28 research outputs found

    Observaciones sobre la biología de Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn., Taladro del maíz, en las Vegas del Guadiana (Badajoz)

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    Eficacia de los inhibidores de quitina diflubenzurón y flufenoxurón sobre larvas de "langosta mediterránea", Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunb.), en pleno campo

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    El "ácaro de la roña" (Brevipalpus lewisi McGregor), nuevo parásito de la vid en España: invernación, colonización de las cepas y prospección en la comarca de Guareña (Badajoz)

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    Recent studies have noted that warfare has declined markedly in recent years. This reduction in global conflict has prompted a curious wave of in-fighting within the liberal school of international relations, where scholars are debating the causes of this new peace. While democratic peace theory enjoyed a general consensus during the 1980s and 1990s, some have recently suggested that the attenuation of violence is attributable to the spread of capitalism. This debate has important policy implications, as it could suggest whether fostering economic growth or democracy would be most constructive in promoting peace. Drawing from recent contributions to this discussion, we reconstruct the story of the broader liberal peace, tracing the substantive results obtained over the past three decades, highlighting the problems plaguing each type of peace (Kantian, democratic, commercial, and capitalist), and addressing the questions that remain open in the field

    Avivamiento de los huevos de invierno de la "Araña Roja de los Frutales", Panonychus ulmi Koch, en las Vegas del Guadiana (Badajoz), 1970-78.

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    Eficacia de dos insecticidas fosforados orgánicos y dos piretroides contra polilla del racimo (Lobesia botrana Den. y Schiff.) y efecto secundario

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    Eficacia y persistencia de dos inhibidores de quitina y malatión sobre poblaciones larvarias de langosta mediterránea, Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunb.), en pleno campo

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    Propiedades físicas de algunos suelos de la sabana de Tuquerres, Nariño, Colombia

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    This study was carried out in soils from Tuquerres Plateau, SW, of Colombia, Department of Nariño, with the purpose of determining these physical parameters; texture, bulk and real density, porosity, stability of aggregates, plasticity and moisture retention.The studied soils show a loamy texture and a relatively low stability of aggregates. Bulk density values are very high and those from porosity and moisture retention were relatively low, compared with those from typical andosols. About a 50% of the soils showed definite plastic characteristics. In general, their physical characteristics are good, excepting their low stability, which allows one to suggest a careful soil management to avoid any degradation.En suelos de la Sabana de Túquerres, situada al Suroccidente de la República de Colombia, en el Departamento de Nariño; se deter­minaron los siguientes parámetros físicos: textura, densidad aparente y real, porosidad, estabilidad de los agregados al agua, plasticidad y retención de humedad. Los suelos estudiados presentan una textura mediana y estabili­dad de agregados relativamente baja. Los valores de densidad apa­rente son muy altos y los de porosidad y retención de humedad rela­tivamente bajos, en comparación a los presentados para andosoles típicos. Un 50% de los suelos mostraron características decididamente plásticas. En general, las condiciones físicas son buenas, exceptuando su escasa estabilidad, lo cual hace sugerir un manejo cuidadoso para evitar su deterioro.