1,573 research outputs found

    A topological spin glass in diluted spin ice

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    It is a salient experimental fact that a large fraction of candidate spin liquid materials freeze as the temperature is lowered. The question naturally arises whether such freezing is intrinsic to the spin liquid ("disorder-free glassiness") or extrinsic, in the sense that a topological phase simply coexists with standard freezing of impurities. Here, we demonstrate a surprising third alternative, namely that freezing and topological liquidity are inseparably linked. The topological phase reacts to the introduction of disorder by generating degrees of freedom of a new type (along with interactions between them), which in turn undergo a freezing transition while the topological phase supporting them remains intact.Comment: 4 pages + supplementary materia

    Extinction window of mean field branching annihilating random walk

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    We study a model of growing population that competes for resources. At each time step, all existing particles reproduce and the offspring randomly move to neighboring sites. Then at any site with more than one offspring, the particles are annihilated. This is a nonmonotone model, which makes the analysis more difficult. We consider the extinction window of this model in the finite mean-field case, where there are nn sites but movement is allowed to any site (the complete graph). We show that although the system survives for exponential time, the extinction window is logarithmic.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AAP1069 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On reverse hypercontractivity

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    We study the notion of reverse hypercontractivity. We show that reverse hypercontractive inequalities are implied by standard hypercontractive inequalities as well as by the modified log-Sobolev inequality. Our proof is based on a new comparison lemma for Dirichlet forms and an extension of the Strook-Varapolos inequality. A consequence of our analysis is that {\em all} simple operators L=Id-\E as well as their tensors satisfy uniform reverse hypercontractive inequalities. That is, for all q<p<1q<p<1 and every positive valued function ff for tβ‰₯log⁑1βˆ’q1βˆ’pt \geq \log \frac{1-q}{1-p} we have βˆ₯eβˆ’tLfβˆ₯qβ‰₯βˆ₯fβˆ₯p\| e^{-tL}f\|_{q} \geq \| f\|_{p}. This should be contrasted with the case of hypercontractive inequalities for simple operators where tt is known to depend not only on pp and qq but also on the underlying space. The new reverse hypercontractive inequalities established here imply new mixing and isoperimetric results for short random walks in product spaces, for certain card-shufflings, for Glauber dynamics in high-temperatures spin systems as well as for queueing processes. The inequalities further imply a quantitative Arrow impossibility theorem for general product distributions and inverse polynomial bounds in the number of players for the non-interactive correlation distillation problem with mm-sided dice.Comment: Final revision. Incorporates referee's comments. The proof of appendix B has been corrected. A shorter version of this article will appear in GAF
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