254 research outputs found

    Application-Based Coexistence of Different Waveforms on Non-orthogonal Multiple Access

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    The coexistence of different wireless communication systems such as LTE and Wi-Fi by sharing the unlicensed band is well studied in the literature. In these studies, various methods are proposed to support the coexistence of systems, including listen-before-talk mechanism, joint user association and resource allocation. However, in this study, the coexistence of different waveform structures in the same resource elements are studied under the theory of non-orthogonal multiple access. This study introduces a paradigm-shift on NOMA towards the application-centric waveform coexistence. Throughout the paper, the coexistence of different waveforms is explained with two specific use cases, which are power-balanced NOMA and joint radar-sensing and communication with NOMA. In addition, some of the previous works in the literature regarding non-orthogonal waveform coexistence are reviewed. However, the concept is not limited to these use cases. With the rapid development of wireless technology, next-generation wireless systems are proposed to be flexible and hybrid, having different kinds of capabilities such as sensing, security, intelligence, control, and computing. Therefore, the concept of different waveforms' coexistence to meet these concerns are becoming impressive for researchers.Comment: Submitted to IEEE for possible publication. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2007.05753, arXiv:2003.0554

    Recurrent Staphylococcus warnerii prosthetic valve endocarditis: A case report and review

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    To our knowledge, there have been only six S. warneri endocarditis cases reported in the English-language literature (Medline: 1966 to April 2011). We report a case of recurrent S. warneri endocarditis in a patient with prosthetic valve and silicon mammoplasty and we also review the relevant literature

    Corticosteroid hypersensitivity in allergic rhinitis

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    Corticosteroid hypersensitivity in allergic rhinitis. Background: intranasal corticosteroid (IC) is the most effective treatment method in allergic rhinitis patients who are unresponsive to antihistamines. The literature reports an approximate 20% treatment failure for instances where IC is used for the treatment allergic rhinitis. Hypersensitivity reaction to corticosteroids may be one of the causes of this treatment failure. Objective: to discover the incidence and confounding factors of corticosteroid hypersensitivity in patients with allergic rhinitis. Methods: after 31 patients were excluded, 150 consecutive patients who were prospectively evaluated in our outpatient clinics with the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and 50 age- and sex- matched healthy volunteers were included in this study. To diagnose allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of patients and a skin prick test were used. A skin patch test was used to determine corticosteroid hypersensitivity. Total IgE values and total eosinophil count were obtained for all patients. Total symptom scores were calculated for the severity of symptoms and to determine the response to therapy using intranasal corticosteroids. Results: the incidence of corticosteroid hypersensitivity determined via the skin patch test was 14.0% (21 out of 150 patients). A difference was observed for patch test positivity results between the study and control groups (14% vs. 0%, respectively). Serum IgE levels and total eosinophil count were higher among patients who had corticosteroid hypersensitivity (p:0.005 and p:0.004, respectively). Patients unresponsive to intranasal corticosteroids had a higher incidence of corticosteroid hypersensitivity (71.4% vs. 4.4%, p<0.001). Conclusion: our study is the largest to date investigating CH in patients with allergic rhinitis and patients with allergic rhinitis have been found to have a high incidence (14%) of corticosteroid hypersensitivity, which may affect the response of patients to intranasal corticosteroid treatment

    Multicarrier Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: Superiority of OFDM-RSMA over OFDMA and OFDM-NOMA

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    Rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) is a multiple access technique generalizing conventional techniques, such as, space-division multiple access (SDMA), non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), and physical layer multi-casting, which aims to address multi-user interference (MUI) in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. In this study, we leverage the interference management capabilities of RSMA to tackle the issue of inter-carrier interference (ICI) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform. We formulate a problem to find the optimal subcarrier and power allocation for downlink transmission in a two-user system using RSMA and OFDM and propose a weighted minimum mean-square error (WMMSE)-based algorithm to obtain a solution. The sum-rate performance of the proposed OFDM-RSMA scheme is compared with that of conventional orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) and OFDM-NOMA by numerical results. It is shown that the proposed OFDM-RSMA outperforms OFDM-NOMA and OFDMA under ICI in diverse propagation channel conditions owing to its flexible structure and robust interference management capabilities.Comment: Updated version of published paper in IEEE Communications Letters with correction in optimization problem (17b

    Relationship between food insecurity and geriatric syndromes in older adults: A multicenter study in Turkey

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    Aims: In this study, the aim was to determine the prevalence of geriatric syndromes such as frailty, sarcopenia risk and malnutrition in older adults and to investigate the relationship between food insecurity, and frailty, risk of sarcopenia and malnutrition. Methods: The study was cross-sectional. It was conducted between February 2022 and June 2022 with 707 older adults. The data were collected through the face-to-face interview method with a questionnaire including the Descriptive Information Form, Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), Frail Scale, Sarcopenia Risk Screening Scale (SARC-F) and Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF). Numbers, percentages, mean, standard deviation, Pearson chi-square test and binary logistic regression analysis were used in data analysis. Results: In the present sample, 30% of the participants experienced some degree of food insecurity. The prevalence of frailty, sarcopenia risk, and malnutrition in the participants was 15.3%, 19.5%, and 1.3%, respectively. We determined that food insecurity was not associated with pre-frailty/frailty and sarcopenia risk. After adjusment for potential counfounders moderate and severe food insecurity was associated with higher odds of malnutrition risk and malnutrition (AOR: 2.06, 95% CI: 1.21–3.51, p:0.007). Conclusion: While food insecurity is not associated with pre-frailty/frailty and sarcopenia risk, moderate and severe food insecurity is a modifiable risk factor for malnutrition risk and malnutrition. Thus, economic and social policies to eliminate food insecurity should be implemented, and efforts to prevent food insecurity should be planned through inter-sectoral cooperation

    Clinical follow-up of patients with HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B infection: A long-term observational study

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    Background and Aim: We aimed to analyze the demographic, laboratory, and clinical characteristics of patients with HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B infection in tertiary care centers in Istanbul. Materials and Methods: We conducted an observational cohort with >= 18-year-old patients with HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B infection, who were followed up in three tertiary care centers in Istanbul between January 2000 and August 2018, were evaluated by reviewing electronic and recorded files. The Ethical Committee of Istanbul Medipol University approved this study (Protocol no: 10840098-604.01.01-E.44136). During the polyclinic interview, consent was obtained from patients for analysis and publication. Results: The mean age of the 64 patients was 30 (range 18-39) years, and 50% (32) of them were males. The mean follow-up period of the patients was 67 (18-180) months. Twenty-four patients were treated with at least one antiviral in their follow-up, and only 2 (3.1%) of these patients developed HBeAg seroconversion without antiviral treatment. HBeAg (+) chronic hepatitis B developed in 4 of the patients after the immune-active period. None of the patients and first-degree relatives had hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Conclusion: The rationality of antiviral treatment and HCC development risk in these patients still remains elusive

    Van İli Çevresi Kabuk Deformasyon Analizi ve Deprem Tehlike Değerlendirmesi

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    Van ili ve çevresi, bölgesinde var olan güçlü tektonik hareketler ve deformasyonların etkisi altındadır. Bu deformasyonların esas kaynağını Arabistan levhasının Anadolu levhasına göre göreceli kuzey ve kuzey batı yönlü hareketi oluşturur. Bu bağıl hareket sonucunda Bitlis Zagros Kenet Kuşağı, Doğu Anadolu ve Kuzey Anadolu Fay sistemleri bölgenin depremselliğinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bölgede var olan gerilme analizlerinin belirlenmesi, Van ili ve çevresinde oluşacak deprem tehlikesini daha net ortaya çıkaracaktır. Bu bağlamda bölgede var olan GPS verileri ve Global CMT kataloğundan elde edilen depremsellik verileri kullanılarak çalışma alanında deformasyon oranı tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre çalışma alanında 40 n gerinim/yıl deformasyon alanı elde edilmiş, bölgesel gerilim içerisindeki bu küçük KB-GD sıkışma bileşeninin, 2011 Van depreminde olduğu gibi deprem mekanizmasında beklenenden daha büyük bir rol oynayabileceği saptanmıştır. Bölgede hâkim olan dilatasyon mekanizması incelendiğinde ise; Van ili ve çevresinde 25 n gerinim/yıl olan kesme bileşeni Karlıova bölgesine yaklaşıldıkça 170 n gerinim/yıl mertebesine erişmektedir. 2003 yılında bu bölgede meydana gelen Mw 6.4 Bingöl depreminin sağ yanal bir yapıda olması, Kuzey Anadolu Fay mekanizmasının Van ili civarına kadar uzanabileceğini işaret etmektedir. Bu alanda meydana gelebilecek büyük ölçekte deprem, Van Ovası’nda yerel zemin koşullarına bağlı olarak, yerleşim yerlerinde potansiyel tehlike oluşturabileceği ön görülmektedir

    Emphysematous pyelonephritis with left renal vein thrombosis-case report successfully treated by conservative methods

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    Presently emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare but life-threatening disease, mostly seen in patients with urinary tract obstr uc- tion and diabetes mellitus. It is characterized by the production of gas and necrosis in the renal parenchyma, collecting systems, and perinephritic tissue. Radiologically, the Huang and Tseng classification is used to categorize the severity of the disease. Our case was 49 years old female pre- senting with unconsciousness, fever and bilateral Grade 3 lower extremity eodema one week after left percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedure because of urinary tract stone. Abdominal computerized tomography scan showed renal parenchymal and perinephritic tissue necrosis with the production of gas and renal vein thrombosis which was in accordance with Huang and Tseng classification Grade 3A. We treated our patient with the appropriate antibiotic, enoxaparin sodium, strict glycemic control, and supportive treatment without any surgical intervention or nephrectomy

    Comparison of posterior cranial fossa morphometric measurements in Chiari type I patients with and without syrinx cavity on magnetic resonance imaging

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    Purpose: To compare the posterior fossa measurements of Chiari type I malformation (CHM1) patients with and without syrinx and with a control group. Material and methods: The patients with syrinx were divided into 2 groupd according to syrinx width/cord width (S/C) ratios: group 1 – S/C ratio 50%. The length of the clivus, the AP length of the foramen magnum, the AP length of the posterior fossa, the perpendicular distance between the McRae line and (a) the splenium of corpus callosum, (b) the pons, and (c) the fastigium of the 160 patients and of the 160 control patients were statistically compared. In addition, the measurements of the patients with and without syrinx, according to the S/C ratio, were statistically compared. Results: Syrinx was present in 59 (36.8 %) of the 160 patients. The S/C ratio was 50% in 29 (49.1%) of them. All the measurements in the patient group, except of the AP length of the foramen magnum, were statistically significantly lower than in the control group (p = 0.001). There was no signif icant difference in the measurements of the patients with syrinx group 1 and the patients without syrinx, but the AP length of posterior fossa was statistically significantly lower in the patients with syrinx group 2 than the patients without syrinx (p = 0.03). Conclusion: The S/C ratio can be a guide to the underlying aetiology

    Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezi’nden hizmet alan bir şizofrenili olguda bütüncül yaklaşımın hastalığın gidişine etkisi

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    Şizofrenide ilaç tedavileri, belirtilerin denetim altına alınmasında büyük ölçüde yardımcı olmakla birlikte toplumsal ve mesleki işlevsellik, yaşam kalitesi gibi alanlarda sınırlı etkiye sahiptir. Bu yüzden güncel yaklaşım bir çok alanda sorun ve yetersizliğe yol açan bu hastalığın tedavisinde, ilaca ek olarak psikososyal girişimlerin de kullanılması yönündedir. Bu makalede ülkemizde kurumsallaşmakta olan Toplum Temelli Ruh Sağlığı Sistemi çerçevesinde hizmet veren Bakırköy Toplum Ruh Sağlığı Merkezi’nden (TRSM) yararlanan bir şizofreni hastasının tedavi süreci anlatılmıştı