5 research outputs found

    Arsip Audio Visual Karya Kurator Mikke Susanto Dalam Pameran Tunggal Handrio: “Teguh Belum Berlalu” Di Art Moment Jakarta 2022

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    Setiap orang mempunyai caranya masing-masing dalam mengelola dan mengolah sebuah arsip. Tugas akhir ini membuat arsip seorang kurator Mikke Susanto dengan media audio visual yang berbentuk film dokumenter. Tujuan dari penciptaan ini membuat arsip audio visual Mikke Susanto sebagai bahan pembelajaran dan pengetahuan bagi kurator baru terkait proses kerja kurator dengan cakupan internasional. Penciptaan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan analisis naratif. Menampilkan secara rinci, naratif, dan kronologis dari kerja kuratorial dalam pembuatan pameran tunggal Handriodi Art Moment Jakarta 2022. Proses pembuatan film ini melalui 3 tahapan yaitu pra-produksi, produksi, dan pasca produksi. Setelah pembuatan film lalu dilakukanlah tahapan distribusi dan pengarsipan

    Pemilihan Rute Perjalanan Wisata Kota Bandung Menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall

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    Dengan berkembang pesat informasi dan teknologi, pariwisata kota Bandung mengalami peningkatan. Namun, wisatawan yang mengunjungi kota Bandung memiliki masalah dalam keterbatasan waktu saat berkunjung ke tempat-tempat wisata Bandung. Kemacetan lalu lintas, jarak dan jumlah tempat wisata yang dituju menjadi masalah wisatawan dalam perjalanan wisata. Pemilihan rute yang optimal menjadi solusi dalam masalah tersebut. Data kemacetan dan jarak diproses dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). Pemilihan rute menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall. Dalam penelitian ini, pemilihan rute terbaik mendapat bobot terkecil dengan nilai 5,127 dari proses Algoritma. Berdasarkan pengujian, dengan dua sampai lima tempat wisata mendapatkan waktu komputasi rata-rata dari 3 sampai 5 detik. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi rute optimal kepada wisatawan dalam pemilihan rute perjalanan wisata

    Selection of Bandung City Travel Route Using The FLOYD-WARSHALL Algorithm

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    The rapid development of information and technology, the city of Bandung tourism has also increased. However, tourists who visit the city of Bandung have problems in a limited time when visiting Bandung tourist attractions. Traffic congestion, distance and the number of tourist destinations to be a problem in tourists travel. The optimal route selection is the solution to the problem. Congestion and distance data are processed using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. Route selection uses the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm. In this study, the selection of the best route gets the smallest weight with a value of 5.127 from the Algorithm process. Based on testing, from two to five tourist attractions get an average calculation time of 3 to 5 seconds. This application is expected to provide optimal solutions for tourists in the selection of tourist travel routes

    Tinjauan Yuridis Tanggung Jawab Hukum Dalam Perjanjian Pembiayaan Konsumen Dengan Jaminan Fidusia (Studi Di Armada Finance Jepara)

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    The purpose of consumer financing is to help the community or lower middle class entrepreneurs who experience capital difficulties by financing them to procure goods according to their needs through consumer financing agreements with guarantees and conditions determined by Fleet Finance Jepara. In providing financing funds, Armada Finance Jepara asks for fiduciary guarantees to secure its financing funds to avoid losses if the debtor does not fulfill its obligations. What is expected in this agreement is that the debtor can fully carry out his obligations smoothly, but what happens in the field does not always run smoothly as expected. There are times when the debtor does not fulfill the obligations according to the mutual agreement. This study aims to determine the form and content of consumer financing agreements with fiduciary guarantees between debtors and Aramada Finance Jepara, as well as legal responsibility if the debtor defaults in consumer financing agreements with fiduciary guarantees. The method used in this research is normative juridical which is descriptive by using primary and secondary legal material data sources using library research data collection techniques. The form and content of the consumer financing agreement with fiduciary guarantees at Armada Finance Jepara is a written agreement, the type of which is a deed under the hand and is in the form of a standard agreement with terms and conditions that have been determined unilaterally by Armada Finance Jepara, the contents of which are in accordance with statutory provisions. Regarding the debtor in default, the creditor has the right to take all necessary legal actions to settle all obligations that must be paid by the debtor, including the execution of the object of collateral that has been burdened with fiduciary guarantees


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    The information system for providing donations at the Al-Ruhamaa' Bogor Yatim Center Foundation is still not computerized, through donors coming to the location directly or through bank services, then confirmed via social media such as WhatsApp, and receiving proof of donation in the form of a receipt. The management of the Al-Ruhamaa' Bogor Yatim Center Foundation stills using Microsoft Excel to prepare donation reports. Based on the existing problems, it is necessary to develop an information system for distributing donations that can facilitate the management and the donors of the Al-Ruhamaa' Bogor Yatim Center Foundation. The system will be developed using one of the techniques commonly used in software development is called the prototyping model. the prototyping model is a technique to collect certain information about the user's information needs quickly which focuses on aspects of the software to be presented that will be visible to the customer or user. After the system is implemented, it is found that by using this Information System, the donation transaction process becomes more efficient. Calculation of the number of donations collected can be done automatically and accurately. In terms of reporting, the system can be present donation reports automatically and is ready to print whenever needed. Data storage for documentation of activities carried out by the foundation also saves space because the information can be accessed anytime and anywhere