6 research outputs found

    Fabrication of Active Polymer Optical Fibers by Solution Doping and Their Characterization

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    This paper employs the solution-doping technique for the fabrication of active polymer optical fibers (POFs), in which the dopant molecules are directly incorporated into the core of non-doped uncladded fibers. Firstly, we characterize the insertion of a solution of rhodamine B and methanol into the core of the fiber samples at different temperatures, and we show that better optical characteristics, especially in the attenuation coefficient, are achieved at lower temperatures. Moreover, we also analyze the dependence of the emission features of doped fibers on both the propagation distance and the excitation time. Some of these features and the corresponding ones reported in the literature for typical active POFs doped with the same dopant are quantitatively similar among them. This applies to the spectral location of the absorption and the emission bands, the spectral displacement with propagation distance, and the linear attenuation coefficient. The samples prepared in the way described in this work present higher photostability than typical samples reported in the literature, which are prepared in different ways.This research was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R) and by Eusko Jaurlaritza (ELKARTEK KK-2016/0030, ELKARTEK KK-2016/0059, ELKARTEK KK-2017/00033, ELKARTEK KK-2017/00089, IT933-16). The work of Mikel Azkune was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Vicerrectorado de Euskera y Formacion Continua, while working on a Ph.D. degree

    Characterization of Chromatic Dispersion and Refractive Index of Polymer Optical Fibers

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    The chromatic dispersion and the refractive index of poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer optical fibers (POFs) have been characterized in this work by using a tunable femtosecond laser and a Streak Camera. The characterization technique is based on the measurement of the time delays of light pulses propagating along POFs at different wavelengths. Polymer fibers of three different lengths made by two manufacturers have been employed for that purpose, and discrepancies lower than 3% have been obtained in all cases.This work has been funded in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R, and by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT933-16 and ELKARTEK (KK-2016/0030, KK-2017/00033, KK-2017/00089 and KK-2016/0059). The work of Mikel Azkune was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Vicerrectorado de Euskera y Formacion Continua, while working on a Ph.D. degree

    Optical Tip Clearance Measurements as a Tool for Rotating Disk Characterization

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    An experimental investigation on the vibrational behavior of a rotating disk by means of three optical fiber sensors is presented. The disk, which is a scale model of the real disk of an aircraft engine, was assembled in a wind tunnel in order to simulate real operation conditions. The pressure difference between the upstream and downstream sides of the disk causes an airflow that might force the disk to vibrate. To characterize this vibration, a set of parameters was determined by measuring the tip clearance of the disk: the amplitude, the frequency and the number of nodal diameters in the disk. All this information allowed the design of an upgraded prototype of the disk, whose performance was also characterized by the same method. An optical system was employed for the measurements, in combination with a strain gauge mounted on the disk surface, which served to confirm the results obtained. The data of the strain gauge coincided closely with those provided by the optical fiber sensors, thus demonstrating the suitability of this innovative technique to evaluate the vibrational behavior of rotating disks.This work has been funded in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R; by the Gobierno Vasco/ Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT933-16 and ELKARTEK (KK-2016/0030 and KK-2016/0059) and by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU under program UFI11/16

    Optical Characterization of Doped Thermoplastic and Thermosetting Polymer-Optical-Fibers

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    The emission properties of a graded-index thermoplastic polymer optical fiber and a step-index thermosetting one, both doped with rhodamine 6G, have been studied. The work includes a detailed analysis of the amplified spontaneous emission together with a study of the optical gains and losses of the fibers. The photostability of the emission of both types of fibers has also been investigated. Comparisons between the results of both doped polymer optical fibers are presented and discussed.This work has been funded in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R; by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT933-16 and ELKARTEK (KK-2016/0030 and KK-2016/0059); by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU under program UFI11/16; and by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science through the Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST Program), initiated by the Council for Science and Technology. The work carried out by I. Parola has been funded by a research grant given by the Departamento de Educacion, Politica Linguistica y Cultura del Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza for her PhD thesis. We also thank Stela Diamant and Oleg Palchik, from the company Intellisiv Ltd, for providing the thermosetting samples

    Polymer-Optical-Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers Doped with Organic Dyes

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    Polymer optical fibers (POFs) doped with organic dyes can be used to make efficient lasers and amplifiers due to the high gains achievable in short distances. This paper analyzes the peculiarities of light amplification in POFs through some experimental data and a computational model capable of carrying out both power and spectral analyses. We investigate the emission spectral shifts and widths and on the optimum signal wavelength and pump power as functions of the fiber length, the fiber numerical aperture and the radial distribution of the dopant. Analyses for both step-index and graded-index POFs have been done.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under projects TEC2009-14718-C03-01 and COBOR, by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects GIC07/156-IT-343-07, AIRHEM, S-PR10UN04, and S-PE10CA01, and by the Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia/Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia under project 06-12-TK-2010-0022. The research leading to these results has also received funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under grant agreement no. 212912 (AISHA II). I. Ayesta has a research fellowship from Vicerrectorado de Euskara y Plurilinguismo, Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), while working on his PhD