65 research outputs found


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    A problem of Business Excellence (BE) has been investigated according to different aspects. For more detailed analysis it is necessary to develop an integrative model of business excellence, respecting baseline model of business excellence according to European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM), with possibility to define relationships and level of significance of different variables. The main goal of the paper is to develop an integrative model for simulation effects in order to improve the ICT support, quality and leadership as independent variables on business excellence (BE). The model has been developed using techniques of modelling complex dynamic systems and evaluated using statistical techniques. In the sample of 159 organization in Serbian ICT support, leadership and quality and their impact on BE have been analysed. After analysis of simulation, it had been concluded that it is possible to improve business excellence with relative small investment in ICT support, leadership and quality.https://jibi.aspur.rs/archive/v1/n1/1.phpPublishe

    The Redesign of Processes’ Development in Food Production Organizations Using Quality Engineering Methods and Tools

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    A number of trends and challenges such as increased competition, new technologies and regulations, quality and new consumer trends have been forcing the food industry to change [1, 2, 3]. In response to these new challenges, food companies are improving compet‐ itiveness by restructuring, redesigning existing processes, and intensifying the fight for mar

    Metodologija dizajniranja simulacijskih sustava temeljenih na metodi diskretnih događaja u proizvodnom ambijentu

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    The paper considers Discrete Event Simulation design methodology. Primary objective is proposal of comprehensive, scientifically established design methodology to structure, guide, and improve manufacturing processes modeling efforts. Proposed approach replicate structure and behavior of original system at desired level of abstraction, incorporates specific academic knowledge in simulation solution and results in object oriented application architecture completely consistent with production planning and scheduling ontology. The paper begins pointing out importance of modeling and equality between knowledge and models from viewpoint of modern cybernetic science and referenced cybernetics theory relocates in manufacturing systems and discrete event simulation domain. Paper then proceeds to discuss a structure and main steps of proposed methodology with a more detailed discussion of simulation based production planning and scheduling. Finally, an example of successfully designed simulation solution is given. Proposed approach gives verbal and mathematical problem description, builds ontology of problem domain, uses Extended Petri Nets, event graphs and activity cycle diagrams as modeling tools, in order to obtain faithful model which easily can be replicated in object oriented class and object hierarchy. Methodology highlights inevitability of knowledge transfer between business processes, software development and academic research experts. Integration and overlapping of mentioned fields of knowledge result in object oriented application architecture fully consistent with ontology derived from conceptual phase of design methodology. Proposed methodology enables convergence of comprehensive but static MIS knowledge in dynamic simulation model in order to fully utilize its prediction power for effective integration of strategic and tactical decision making.U radu se razmatra metodologija dizajniranja računalnih simulacijskih sustava temeljenih na metodi diskretnih događaja. Primarni cilj je prijedlog sveobuhvatne, znanstveno utemeljene metodologije dizajniranja koja formulira, usmjerava te poboljšava nastojanja modeliranja proizvodnih procesa. Predloženi pristup replicira strukturu i ponašanje originalnih sustava na željenoj razini apstrakcije, inkorporira specifična akademska znanja u simulacijski sustav te rezultira u objektno orijentiranoj arhitekturi aplikacije koja je u potpunosti konzistentna sa ontologijom planiranja i terminiranja proizvodnje. Rad započinje naglašavanjem značaja modeliranja stavljajući znak jednakosti između znanja i modela iz perspektive moderne kibernetičke znanosti te pomenutu kibernetičku teoriju relocira u domene proizvodnih sustava i simulacije diskretnih događaja. U radu se potom daju osnovni podaci o strukturi i glavnim koracima predložene metodologije uz detaljnije objašnjenje planiranja i terminiranja proizvodnje uz pomoć simulacije. Na kraju se opisuje primjer uspješno dizajniranog simulacijskog sustava. Predloženi pristup daje verbalni i matematički opis problema, gradi ontologiju domene problema, koristi proširene Petrijeve mreže, graf događaje i cikluse dijagrama aktivnosti kao alate modeliranja, sa svrhom dobijanja vjernog modela koji se lako može replicirati u objektno orijentiranu hijerarhiju klasa i objekata. Metodologija ističe neizbježnost transfera znanja između stručnjaka za poslovne procese, te eksperata iz oblasti razvoja softvera i akademskih istraživanja. Integracija i preklapanje navedenih polja znanja rezultuje u objektno orijentiranoj arhitekturi aplikacije koja je potpuno u skladu s ontologijom koja slijedi iz konceptualne faze metodologije dizajniranja. Predložena metodologija omogućava konvergenciju sveobuhvatnog ali statičkog znanja sadržanog u informacijskom sustavu upravljanja u dinamički simulacijski model, sa ciljem potpunijeg iskorišćenja mogućnosti predviđanja te učinkovito integriranje strateškog i taktičkog odlučivanja

    Dizajn mreže centara za rasklapanje vozila na kraju životnog ciklusa: studija slučaja

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    This paper addresses the issues involved in the design of the ELV dismantling centres locations network. The problem to be considered is one of ELV waste management problems. Its solution is of the utmost importance for ELV waste management problem, as it influences the choice and efficiency of ELV waste management strategies. It is realistically posed that the choice of locations depends on multiple, rather conflicting criteria. The uncertain criteria values are described by linguistic expressions modelled by fuzzy numbers. The values of the first three criteria are modelled by discrete fuzzy numbers, whereas the values of other considered criteria are modelled by triangular fuzzy numbers. These criteria also have a different relative importance. In this paper, the criteria importance is given by the pairwise comparison matrix and weight vector is calculated by applying the eigenvector approach. A new multi-criteria fuzzy model based on Pareto analysis is developed and applied. The developed model is illustrated with examples containing the real world data collected in Serbia.Publishe

    Evaluation of influence recycling device on environment in production process phase by TOPSIS method

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    In this paper a problem of influence assessment of every input variable in the production process of recycling device was considered due to three key elements of environment (water, air and ground). All input variables which are considered in the production process are received by using LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method. The influence of each kind of waste to the each environment element was assessed by modified TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method.Publishe

    Evaluation and Ranking of Organizational Resilience Factors by Using a Two-Step Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS

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    We presented a novel fuzzy multicriteria decision making approach to evaluate and rank organizational resilience factors with respect to user preference orders. Due to vagueness of the decision data, the precise numerical data are inadequate for real-life business situations. Human judgements can be expressed by linguistic expressions which are modeled by fuzzy sets. The complexity of the considered problem calls for analytic methods rather than intuitive decisions. Two fuzzy multi-criteria methods are proposed for solving the treated problem: Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchical Process (FAHP) is applied to determine the relative importance of business processes and the relative importance of organizational resilience factors under each business process, and an extension of the fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) is applied to rank the organizational resilience factors. With respect to complexity and the type of considered management problem, we introduce a modified fuzzy decision matrix. The proposed algorithm has efficiently been applied in the assessment of organizational resilience factors to small and medium enterprises of the process industry

    Casting process optimization by the regression analysis applied on the wear resistant parts molding

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    Provodeći sveobuhvatno istraživanje procesa lijevanja dijelova otpornih na habanje (lijevanje bijelog željeza), uspostavljena je značajna korelacija između tehnoloških parametara (temperatura, vrijeme starenja u kalupu i protok rashladnog sredstva) i tvrdoće finalnog proizvoda. Osnovna teorija Box-Wilsonove metode gradijenta činila je osnovu za predviđena istraživanja. Ta metoda definira koherentnost parametara procesa budući da je njihova disperzija u ispitivanom procesu relativno mala. Glavni je cilj eksperimenta bila definicija optimalnih uvjeta lijevanja. Stoga su identificirane različite tehnološke rute i modifikacije u procesu lijevanja dok se nije postigao najbolji rezultat. Ciljna je funkcija u početku imala oblik hipoteze, ali je kasnije dobila konzistentan oblik primjenom statističkih podataka dobivenih eksperimentom, optimizacijom procesa i upravljanjem procesom na bazi empirijske povratne veze.Conducting a comprehensive research of the casting process of wear resistant parts (white hard casting), a significant correlation is established between the technological parameters (temperature, aging time in the mold and coolant flow) and the final product hardness. The fundamental theory of Box-Wilson\u27s gradient method marked the baseline for the foreseen researches. The method defines the coherence of the process parameters, since their dispersion in the examined process is relatively small. Main target of the experiment was a definition of the optimal casting conditions. Therefore the different technological routes are identified and the casting process is modified until the best outcome is achieved. Target function was initially in a hypothesized form, while later on evolved into a consistent form due to the application of experiment-statistics, process optimization and process management based on empirical feedback


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    Generally usage of devices for recycling on the environment has positive effect. On the other side is negative impact of production of its devices on environment. Where is trade-off between them? It is the subject of this paper. The goal is to find optimal solution using appropriate methods, techniques and tools. The paper is arranged on following kind. After introduction is presented literature review in chapter two. In chapter three is presented methodology for assessing the impact on the environment. In chapter four are presented results of analysis and in last chapter are presented conclusions