1,435 research outputs found

    Spin-wave spectrum of a two-dimensional itinerant electron system: Analytic results for the incommensurate spiral phase in the strong-coupling limit

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    We study the zero-temperature spin fluctuations of a two-dimensional itinerant-electron system with an incommensurate magnetic ground state described by a single-band Hubbard Hamiltonian. We introduce the (broken-symmetry) magnetic phase at the mean-field (Hartree-Fock) level through a \emph{spiral spin configuration} with characteristic wave vector \gmathbf{Q} different in general from the antiferromagnetic wave vector \gmathbf{Q_{AF}}, and consider spin fluctuations over and above it within the electronic random-phase (RPA) approximation. We obtain a \emph{closed} system of equations for the generalized wave vector and frequency dependent susceptibilities, which are equivalent to the ones reported recently by Brenig. We obtain, in addition, analytic results for the spin-wave dispersion relation in the strong-coupling limit of the Hubbard Hamiltonian and find that at finite doping the spin-wave dispersion relation has a \emph{hybrid form} between that associated with the (localized) Heisenberg model and that associated with the (long-range) RKKY exchange interaction. We also find an instability of the spin-wave spectrum in a finite region about the center of the Brillouin zone, which signals a physical instability toward a different spin- or, possibly, charge-ordered phase, as, for example, the stripe structures observed in the high-Tc materials. We expect, however, on physical grounds that for wave vectors external to this region the spin-wave spectrum that we have determined should survive consideration of more sophisticated mean-field solutions.Comment: 30 pages, 4 eps figure

    On the correct continuum limit of the functional-integral representation for the four-slave-boson approach to the Hubbard model: Paramagnetic phase

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    The Hubbard model with finite on-site repulsion U is studied via the functional-integral formulation of the four-slave-boson approach by Kotliar and Ruckenstein. It is shown that a correct treatment of the continuum imaginary time limit (which is required by the very definition of the functional integral) modifies the free energy when fluctuation (1/N) corrections beyond mean-field are considered. Our analysis requires us to suitably interpret the Kotliar and Ruckenstein choice for the bosonic hopping operator and to abandon the commonly used normal-ordering prescription, in order to obtain meaningful fluctuation corrections. In this way we recover the exact solution at U=0 not only at the mean-field level but also at the next order in 1/N. In addition, we consider alternative choices for the bosonic hopping operator and test them numerically for a simple two-site model for which the exact solution is readily available for any U. We also discuss how the 1/N expansion can be formally generalized to the four-slave-boson approach, and provide a simplified prescription to obtain the additional terms in the free energy which result at the order 1/N from the correct continuum limit.Comment: Changes: Printing problems (due to non-standard macros) have been removed, 44 page

    Leaf apoplastic proteome composition in UV-B treated Arabidopsis thaliana mutants impaired in extracellular glutathione degradation

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    AbstractIn plants, environmental perturbations often result in oxidative reactions in the apoplastic space, which are counteracted for by enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidative systems, including ascorbate and glutathione. However, the occurrence of the latter and its exact role in the extracellular space are not well documented. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the gamma-glutamyl transferase isoform GGT1 bound to the cell wall takes part in the so-called gamma-glutamyl cycle for extracellular glutathione degradation and recovery, and may be implicated in redox sensing and balance.In this work, oxidative conditions were imposed with UV-B radiation and studied in redox altered ggt1 mutants. Elevated UV-B has detrimental effects on plant metabolism, plasma membranes representing a major target for ROS generated by this harmful radiation. The response of ggt1 knockout Arabidopsis leaves to UV-B radiation was assessed by investigating changes in apoplastic protein composition.We then compared the expression changes resulting from the mutation and from the UV-B treatment. Rearrangements occurring in apoplastic protein composition suggest the involvement of hydrogen peroxide, which may ultimately act as a signal. Other important changes related to hormonal effects, cell wall remodeling, and redox activities are also reported. We argue that oxidative stress conditions imposed by UV-B and by disruption of the gamma-glutamyl cycle result in similar stress-induced responses, to some degree at least. Data shown here are associated with the article from Trentin et al. (2015) [1]; protein data have been deposited to the PRIDE database (Vizcaíno et al., 2014) [2] with identifier http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD001807

    Weak phase separation and the pseudogap in the electron-doped cuprates

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    We study the quantum transition from an antiferromagnet to a superconductor in a model for electron- and hole-doped cuprates by means of a variational cluster perturbation theory approach. In both cases, our results suggest a tendency towards phase separation between a mixed antiferromagnetic-superconducting phase at low doping and a pure superconducting phase at larger doping. However, in the electron-doped case the energy scale for phase separation is an order of magnitude smaller than for hole doping. We argue that this can explain the different pseudogap and superconducting transition scales in hole- and electron-doped materials.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Renormalized SO(5) symmetry in ladders with next-nearest-neighbor hopping

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    We study the occurrence of SO(5) symmetry in the low-energy sector of two-chain Hubbard-like systems by analyzing the flow of the running couplings (gg-ology) under renormalization group in the weak-interaction limit. It is shown that SO(5) is asymptotically restored for low energies for rather general parameters of the bare Hamiltonian. This holds also with inclusion of a next-nearest-neighbor hopping which explicitly breaks particle-hole symmetry provided one accounts for a different single-particle weight for the quasiparticles of the two bands of the system. The physical significance of this renormalized SO(5) symmetry is discussed.Comment: Final version: to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., sched. Mar. 9

    Static overscreening and nonlinear response in the Hubbard Model

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    We investigate the static charge response for the Hubbard model. Using the Slave-Boson method in the saddle-point approximation we calculate the charge susceptibility. We find that RPA works quite well close to half-filling, breaking, of course, down close to the Mott transition. Away from half filling RPA is much less reliable: Already for very small values of the Hubbard interaction U, the linear response becomes much more efficient than RPA, eventually leading to overscreening already beyond quite moderate values of U. To understand this behavior we give a simple argument, which implies that the response to an external perturbation at large U should actually be strongly non-linear. This prediction is confirmed by the results of exact diagonalization.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, RevTe

    Phase diagram and single-particle spectrum of CuO2_2 layers within a variational cluster approach to the 3-band Hubbard model

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    We carry out a detailed numerical study of the three-band Hubbard model in the underdoped region both in the hole- as well as in the electron-doped case by means of the variational cluster approach. Both the phase diagram and the low-energy single-particle spectrum are very similar to recent results for the single-band Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor hoppings. In particular, we obtain a mixed antiferromagnetic+superconducting phase at low doping with a first-order transition to a pure superconducting phase accompanied by phase separation. In the single-particle spectrum a clear Zhang-Rice singlet band with an incoherent and a coherent part can be seen, in which holes enter upon doping around (Ď€/2,Ď€/2)(\pi/2,\pi/2). The latter is very similar to the coherent quasi-particle band crossing the Fermi surface in the single-band model. Doped electrons go instead into the upper Hubbard band, first filling the regions of the Brillouin zone around (Ď€,0)(\pi,0). This fact can be related to the enhanced robustness of the antiferromagnetic phase as a function of electron doping compared to hole doping.Comment: 14 pages, 15 eps figure
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