses the concepts of Human Security and Islam with a case study of the death of Jamal Ahmad Khasoggi in October 2018, a senior journalist from Saudi Arabia. This event became an international spotlight and had an impact on the three countries involved, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and America which resulted in their relationship being in harmony. What are the theories and concepts of Human Security at the global level and what are the red threads of the concept of human security in Islam and the implementation of the Perspective of Human Security and Islam in the case of Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi. This research uses research literature method to collect secondary data. This research uses qualitative descriptive technique and analysis to obtain a complete picture of the answer to the problem under study. The results of the study show that the concepts of Human Security and Islam have a common goal of upholding the right to life and humanity. The death e of Jamal Ahmad Khasoggi violated the concept of Human Security, Islam and the universal value of humanity


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    This paper aims to find out and analyze how the coup carried out by the Myanmar military junta against Aung San Suu Kyi. This research began on November 8, 2022, the Government of Myanmar held a presidential election. The election was won by Aung San Suu Kyi through the National League Democracy (NLD) party. The election was won by Aung San Suu Kyi through the National League Democracy (NLD) party. The opposition through the Union Solidarity and Development did not recognize the election results. They claim that Aung San Suu Kyi's victory in Myanmar's election was carried out by fraud. This made the opposition party reject and the military junta supported the decision. Through the Myanmar military junta, Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested and the election was deemed invalid. The coup by the military junta against Aung San Suu Kyi was carried out so that Myanmar was declared a state of emergency after the military coup led by the military junta in Myanmar. Based on this the author tries to analyze how the military junta carried out a coup against Aung San Suu Kyi


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    This research aims to find out the thoughts, attitudes, and actions of Islamic religious authorities (ulama, kyai, or ustad) concerning the COVID-19 epidemic. This investigation was prompted by the fact of the enormous number of kyai or ulama who were exposed to COVID-19. The research technique ised mixed methods, essentially mixing qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The participants involved in the first (qualitative) stage were 14 persons, 13 males and 1 woman. They are Islamic religious figures who live in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The second step was conducted by utilizing a questionnaire (Google form) and succeeded to gather 85 participants. The findings indicated that although all the participants were Ahlussunah Wal Jamaah (NU and Muhammadiyah), the discrepancies in their ideas, attitudes, and conduct regarding the COVID-19 epidemic were obvious. On average, Muhammadiyah is more inclined or tends to think towards complete endeavour, or its method of thinking tends to be Jabariyah, whereas NU is more likely to think towards entire submission or Qodariah, however certain situations are the contrary. This data demonstrates that in the face of a novel phenomena involving an unknown virus such as COVID-19, Indonesian Muslims, particularly Islamic religious leaders, cling to what they believe, not changing the norm.This research aims to find out the thoughts, attitudes, and actions of Islamic religious authorities (ulama, kyai, or ustad) concerning the COVID-19 epidemic. This investigation was prompted by the fact of the enormous number of kyai or ulama who were exposed to COVID-19. The research technique ised mixed methods, essentially mixing qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The participants involved in the first (qualitative) stage were 14 persons, 13 males and 1 woman. They are Islamic religious figures who live in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The second step was conducted by utilizing a questionnaire (Google form) and succeeded to gather 85 participants. The findings indicated that although all the participants were Ahlussunah Wal Jamaah (NU and Muhammadiyah), the discrepancies in their ideas, attitudes, and conduct regarding the COVID-19 epidemic were obvious. On average, Muhammadiyah is more inclined or tends to think towards complete endeavour, or its method of thinking tends to be Jabariyah, whereas NU is more likely to think towards entire submission or Qodariah, however certain situations are the contrary. This data demonstrates that in the face of a novel phenomena involving an unknown virus such as COVID-19, Indonesian Muslims, particularly Islamic religious leaders, cling to what they believe, not changing the norm