35 research outputs found

    Volume 7, Number 13 June 2015 ISSN 2085-4021

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    Analysis of Legislation onSecurity and SafetyVisitor AttractionsFransisca Ully Marshinta ....................................................................................................... 1-7 Approaches to Teaching  Literature in the EFL Classroom Welly Ardiansyah ................................................................................................................. 8-17                                                   Attitude and Motivation and Its Impact on English AchievementHarpiansi.............................................................................................................................. 18-24  The Importance of Possessing Grammar Skills As a Basic Foundation of Developing English CompetenceMoehamad Ridhwan and Eriza ........................................................................................................... 25-33 The Influence of Reader-Generated Questions And Reading Attitude toward Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement of The Eleventh Graders of SMA PGRI 2 of PalembangM. Azhar ............................................................................................................................... 34-41

    A Study of Student’s Perceptions towards Online Distance Learning during Lockdown Period of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Ensuring the quality of online distance learning in institutions of higher education has been a growing concern during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted on students’ perceptions toward the quality of online distance learning and utilized qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate the perceptions of students. To collect the data, the researchers used a modified questionnaire. Survey analysis was carried out. A total of 570 students from two study programs, Public Sector Accounting and Business Administration at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, were asked to answer a questionnaire. The findings of this research revealed that majority of students considered the use of online distance learning in English teaching and learning is effective and efficient in terms of time. The online distance learning is the best choice to keep students away from the COVID-19 pandemic spread. The findings can be used by any lecturers to understand students’ perceptions regarding online distance learning, and ultimately improve their online distance learning instructional practices

    Social Constructivism-Based Reading Comprehension Teaching Design

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    Abstract: This study aimed to investigate students’ reading comprehension achievement, vocabulary mastery, and social values among students. The methodology was Research & Development (R&D). There were six classes involved in the research and grouped into three high classes and three low classes based on the reading comprehension and vocabulary placement test results. All classes were taught with the social constructivism-based reading comprehension teaching design in the phase of large fild testing in the academic year 2016/2017 with total number of 148 students; 72 in the high class and 76 the low students. To collect the data, tests of reading comprehension and vocabulary were used. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to the normality of data distribution. The fidings from the paired-sample t-tests showed signifiant diffrences revealing the effctiveness of the social constructivism-based reading comprehension teaching design. The article concludes with implications for pedagogy.Keywords: reading comprehension achievement, vocabulary mastery, social constructivismAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prestasi pemahaman membaca siswa, penguasaan kosakata, dan nilai-nilai sosial siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research & Development (R&D). Terdapat enam kelas yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini dan dikelompokkan menjadi tiga kelas atas dan tiga kelas rendah berdasarkan hasil tes pemahaman membaca dan tes penempatan kosa kata. Semua kelas diajar dengan desain pembelajaran pemahaman membaca berbasis konstruktivisme sosial pada tahap uji coba lapangan besar pada tahun ajaran 2016/2017 dengan jumlah 148 siswa; 72 di kelas tinggi dan 76 di kelas rendah. Untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan tes pemahaman membaca dan kosakata. Uji Shapiro-Wilk digunakan untuk mengetahui normalitas sebaran data. Temuan dari uji-t berpasangan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifian yang menunjukkan keefektifan desain pengajaran pemahaman membaca berbasis konstruktivisme sosial. Artikel ini memberikan kesimpulan dengan implikasi pedagogi.Kata-kata kunci: prestasi pemahaman membaca, penguasaan kosakata, konstruktivisme sosia

    Constructivism and Its Perspectives Related to Teaching And Learning Process In The Classroom : A Conceptual Framework

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    Constructivism is a view that emphasizes the active role of students in building understanding and making sense of the information. The constructivist teaching is learner centered where students are actively involved in knowledge construction rather than mere passive listeners. Constructivists‟ views can be organized in two forms: psychological and social. In constructivists‟ view such as Piaget, students construct knowledge by transforming, organizing, reorganizing previous knowledge whereas in social constructivists‟ view such as Vygotsky, opportunities are provided to students to learn through social interaction in construction of knowledge and understanding. The paper is an attempt toexamine constructivist teaching and learning by providing in-depth analysis of features of constructivist theory and its two forms (psychological and social) and the organization of a constructivist classroom


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    The demand for and supply of Islamic hospitality services has been affected positively by the increasing number of Islamic followers globally and positive tourism trends. This study is discussing on   Syariah Compliant hotel concept and practices, the outline of operations, design and finance system. Therefore the hotel management must try to address the need to enhance the development of Islamic Tourism   through the improvement of its current tourism infrastructure, focusing on the establishment of Syariah-Compliant Hotel using a conceptual framework developed specifically to expose the factors required for any Muslim country to be successful in today’s highly competitive hospitality market


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    A language requires some certain ways of putting their words together to get some ideas across. These words have some relationship and bond that may escape the attentions of some EFL learners who rely merely upon grammatical skills and vocabulary to build sentences. It is true that grammatical structure connects all the words together to convey the meaning, but there is more to it than meet the eyes when ‘naturalness’ is also our concern. At times, the influence of one’s mother tongue over one’s diction in a foreign language is responsible for the production of unnatural expressions in that foreign language. Once this problem comes to surface, a better look at word pairing-habit in that foreign language should be a priority in which case collocations are the stars on the stage, worthy of our most attention


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    The purposes of the research were to investigate students’ reading comprehension achievement, differences of reading comprehension achievement between male and female students, and significance of group and gender effects to students’ reading comprehension achievements. The methodology used the quasi-experimental design of the pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. The research subject was students at the second semester Sriwijaya State Polytechnic, at the public sector accounting consisting of eighty students. To collect the data, the forty items of reading comprehension test in the form of multiple-choice were used. The validity and the reliability of the test used content validity and split-half method. The split-half method of the reliability coefficient of the test was 0.999, then the data were analyzed with t-test and multiple regression test. The results of the research indicates that applying the PORPE strategy could significantly improve students’ reading comprehension achievement in the experimental group compared with the control group (54.63-71.13 against 52.88-60.13), male students’ reading comprehension achievement was higher than female students’, and the sex and group had some significant effect on the acheievement


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    Abstract:  Listening Comprehension has been an obstacle for the students to learn English well. They have untold difficulties in understanding listening text. This paper tries to uncover this problem and the step stone to facilitate teachers finding solution to set the students free from their confinement. 56 students were the respondents of the questionnaire concerning about their listening difficulties. Their biggest responses were limited listening time allocation (10%-25% out of teaching time), failure in listening test (41 students), lack of practice listening at home (46 students), using the right learning media (50 students), No meta-cognitive strategy before listening (30 students), listening to word by word technique while listening (35 students), ignoring the difficult words during listening (29 students), speed of speech (38 students), unfamiliar topic (35 students), and long listening text (25). The conclusion is the awareness of listening comprehension difficulties resulted on identifying the problem. As their attitude toward learning was positive, they were able to apply the right strategy to help them reducing their listening problems


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    Penyuluhan pelatihan Pelatihan Penerapan Metode Pengajaran Total Physical                                                 Response (TPR)  bagi guru Bahasa Inggris Madrasah  Ibtidaiyah di Pondok Pesantren Al Amalul Khair Palembang bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada Guru Bahasa Inggris Madrasah  Ibtidaiyah di Pondok Pesantren Al Amalul Khair Palembang bagaimana melakukan penerapan metode pengajaran   Total Physical Response (TPR). Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menambah pengetahuan serta memberikan alternatif pilihan cara pengajaran bagi guru Bahasa Inggris Madrasah  Ibtidaiyah di Pondok Pesantren Al Amalul Khair Palembang. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh seluruh guru Bahasa Inggris Madrasah  Ibtidaiyah di Pondok Pesantren Al Amalul Khair Palembang.  Dalam penyuluhan, terjadi diskusi dan brain-storming yang menarik sehingga kegiatan penyuluhan ini sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Pada akhir kegiatan penyuluhan peserta telah memahami tata cara penerapan metode pengajaran Total Physical Response (TPR)


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    This research aims at investigating whether: (1) teaching reading comprehension using K-W-L influences students’ reading comprehension achievement and vocabulary mastery, (2) teaching reading comprehension with Reciprocal Teaching (RT) influences students’ reading comprehension achievement and vocabulary mastery, (3) the students having high reading comprehension achievement and vocabulary mastery will achieve better results when taught with K-W-L, and (4) the students having low reading comprehension achievement and vocabulary mastery will achieve better results when taught with Reciprocal Teaching, and (5) the students’ social values grow among students. Factorial design 2x2 was used in this research. The subjects were the second-semester students of Business Administration study program consisting of four classes of high and low. The first group was treated with K-W-L and the second group was treated with RT. The data were analyzed by using t-test. Based on the analyses, K-W-L and Reciprocal Teaching significantly affect students’ achievements on reading comprehension and vocabulary, but students' achievements on reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery taught by using RT are higher than those of the students taught by using K-W-L. Social values such as cooperative, responsible, respectful, and critical among students also grow