100 research outputs found

    Gamma Rays’ Effect on Food Allergen Protein

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    Many foods cause different kinds of allergies for so many people due to health problems. Recently, gamma rays have been used to minimize this problem by altering the protein allergen structure. The aim of this study is to represent the use of the gamma rays in allergen food treatment and to show what happened to food structures. It can be concluded that the use of the technique of irradiation by gamma rays may be an efficient solution for allergic foods

    Ionizing Radiations in Entomology

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    Radiation in the form of particles (α or β particles and neutrons) or electromagnetic waves (gamma or X-rays) can induce biological effects in insect cells like in other living cells. Ionization and chemical damages to organic molecules can be caused directly (mostly by particulate types of radiation) or indirectly by free radicals. Radioinduced ions and radicals, most of them coming from water radiolysis, may react with neighboring molecules to produce secondary DNA radicals or even chain reactions, particularly in lipids, and most of the significant biological effects results from damage to DNA. Currently, more than 300 species of arthropods, mostly of economic importance, have already been subjected to irradiation studies for basic research, pest control applications, and disinfestation of commodities (quarantine and phytosanitary purposes). This chapter focused on insect sterilization and disinfestation by ionizing radiations in view of the socioeconomic impacts. The release of insects that are sterile after exposure to radiation aiming to control or eradicate pest populations revealed to be a revolutionary tactic in the area-wide management of pests, and many successful cases with the application of the sterile insect technique can be found around the globe. The use of ionizing radiations to inhibit the spread of quarantine insects represents an important alternative postharvest control, and the development of generic radiation treatments has resulted in a significant increase in the international use of phytosanitary irradiation for trade in horticultural products and other commoditie

    Calcium availability in bovine milk with treatment with gamma rays

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    O leite bovino é um alimento de grande importância com fonte de cálcio e proteínas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar os efeitos da radiação gama proveniente do 60Co sobre a disponibilidade de cálcio e o aspecto sensorial. O leite utilizado foi embalado em sacos para leite conforme o encontrado no comércio. As amostras foram submetidas à radiação gama nas doses 0,1, 0,5, 1,0, 2,0 e 3,0 kGy e ficaram armazenadas a 4 °C, e suas avaliações ocorreram nos 1º, 4º, 7º e 10º dias de armazenamento. Foi avaliado o teor de cálcio e a composição centesimal do leite logo após sua obtenção. A diálise de cálcio in vitro foi realizada nos diferentes tempos de armazenamento. Nas duas doses, com pH mais estável na menor dose de radiação e uma dose abaixo, 0,5 e 1,0 kGy, foi realizada análise sensorial. A análise dos dados foi feita empregando teste de Tukey (5%). Quanto à análise físico-química, as amostras irradiadas melhoraram a disponibilidade do cálcio sendo a dose mais adequada a de 1 kGy devido a sua maior estabilidade do pH no período de 10 dias, porém sensorialmente as amostras não foram bem aceitas.Milk is an important food because it is rich in calcium and proteins. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of gamma radiation from 60Co on the calcium availability and sensorial aspects. The milk samples were packed in bags similar to those used for commercial products. The samples were submitted to gamma radiation at doses of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 kGy and stored at 4 °C with evaluations on the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th days of storage. The calcium amount and centesimal composition were evaluated at the beginning of the study. Calcium dialyzis in vitro was performed at different times of storage. Sensorial analysis was conducted on two doses with amore stable pH under the lowest radiation dose and the second lowest radiation dose, 0.5 and 1.0 kGy, respectively. Data analysis was conducted using the Tukey test (5%). Physicochemical analysis showed an increase in calcium availability, and the most adequate dose found was 1 kGy due to its highest pH stability in the period of 10 days, but the sensorial analysis showed that the samples were not well accepted by the testers

    Insects and mycobiota in Phaseolus vulgaris L. grains sold in retail stores: Poster

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    In Brazil beans are an important protein source and the great variety of Phaseolus and Vigna beans grains are sold in retail markets. The objective of this study was to isolate fungi from insects and Phaseolus vulgaris (var. Pinto) from 15 samples of different retail stores in São Paulo. The samples were placed in Petri dishes containing culture medium of potato-dextrose-agar and incubated at 25°C for 7 days. Fungi were identified in several insects: Callosobruchus maculatus (yeasts - 50%), Sitophilus spp. (Chaetomium spp. – 3.1%; Rhizopus stolonifer- 3.1%; Non Sporulating Fungi (NSF) – 12.5% and Eurotium chevalieri - 9.4%, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Penicillium spp. – 18.5% and yeasts – 18.5%) and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Alternaria alternata – 13.6 % and Penicillium spp. – 41 %). No fungi were observed in the parasitoid Dinarmus basalis. In grain samples, the following fungi were found: Penicillium spp. (6%), E. chevalieri (5%), R. stolonifer (0.3%), Aspergillus flavus (3 %), NSF (8 %), Yeasts (2.6%), Phoma spp. (1.6%) and Alternaria alternata (3.6%).In Brazil beans are an important protein source and the great variety of Phaseolus and Vigna beans grains are sold in retail markets. The objective of this study was to isolate fungi from insects and Phaseolus vulgaris (var. Pinto) from 15 samples of different retail stores in São Paulo. The samples were placed in Petri dishes containing culture medium of potato-dextrose-agar and incubated at 25°C for 7 days. Fungi were identified in several insects: Callosobruchus maculatus (yeasts - 50%), Sitophilus spp. (Chaetomium spp. – 3.1%; Rhizopus stolonifer- 3.1%; Non Sporulating Fungi (NSF) – 12.5% and Eurotium chevalieri - 9.4%, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Penicillium spp. – 18.5% and yeasts – 18.5%) and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Alternaria alternata – 13.6 % and Penicillium spp. – 41 %). No fungi were observed in the parasitoid Dinarmus basalis. In grain samples, the following fungi were found: Penicillium spp. (6%), E. chevalieri (5%), R. stolonifer (0.3%), Aspergillus flavus (3 %), NSF (8 %), Yeasts (2.6%), Phoma spp. (1.6%) and Alternaria alternata (3.6%)

    Gamma Radiation Effect on Allergenic Food

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    Food allergens are substances that cause an overreaction of the individual immune system of who consumes it. The importance of food allergy in the nutritional present context is increasing, and dietary habits and nutrient availability have rapidly transformed in function of access to consumers. There is no specific treatment for food allergies. It is necessary to stop eating the food. Studies with the use of nuclear radiation to minimize these effects have been performed. The absorption of electromagnetic radiation by the biological tissues that constitute the food produces a function of electronic excitability of the constituent molecules. An example of this reaction is with proteins leading to deamination, breaking peptides, aromatic residues formation, and so on. The extent of these reactions depends on the food conditions and substances that are contained in

    Efeitos da radiação gama em sementes de feijão (Vigna unguiculata L.) visando o aumento de produção

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    Sementes de feijão caupi Vigna unguiculata L. foram expostas a baixas doses de radiação de gama do Co-60, sob uma taxa de dose de 0,509 kGy/hora, para estudar os efeitos da estimulação da radiação na germinação e crescimento de planta. Quatro tratamentos com doses gama radiação foram aplicadas como segue: 0 (testemunha); 25; 50; 75; e 100 Gy, foram avaliados a germinação das sementes,  número de grãos verde, número de grãos colhidos, peso de grãos e a produção total,  para identificar se houve a  ocorrência de estimulação nas sementes irradiadas.  As sementes e plantas foram controladas de acordo como é feito para produção habitual de feijão no Brasil. Baixas doses de radiação gama aplicada nas sementes estimularam a germinação e um substancial aumento no número grão e no peso total de feijão de 8% e 1% respectivamente na dose de 50 Gy.

    Physical-chemical alterations in irradiated and stored strawberries (Fragaria anassa Duch.)

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    Os morangos possuem curta vida útil pós-colheita devido à rápida deterioração causada por fungos, mesmo quando armazenados sob refrigeração. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as alterações físico-químicas em morangos irradiados. Morangos (Fragaria anassa Duch.) da variedade Sweet Charles, colhidos na região de Valinhos-SP, foram irradiados um dia após a colheita em fonte de 60Co, nas doses de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 kGy e controle, armazenados sob refrigeração (4 °C) por 1, 8, 15, 22 e 29 dias. Para a caracterização dos frutos foi realizada a composição química. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto aos teores de sólidos solúveis totais (°Brix), acidez total titulável, pH, pectina total e solúvel nos diferentes tempos. A irradiação não provocou alterações em nenhum dos parâmetros analisados, pois não foram verificadas diferenças entre as amostras irradiadas e a controle, já entre os períodos de armazenamento ocorreram diferenças em todos os parâmetros avaliados.Strawberries have a short postharvest life due to the rapid spoilage caused by fungal infections, even when stored under refrigeration. The present research had the objective of evaluating the physical and chemical alterations in irradiated strawberries. Strawberries (Fragaria anassa Duch.) of the Sweet Charles variety, harvested in the region of Valinhos-SP, Brazil, were irradiated one day after harvest with a source of 60Co in the doses of 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 kGy and control, stored under refrigeration (4 °C) for 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 days. The control sample was not submitted to irradiation. For the characterization of the fruits, the chemical composition was determined. The fruits were evaluated as to total soluble solid content (°Brix), total titrimetric acidity, pH and total and soluble pectin at the different time periods. Irradiation did not cause alterations in any of the parameters analyzed between irradiated samples and the control, but the periods of storage were responsible for the differences observed in all the parameters. It was concluded that the irradiation process did not change the amount of pectin, soluble solid content (°Brix), total titrimetric acidity and pH, but storage time had an influence on these parameters

    Effect of the irradiation in meat of frozen rabbit

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    O crescimento nacional da produção de carne de coelhos necessita de maior conhecimento sobre características da carne, bem como o efeito de um processo que permita sua maior conservação. Os cortes congelados da carne de coelho: coxa, pernil e lombo, tratados com dois tipos de antibióticos, norfloxacina e ciprofloxacina, foram irradiados nas doses de 0, 3 e 6 kGy e determinados os teores de ferro heme e não heme dos cortes. As doses de irradiação empregadas foram influentes nos teores de ferro heme e não heme, sendo que a dose de 3 kGy foi a que apresentou os maiores valores, independente do tipo de antibiótico utilizado. Para o ferro heme o antibiótico norfloxacina apresentou os maiores valores e para o ferro não heme os maiores valores foram notados para o antibiótico ciprofloxacina.The growth in national production of rabbit meat demands greater knowledge of the characteristics of the meat, as well as the effects of a process that allows greater conservation of the meat. Frozen cuts of rabbit meat: thigh, ham and loin, treated with two types of antibiotics (norfloxacyn and ciprofloxacin), were irradiated in doses of 0, 3 and 6 kGy, and the levels of heme and nonheme iron in the cuts were determined. The irradiation doses employed were influential on the levels of heme and nonheme iron, and the dose of 3 kGy was the one that presented the largest values, independent of the type of antibiotic used. For heme iron, the antibiotic norfloxacyn presented the largest values and for nonheme iron the largest values were noted for the antibiotic ciprofloxacyn

    Gamma radiation effects at color, antioxidant capacity and fatty acid profile in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    A irradiação gama é eficiente para eliminar a contaminação fúngica em grãos de amendoim. Este apresenta proteínas de alto valor biológico, minerais, vitaminas E, complexo B e alta concentração de lipídios. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação de radiações gama na cor, fenólicos totais, atividade antioxidante e perfil de ácidos graxos em amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.). Os cultivares IAC-Tatu ST e IAC-Runner 886 foram submetidos a radiações gama com doses de 5,0; 7,5; 10,0; e 15,0 kGy e armazenados em temperatura ambiente. Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas na cor dos amendoins IAC-Tatu ST. Diferenças significativas foram detectadas para a luminosidade e o Croma do IAC-Runner 886. Os fenólicos totais diferiram significativamente entre o controle com 33,27 mg.g-1 e o tratamento com 10,0 kGy com 58,60 mg.g-1 no IAC-Tatu ST, neste parâmetro não foram observadas diferenças significativas no IAC-Runner 886, cujo controle foi 51,59 mg.g-1. Para atividade antioxidante não foi verificada diferença significativa com a dose de 10,0 kGy, recomendada para eliminação fúngica de amendoim. Na dose de 10,0 kGy, verificou-se a diminuição de ácidos graxos saturados, o aumento dos insaturados e o aumento de ácido linoleico. A relação oleico/linoleico diminuiu, justificando novos estudos correlacionando armazenamento e estabilidade oxidativa.Irradiation is efficient at extincting fungi contamination in peanuts. Peanuts have high biologic value protein, minerals, vitamin E, complex B, and high concentration of lipids. The objective of this research is to evaluate the gamma irradiation effect on color, total phenolic, antioxidant activity, and fatty acid profile in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). Cultivars IAC-Tatu ST and IAC-Runner 886 were submitted to gamma radiation with doses of 5.0; 7.5; 10.0, and 15.0 kGy and storage at room temperature. There was no significant difference in the color of IAC-Tatu ST. However, significant difference was found in the luminosity and Chroma in IAC-Runner 886. Total fenolics differed from the control with 33.27 mg.g-1 and treatment dose of 10.0 kGy with 58.60 mg.g-1 in IAC-Tatu ST. This parameter not had significant difference in IAC-Runner 886 and the control with 51.59 mg.g-1. The antioxidant activity did not present significant difference with a dose of 10.0 kGy, recommended for the elimination of fungi in peanuts. The dose of 10.0 kGy showed a decrease in saturated fatty acids, increase in unsaturated fatty acids, and an increase in linolleic acid. The oleic/linoleic relation decreased justifying further research correlating storage and oxidative stability
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